Two BRITISH Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL (ISIS-Al Qaida) Terrorists Shot Down by Iraqi Army

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
I've been wondering just HOW Al Qaida/ISIS/ISIL has spread across the region so fast! Now we know!
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists Global Research

“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.
I've been wondering just HOW Al Qaida/ISIS/ISIL has spread across the region so fast! Now we know!
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists Global Research

“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.

Good for them , thanks for posting. I fear they are paid terrorists working for yours truly.
I just read up on Michel Chossudovsky, this needs to be in the nutcase (Conspiracy Theory) sub-forum......... Or the Rubber Room...... :lmao:
I've been wondering just HOW Al Qaida/ISIS/ISIL has spread across the region so fast! Now we know!
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists Global Research

“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists
al-Anbar province: numerous flights by US-led coalition planes airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.
By Fars News Agency
Any idea who the Fars News Agency is brainiac?
Makes one wonder why the Shiite Iranians are promoting the Sunni ISIS. That can not be good at all.
Yeah I know who FARS News is but Fox and MSNBC are too busy reporting about Tom Brady's balls.
If this report turns out to be true, then it is just one more reason to consider the UK to be a hostile enemy.
I just read up on Michel Chossudovsky, this needs to be in the nutcase (Conspiracy Theory) sub-forum......... Or the Rubber Room...... :lmao:
What better way to supply your enemy than by saying it was an "accident"?

U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop militants say - The Washington Post

Plenty of times throughout History BOTH sides of a War were supported by the same Leader/Country or Bank.
Obviously the "fog of war" means nothing to you, does it....... Hell, do you even know what it means?
No, you'd rather believe some far fetched loony tune idea that fits your current lack of anti-psychotics. :thup:
I just read up on Michel Chossudovsky, this needs to be in the nutcase (Conspiracy Theory) sub-forum......... Or the Rubber Room...... :lmao:
What better way to supply your enemy than by saying it was an "accident"?

U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop militants say - The Washington Post

Plenty of times throughout History BOTH sides of a War were supported by the same Leader/Country or Bank.
Obviously the "fog of war" means nothing to you, does it....... Hell, do you even know what it means?
No, you'd rather believe some far fetched loony tune idea that fits your current lack of anti-psychotics. :thup:
No, I saw "Fog of War" probably 5-6 years ago. McNamara admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened "as reported".

And now we have the Same Military Industrial Complex "accidentally on purpose" dropping resources to Al Qaida/ISIS/ISIL. We gonna' wait 20 years to have some retired assh*le finally admit what really went on or remain stupid?

Is it my turn to make a claim about your medications now?
I just read up on Michel Chossudovsky, this needs to be in the nutcase (Conspiracy Theory) sub-forum......... Or the Rubber Room...... :lmao:
What better way to supply your enemy than by saying it was an "accident"?

U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop militants say - The Washington Post

Plenty of times throughout History BOTH sides of a War were supported by the same Leader/Country or Bank.
Obviously the "fog of war" means nothing to you, does it....... Hell, do you even know what it means?
No, you'd rather believe some far fetched loony tune idea that fits your current lack of anti-psychotics. :thup:
No, I saw "Fog of War" probably 5-6 years ago. McNamara admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened "as reported".

And now we have the Same Military Industrial Complex "accidentally on purpose" dropping resources to Al Qaida/ISIS/ISIL. We gonna' wait 20 years to have some retired assh*le finally admit what really went on or remain stupid?

Is it my turn to make a claim about your medications now?
Oh my, one or two "incidents" and you feel that's enough evidence to make outlandish claims about the Military Industrial Complex........ You are nuts!! :lmao:
Not to mention you "saw" Fog of War? Is that some movie? You're joking right??!!! Hell have you ever been in a combat zone?
No dud (yeah, I spelled it right), if you're not on anti-psychotics you probably should be.
Ringel, like most Americans, is PETRIFIED that America and the Corporate interests that control it could be on the wrong side!

All that time spent cheer leading for the Military Industrial Complex wasted!

Hint: The Gov't lies and cheats more than the average NFL team!
The CIA hasn't gotten much right since WW2 and Barry Hussein ain't got a clue. The US destabilized Egypt and Syria and supported the muslem brotherhood revolution in Libya. Barry bragged about Yemen but that fell apart. It wouldn't be surprising if the CIA is doubling down on it's incredible failures in the Mid-East and supplying the freaking enemy in some convoluted plan to make friends with terrorists.

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