Twerp Rubio homophobic

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Marco Rubio: 'I'm Done' If Immigration Bill Includes LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made another threat on Thursday to walk away from his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, this time over an amendment to provide the same immigration benefits to LGBT couples as heterosexual ones.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Up to here with these holier than thou twerps telling us who they'll allow to have this right or that right. What next? No single mothers?
OTOH, maybe he's just another teepubber working undercover for the Dems.
I would not discriminate against gay people on the immigration bill. That is wrong. There are gay people seeking asylum here that are in restricted nations and if they are not granted asylum it will mean a death sentence for some of them. Rubio is wrong.

Marco Rubio: 'I'm Done' If Immigration Bill Includes LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made another threat on Thursday to walk away from his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, this time over an amendment to provide the same immigration benefits to LGBT couples as heterosexual ones.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Up to here with these holier than thou twerps telling us who they'll allow to have this right or that right. What next? No single mothers?

Do you live in Florida?
Rubio said that if they try to push in the gay couple amendment, the whole bill was dead so it wasn't something he intended to support. Although it is something that SHOULD be included. That will kill the whole thing. Include it and let the poison pill do its work.
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I would not discriminate against gay people on the immigration bill. That is wrong. There are gay people seeking asylum here that are in restricted nations and if they are not granted asylum it will mean a death sentence for some of them. Rubio is wrong.


Refugees and asylum seekers are a separate issue. Do you want to see an immigration bill of some sort passed?
Rs say they want the Latino vote but, just like the female vote, they go out of their way to harm them.


'cept, the pubs are the roaches.
I would not discriminate against gay people on the immigration bill. That is wrong. There are gay people seeking asylum here that are in restricted nations and if they are not granted asylum it will mean a death sentence for some of them. Rubio is wrong.


Refugees and asylum seekers are a separate issue. Do you want to see an immigration bill of some sort passed?

Of course I do and let me be clear: I don't care if they are coming as asylum seekers or refugees or regular folks. It doesn't matter. They should be treated like anyone else coming to America. Rubio is wrong.

I would not discriminate against gay people on the immigration bill. That is wrong. There are gay people seeking asylum here that are in restricted nations and if they are not granted asylum it will mean a death sentence for some of them. Rubio is wrong.


Refugees and asylum seekers are a separate issue. Do you want to see an immigration bill of some sort passed?

Of course I do and let me be clear: I don't care if they are coming as asylum seekers or refugees or regular folks. It doesn't matter. They should be treated like anyone else coming to America. Rubio is wrong.


Rubio opposes inclusion because he knows it will kill the whole bill.

I support inclusion because I know it will kill the whole bill.
Marco Rubio: 'I'm Done' If Immigration Bill Includes LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made another threat on Thursday to walk away from his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, this time over an amendment to provide the same immigration benefits to LGBT couples as heterosexual ones.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Up to here with these holier than thou twerps telling us who they'll allow to have this right or that right. What next? No single mothers?

Just because an individual doesn't feel that they can support this amendment does not make them a homophobe.

Check this out you l'l ol name caller you.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Won't Commit to Voting for Gay-Inclusive Immigration Amendments

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) won't commit to voting for gay amendments filed by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) if offered up for the immigration reform bill, the NYT reports:

Schumer“I would like very much to see it in the bill, but we have to have a bill that has support to get UAFA passed. That’s the conundrum. Because if there’s no bill, there’s no UAFA, either.”

He added: "Look, this one is something I worry about all the time. I’m a good sleeper, but I wake up in the morning thinking of these things, sometimes early in the morning.”

The paper adds:

Mr. Leahy’s amendments, if offered, promise to create a politically sticky situation for Democrats in the bipartisan group like Mr. Schumer, who personally support the measures but are hesitant to vote for anything they believe could hurt the broader bill.

Though Mr. Schumer is already facing pressure from gay rights groups, he declined to say how he might vote.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Won't Commit to Voting for Gay-Inclusive Immigration Amendments: VIDEO| Gay News | Towleroad
I would not discriminate against gay people on the immigration bill. That is wrong. There are gay people seeking asylum here that are in restricted nations and if they are not granted asylum it will mean a death sentence for some of them. Rubio is wrong.


Refugees and asylum seekers are a separate issue. Do you want to see an immigration bill of some sort passed?

Of course I do and let me be clear: I don't care if they are coming as asylum seekers or refugees or regular folks. It doesn't matter. They should be treated like anyone else coming to America. Rubio is wrong.


No, let ME be clear. If you really want a bill passed you will not bitch and moan about Republicans when democrats try to cram every special interest in there making it all but impossible for legislators who have to face their constituents to vote for the bill. Don't think for a minute that the democrats don't know what they are doing. They don't want a bill passed - they know that there are lots of people in their home states and districts who will be unhappy with whatever they might pass - they just want to set it up so they can vilify the Republicans during the next mid-term elections. That's all this is about. So they will stuff the bill with everything they KNOW will break the deal and at the same time refuse to consider any amendments from the other side. The scheme only works if the bill doesn't pass.

And there are separate laws and procedures regarding refugees and asylum seekers, so that wouldn't come into play here anyway. Homosexuals have been granted asylum in the US if they can demonstrate that they would be persecuted for their orientation in their home country since 1994.
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Rs say they want the Latino vote but, just like the female vote, they go out of their way to harm them.


'cept, the pubs are the roaches.

I think since the latinos have openly said they will never vote Republican the Republicans would actually be smart to defeat the amnesty bill. Vewy smart.
Refugees and asylum seekers are a separate issue. Do you want to see an immigration bill of some sort passed?

Of course I do and let me be clear: I don't care if they are coming as asylum seekers or refugees or regular folks. It doesn't matter. They should be treated like anyone else coming to America. Rubio is wrong.


No, let ME be clear. If you really want a bill passed you will not bitch and moan about Republicans when democrats try to cram every special interest in there making it all but impossible for legislators who have to face their constituents to vote for the bill. Don't think for a minute that the democrats don't know what they are doing. They don't want a bill passed - they know that there are lots of people in their home states and districts who will be unhappy with whatever they might pass - they just want to set it up so they can vilify the Republicans during the next mid-term elections. That's all this is about. So they will stuff the bill with everything they KNOW will break the deal and at the same time refuse to consider any amendments from the other side. The scheme only works if the bill doesn't pass.

And there are separate laws and procedures regarding refugees and asylum seekers, so that wouldn't come into play here anyway. Homosexuals have been granted asylum in the US if they can demonstrate that they would be persecuted for their orientation in their home country since 1994.

The information on the latter part of your post I was not aware of. As for my politics, I am conservative, Unkotare, but unlike you I am not willing to give Rubio a stamp of approval because he is a Republican. Now there are other issues I have with Rubio and Flanders has pointed out a few himself so we are not all going to agree here.

I do not approve of Rubio, John Boehner, McCain, Lyndsey Graham, and now Peter King....another one posturing over Snowden..... there's a bunch of them. I'm sorry if that offends you. But it is true. These men moved away from the mark of honesty and integrity. ( if they ever had any ) Not me. - Jeri
Where did I indicate that I was "offended" by your naïve and impractical point of view?
Marco Rubio: 'I'm Done' If Immigration Bill Includes LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made another threat on Thursday to walk away from his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, this time over an amendment to provide the same immigration benefits to LGBT couples as heterosexual ones.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Up to here with these holier than thou twerps telling us who they'll allow to have this right or that right. What next? No single mothers?

Interesting that the sissy left equates hairy scary fake babes with real women who happen to be single mothers but that's the way their minds work America is the freest most tolerant nation in the world but one thing the homos will never get even by force is total acceptance. The 1st Amendment gives me the right to laugh at hairy drag queens.
Marco Rubio: 'I'm Done' If Immigration Bill Includes LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made another threat on Thursday to walk away from his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, this time over an amendment to provide the same immigration benefits to LGBT couples as heterosexual ones.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Up to here with these holier than thou twerps telling us who they'll allow to have this right or that right. What next? No single mothers?

...he's Catholic. What do you expect?
I don't hate him for that. Do I think it's a bit narrow-minded? Yes. But everyone has flaws. At least he's not ashamed of what he feels, unlike, you know, half of congress.

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