two days left ..

I say scrap it all! Just make sure the elderly and disabled can still be taken care of mostly. Sure there will be some horror stories. However, Obamacare took an already
bad situation that was 20 years+ in the making and managed to make it double-bad or worse within 2 years!

Yes, scores of government workers and insurance company workers will be out of jobs.

Need to get the government and government collusion with insurance companies out from in between doctor and patient.

Scrap the whole thing and allow insurance to be sold nationwide and anyone caught lobbying (bribing) a comptroller

faces jail time and a huge fine.

Let the insurance companies and big hospitals figure out how many administrators they actually need and whatnot.

you dont care if people lose jobs, lose their insurance, premium prices increase from $1700 to $14,600 just as long as Republicans are responsible ...

in a word ..


Doing what I suggest would make insurance premiums drop like a rock, healthcare prices, too.

It would be a buyer's market, as it should be.

exactly what you said you wanted was taking place BRFORE ACA went into effect, and premium prices were skyrocketing on a yearly basis, so you're dead wrong.



Insurance lobbyists have been bribing state comptrollers to allow them to increase premiums every year for 20+ years running.

Arrest and fine the bribers and bribetakers, and make insurance companies compete nationwide in open and fair markets with no government collusion, just anti-monopoly laws.

Imagine if your sweet little graphic had Obamacare in it. That's when it got double-crazy.

believe what you want, empirical data says you're wrong ...

statistics taken over years, or the opinion of some unqualified partisan dolt on a message board ...

gee, I'll need another nano second to ponder that one ...
DUH, better coverage costs more.

Some people don't need "better coverage".

All I need is health insurance. As in catastrophic care.

When I get the flu...I don't need insurance for that...I can cover that out of pocket...what I need is coverage for those things I can't cover out of pocket, like cancer treatment or open heart surgery...not strep throat. My old catastrophic care insurance was $155. It disappeared because it didn't conform to Obamacare coverage I did without ANY insurance, because it was financially stupid to pay for more than actual insurance against a catastrophic illness. My Obamacare insurance would have been over $700 a month. So, over the course of Obamacare, I spent what I would have had to spend anyway on health care, and I saved $25,200 over three years in premium costs for a plan that in retrospect I wouldn't have used anyway. My regular catastrophic care plan would have cost me five times less over the same period ($5,580) which I was willing to part with for peace of mind. $25,200 I was not willing to part with. And since the liberals, in their infinite wisdom, created no mechanism or punitive response for not paying the penalty...they will never receive it.

And that my friend is at least part of the reason why Obamacare failed.

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