TWO MILLION Leave Food Stamp Rolls in Trump’s First Year —

Its their money, do you want to raid their fridge too? ^^^ get this mooching deadbeat he's

What is money? MOney is the value of the labor that produces goods and services.

The one percent did not create 43 of the wealth. Working people did that.
update. I kept digging

Today, there are some 4.2 million nonelderly able-bodied adults without dependent children currently receiving food stamp benefits. Few are employed. The cost of benefits to this group is around $8.5 billion per year.

Wow. Huge drop there.

That STILL doesn't answer the question. Keep going downward. You'll get there eventually.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of public funds?

The answer requires a number. Nothing else.

4.2 million.

That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us
the kids on snap have adults that are supposed to be looking out for them.

welfare was, is and will always be the worst answer to a problem.

coddling adults, like they are children, means we end up coddling their kids when they are adults.

But here's the problem...

Most of you have no problem with what I like to call "White People Welfare"

i.e. Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

And we spend more on that then programs like TANF or SNAP.

The real problem here is that we need to hate on the poor, because we need to believe that we are better than people who just got a bad break in life.
the kids on snap have adults that are supposed to be looking out for them.

welfare was, is and will always be the worst answer to a problem.

coddling adults, like they are children, means we end up coddling their kids when they are adults.

But here's the problem...

Most of you have no problem with what I like to call "White People Welfare"

i.e. Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

And we spend more on that then programs like TANF or SNAP.

The real problem here is that we need to hate on the poor, because we need to believe that we are better than people who just got a bad break in life.
I love when you racists bring race into something that has nothing to do with race.

I really love it when you lie and claim SS, medicare, and UE are welfare.

It just proves, irrefutably that you know you're wrong, but you lack the basic maturity of a preteen, so you can't admit it.

welfare has done more harm to this country than anything else.
Its their money, do you want to raid their fridge too? ^^^ get this mooching deadbeat he's

What is money? MOney is the value of the labor that produces goods and services.

The one percent did not create 43 of the wealth. Working people did that.

Let me get this straight, you claim working people created this wealth. Awesome, then working people can create gobs of new wealth and they don't have to share it with the rich so hop to it. In a few years working people will have more wealth than the rich, fantastic, problem solved. :eusa_clap: I know but but this is you :290968001256257790-final:
update. I kept digging

Today, there are some 4.2 million nonelderly able-bodied adults without dependent children currently receiving food stamp benefits. Few are employed. The cost of benefits to this group is around $8.5 billion per year.

Wow. Huge drop there.

That STILL doesn't answer the question. Keep going downward. You'll get there eventually.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of public funds?

The answer requires a number. Nothing else.

4.2 million.

That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

update. I kept digging

Today, there are some 4.2 million nonelderly able-bodied adults without dependent children currently receiving food stamp benefits. Few are employed. The cost of benefits to this group is around $8.5 billion per year.

Wow. Huge drop there.

That STILL doesn't answer the question. Keep going downward. You'll get there eventually.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of public funds?

The answer requires a number. Nothing else.

4.2 million.

That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it
I really love it when you lie and claim SS, medicare, and UE are welfare.

Of course they are.

They are based on NEED, not on what you invested.

Unemployment, you get back everything you put into it for a year in about two weeks. That's not even enough time to get resumes out there.

Medicare, you get back everything you put in (about 1% of your Salary) with one major illness.

Social Security is a little trickier. You have to collect for 7 years to get back what you paid in.

welfare has done more harm to this country than anything else.

Uh, since no one is going to slit your throat tonight to feed his family, I would say it's doing you quite a lot of good.
Let me get this straight, you claim working people created this wealth. Awesome, then working people can create gobs of new wealth and they don't have to share it with the rich so hop to it.

Again, you mistake the plutocratic parasite for a vital organ.

The rest of the world doesn't have our uber rich. They pay their fair share in taxes and a CEO who makes 7 figures is a rarity. they do just fine.
You pay for it, liar.

As soon as you guys pay for all the Corporate Welfare and tax cuts to the rich...

Maybe we should make the 1040 elective. YOu still have to pay what you pay for, but ONLY programs that get checked off on Schedule F that I just made up get funded.

Not enough people checked, :"Subsidy for Big Agriculture"? Well, too bad. But it seem we have more than enough money to fund food stamps because only half the country are racist assholes.
I really love it when you lie and claim SS, medicare, and UE are welfare.

Of course they are.

They are based on NEED, not on what you invested.

Unemployment, you get back everything you put into it for a year in about two weeks. That's not even enough time to get resumes out there.

Medicare, you get back everything you put in (about 1% of your Salary) with one major illness.

Social Security is a little trickier. You have to collect for 7 years to get back what you paid in.

welfare has done more harm to this country than anything else.

Uh, since no one is going to slit your throat tonight to feed his family, I would say it's doing you quite a lot of good.

for all of it, including the claim that people were murdering each other to feed their families before welfare.
Wow. Huge drop there.

That STILL doesn't answer the question. Keep going downward. You'll get there eventually.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of public funds?

The answer requires a number. Nothing else.

4.2 million.

That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it

You don't like that feeling do ya? Having to rethink how the world works is rough shit. You just realized that poor people ain't lounging around all day eating your food and you are struggling. Your bogeyman is gone.
Let me get this straight, you claim working people created this wealth. Awesome, then working people can create gobs of new wealth and they don't have to share it with the rich so hop to it.

Again, you mistake the plutocratic parasite for a vital organ.

The rest of the world doesn't have our uber rich. They pay their fair share in taxes and a CEO who makes 7 figures is a rarity. they do just fine.

You just said working people create the wealth. Fantastic, then they don't need to mooch off the rich, go ahead working people go create wealth for yourselves.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of public funds?

The answer requires a number. Nothing else.

4.2 million.

That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it

You don't like that feeling do ya? Having to rethink how the world works is rough shit. You just realized that poor people ain't lounging around all day eating your food and you are struggling. Your bogeyman is gone.
no, I work with people, lots of people, that take time off from work, then claim the company didn't have enough work for them and collect UE and other bennies.

I currently know several people that are getting SNAP b/c the father doesn't live with them, even though he does, he's just not on the lease or has a mail box somewhere else.

I live in the real world you live in leftist lala land.
That's not the number. The 4.2 million number INCLUDES people with jobs.

Keep going.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it

You don't like that feeling do ya? Having to rethink how the world works is rough shit. You just realized that poor people ain't lounging around all day eating your food and you are struggling. Your bogeyman is gone.
no, I work with people, lots of people, that take time off from work, then claim the company didn't have enough work for them and collect UE and other bennies.

I currently know several people that are getting SNAP b/c the father doesn't live with them, even though he does, he's just not on the lease or has a mail box somewhere else.

I live in the real world you live in leftist lala land.

Oh! Wow. I'll bet you've seen big black women with extensions and costly manicures driving Cadillacs and buying steak and champagne with their EBT cards too. All nutbags have seen that.

I believe that everything you just wrote is untrue. You are desperately trying to convince yourself that you are a victim.

If I knew someone who was defrauding the government I'd report them. Why haven't you done that?
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it

You don't like that feeling do ya? Having to rethink how the world works is rough shit. You just realized that poor people ain't lounging around all day eating your food and you are struggling. Your bogeyman is gone.
no, I work with people, lots of people, that take time off from work, then claim the company didn't have enough work for them and collect UE and other bennies.

I currently know several people that are getting SNAP b/c the father doesn't live with them, even though he does, he's just not on the lease or has a mail box somewhere else.

I live in the real world you live in leftist lala land.

Oh! Wow. I'll bet you've seen big black women with extensions and costly manicures driving Cadillacs and buying steak and champagne with their EBT cards too. All nutbags have seen that.

I believe that everything you just wrote is untrue. You are desperately trying to convince yourself that you are a victim.

If I knew someone who was defrauding the government I'd report them. Why haven't you done that?
b/c the government never ever acts.

I've reported several people.

calling me a liar is just you denying reality and substituting what the media tells you is the truth.
Like stray cats.

Feed 'em and you'll never get rid of 'em.

What happens to them if you don't feed them?
they learn to find food.

did you find a job? they can as well. the old saying goes if you give a man a fish he'll eat today, teach him to fish he'll eat forever. i can't give people desire to want to do more and be more. i also can't take on everyone who falls into this category like...stray cats. in the end you either do one of 3 things.

don't pull your own weight and pull down others to carry you
pull your own and nothing more
pull yours and others

i think at times we all go through those phases but some people choose to live in them for whatever reason feeds their soul. when you get to the point where you take out more than you put in, how long will "being nice" work for you and does it teach them anything of self reliance? pity isn't as much of a gift as you think it is.

and the answer is - they get tough or they die.

nothing will ever change about that fact of life that has been around since life itself.
It includes people that refuse to improve themselves enough to get off the dole.

I've looked through 20 + sites, if you have a good link, post it up.

and really, you should be appalled that that many people are allowed to live off of us

If it were that many, I might be appalled. But, it isn't.

The funny part is that YOU thought the number was MUCH HIGHER. You are shocked that it is so low. You won't admit that, though.

Your lame link also doesn't tell me how many recipients are mentally ill. That's part of the equation.

Unlike you, I have faith in my fellow man. I KNOW that most Americans want productive members of society. Very few Americans are lazy and shiftless to the point that they will not work a job that is available. Those who choose that as a lifestyle are very likely mentally ill. And the number is WAY smaller than most "conservatives" imagine it to be.

You might want to rethink that world view of yours. You've based it on bogus info.

so you don't have any facts

at all

just your assumptions.

gnue it

You don't like that feeling do ya? Having to rethink how the world works is rough shit. You just realized that poor people ain't lounging around all day eating your food and you are struggling. Your bogeyman is gone.
no, I work with people, lots of people, that take time off from work, then claim the company didn't have enough work for them and collect UE and other bennies.

I currently know several people that are getting SNAP b/c the father doesn't live with them, even though he does, he's just not on the lease or has a mail box somewhere else.

I live in the real world you live in leftist lala land.

Oh! Wow. I'll bet you've seen big black women with extensions and costly manicures driving Cadillacs and buying steak and champagne with their EBT cards too. All nutbags have seen that.

I believe that everything you just wrote is untrue. You are desperately trying to convince yourself that you are a victim.

If I knew someone who was defrauding the government I'd report them. Why haven't you done that?

telling someone to get a job / some motivation is making him the victim?

heh...i like you. you make me laf.
The assumptions that right wingers have about people receiving assistance is based entirely on FOX News talking points about how the poor are just screwing the middle class over while laughing their asses off.

It’s not the poor that are screening you over and laughing about it, it’s the rich. The rich who are living off the backs of the working poor while paying them next to nothing, while you supplement their poverty wages with handouts.

The Walton Family is laughing their way to the greatest accumulation of wealth the world has ever seen. While their workers received Medicaid, food stamps and earned income credits, Walmart was booking the highest profits in the country. 9 billion dollars in income aid went to Walmart workers.

At the same time, Walmart managed to be one of the most profitable companies in Canada while paying a $10.00 minimum wage and providing health care benefits to all workers.

Friedman’s “trickle down” economics and “reverse income tax” have suppressed wages, increased prices, and engineered wealth inequity since South America in the 1970’s. His policies, set in motion by Reagan, say that all social programs are bad and a drag on the economy.

Good sense says that social programs are necessary to counter the natural downturns and contractions of a capitalist economy.

But this convoluted “earned income credit” notion is the most expensive and condescending manner possible to get money into the hands of the working poor, unless of course, your name is Walton, in which case it’s just fucking brilliant.

Plus you get to blame the lazy ass poor for not getting off their butts and getting training.
for all of it, including the claim that people were murdering each other to feed their families before welfare.

don't do links... you mutants never read them anyway...

You do realize we've always had welfare in some form or another, right?

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