Twitter still banning people for saying 2020 was rigged, yet this has never happened for questioning 2016….why is that?

We don't have to prove the 2020 election wasn't stolen anymore than we have to prove the 2012, 1988, 1976 or any other election wasn't stolen...

You are the morons who stormed the US capitol based on the bullshit belief that the 2020 election was stolen -- so it is on you to prove it....and you have failed....failed so badly that even your cult leader admits it was bullshit all along....
You're so lost, you don't even know what I was talking about in my post... :rolleyes: My post was concerning finding a 'tweet' that stated the 2020 election was fraudulent, it had nothing to do with the election itself, try paying attention before you post.

I didn't storm anything you idiot. The only cultists around here are you, and those like you, if you only had a brain. :dunno:
It has nothing to do with giving up, there's not a damn thing I can do to change any of it unfortunately. You must be young, keep the faith, I honestly hope I'm wrong.
Okay then stop voting and speaking out... why waste your time?....
Just do what McConnell does and let them walk all over you without a whimper being uttered.... or do what McCarthy does and fake getting angry and let Pelosi punk you every time.... then go on home and watch the carnage continue on TV....
While you do that myself and others will keep voting for outsiders and voting against establishment lifers... we will donate to America first candidates and will never stop trying to convince people how bad for America democrats are....
You're claiming it's false, but as usual, can't provide anything to refute it except bullshit.
What of the literally dozens of articles, 60+ court cases tossed, audits, recounts would you like me to quote. You'll just dismiss them as bullshit. Here's the problem with you card carrying members of Alt-Right Nation. When your "facts" are shown to be false, you just repeat them. Over and over again. Until in your mind, it becomes truth. Then you deal reverses, making your opponent prove their assertions. It don't work that way. :)

There was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Donald Trump lost. End of story. Move on.
I am not on Twitter, but someone try it.

Make 4 Tweets right in a row. 4 separate Tweets:

“The 2000 election was stolen.”
“The 2004 electon was stolen.”
“The 2016 electon was stolen.”
“The 2020 election was stolen.”

See what happens.

Any guesses?
You better. If you back Trump again in 2024, he's going to lose even bigger this time.
And you'll have wasted your chance of taking back the WH by not backing DeSantis (who is the only Republican with a chance).

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