Two Clever Fellows


Sep 23, 2010
“Every non age-related difference … is contained in one half of 1 percent of our genetic makeup, but every one of us spends too much time on that half a percent,” Clinton said. “That makes us vulnerable to the fever, the sickness that the Nazis gave to the Germans. That sickness is very alive across the world today.”

Clinton: Nazi ‘Sickness Is Very Alive Across The World Today’
April 29, 2013 2:20 PM

Clinton: Nazi ?Sickness Is Very Alive Across The World Today? « CBS DC

Fascism was a reaction to communism. Today, there is not one fascist government in the world, while communism is the governing philosophy in a handful of countries; most notably COMMUNIST China, COMMUNIST North Korea, COMMUNIST Vietnam, and COMMUNIST Cuba. Had Clinton been honest he would have said totalitarianism is the sickness that plagues the world. He dared not say that because nobody can claim that that evil philosophy was invented in Germany. Of course, should Clinton ever tell the truth he would have to admit that diseased Democrats are infecting this country with age-old totalitarian government.

And if you want to talk sickness try this:

NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd says President Obama was making it “clear” at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner over the weekend how he feels about the rise of Internet news sites like Politico, Buzzfeed and … well, WND.

“He hates it.”

'Obama hates Internet news media'
NBC bigwig admits president's anger 'clear' at correspondents' dinner
Published: 2 days ago

?Obama hates Internet news media?

Hussein knows damn well the old media is an instrument of government. They don’t call it the fourth branch of government for nothing. Obviously, Hussein & Company would love the Internet if they controlled it. The fact is that he does not hate the Internet he hates freedom of speech.

From the day the First Amendment was ratified freedom of speech for average Americans was more honored in the breach than the observance until the Internet came along. In short: The government had no fear of soapbox orators and radicals of every stripe because their audiences were limited.

Also, freedom of speech in publishing was tightly controlled by the guys who owned the printing presses. You can bet that Hussein has no objections to garbage like Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. So you might just as well say Hussein hates technology because it is the Internet that made freedom of speech available to everyone. More importantly freedom of speech on the Internet reaches a widespread audience.

Bottom line: Hussein & Company would not shutdown the press even if they could, but they would shutdown Internet freedom speech in a heartbeat if they could do it without exposing their true agenda. Failing at shutting it down they will settle for censorship. See this article for details:

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
by Aaron Klein
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 AM

Obama czar proposed government ?infiltrate? social network sites

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