Two Questions that non-LGBT-Q Supporters of Trans Rights Must Answer to be Credible

So “being endangered” turns eagles' eggs into eagles? You said that a human fetus isn't a human. I'm just trying to figure out if you are consistent and honest where unborn life forms are concerned.

Is an eagle egg an eagle?
Uh, dude, I made it pretty clear to you. ANYTHING even tangentally involved with Eagles is protected. Their habitat, their nests, their feathers.

That doesn't make an eagle egg an eagle.
Since the recent Trump court decision, we can, on the state, federal, and local level also protect unborn children as strongly as we protect unhatched eagles.

I would love to see such strong protections give to ANYTHING even tangentally involved with the the habitats and the caretakers of unborn children. Might cut down on the number of pregnant women getting punched in the face by government officials. Include all children, and it might cut down on FBI raids arresting abortion opponents in front of their children, and wives of gun rights activists being shot in the face while holding babies.
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Since the recent Trump court decision, we can, on the state, federal, and local level also protect unborn children as strongly as we protect unhatched eagles.

I would love to see such strong protections give to ANYTHING even tangentally involved with the the habitats and the caretakers of unborn children. Might cut down on the number of pregnant women getting punched in the face by government officials. Include all children, and it might cut down on FBI raids arresting abortion opponents in front of their children, and wives of gun rights activists being shot in the face while holding babies.
Quoting myself, so no poster thinks it is directed at them personally.

This is the approach that I'll be taking from now on to the whole "unborn babies are not human beings," argument. I'll say, "neither are eagle's eggs, but they are strongly protected. It is pointless to try and "prove" something so obvious as the humanity of unborn children.

Liberals make that "clump of cells" argument, precisely because it is no argument at all. It's just a boldfaced falsehood, stated in a confident tone, claiming something so absurdly incorrect that the person hearing it doesn't know how to begin to refute it. If he does begin, every point will be met with "still doesn't mean they are a human being, though." No logic, just "nope, a blastocyst is not a human being, sorry."

Same kind of argument slave owners made when someone tried to convince them blacks were people. Only instead of "blastocysts" they would say "n!&&3<s"

So, when they say in answer to my point about eagle's eggs, I'll say, "I didn't say that an egg is an eagle. I said that eggs have strong protection, so unborn children can also. If they say that they are not unborn children but only "blastocysts," I'll say, then we'll give the blastocysts at least equal protection to that of an eagle's egg.
Quoting myself, so no poster thinks it is directed at them personally.

This is the approach that I'll be taking from now on to the whole "unborn babies are not human beings," argument. I'll say, "neither are eagle's eggs, but they are strongly protected. It is pointless to try and "prove" something so obvious as the humanity of unborn children.

Liberals make that "clump of cells" argument, precisely because it is no argument at all. It's just a boldfaced falsehood, stated in a confident tone, claiming something so absurdly incorrect that the person hearing it doesn't know how to begin to refute it. If he does begin, every point will be met with "still doesn't mean they are a human being, though." No logic, just "nope, a blastocyst is not a human being, sorry."

Same kind of argument slave owners made when someone tried to convince them blacks were people. Only instead of "blastocysts" they would say "n!&&3<s"

So, when they say in answer to my point about eagle's eggs, I'll say, "I didn't say that an egg is an eagle. I said that eggs have strong protection, so unborn children can also. If they say that they are not unborn children but only "blastocysts," I'll say, then we'll give the blastocysts at least equal protection to that of an eagle's egg.

Useful, perhaps, as a rhetorical device, but I disagree with the premise.

Just as a human being is a human being from conception, so, does a fertilized eagle egg contain an actual eagle, albeit in an immature state of development.

See also, my thread debunking the popular lie that “An acorn is not an oak tree”

Useful, perhaps, as a rhetorical device, but I disagree with the premise.

Just as a human being is a human being from conception, so, does a fertilized eagle egg contain an actual eagle, albeit in an immature state of development.

See also, my thread debunking the popular lie that “An acorn is not an oak tree”

You know that, and I know that. The problem really lies in the fact that the pro-abortionists know that just as well as we do. But, they know that admitting it makes their position untenable. So, they pretend that they don't know that. The make the statement in a confident tone that a fetus is not a human being and leave it to you to convince them that it is, when they already know it fully well.
The left keeps saying that very few children get gender affirming care, and a tiny fraction of those get the surgeries before 18. So how few is very few of a tiny group like that?

I wouldn't know... you guys should probably get the numbers before you waste my time screaming about a bunch of drag queen being out to castrate your kids.

How do you know that they insisted that they were the other gender? How do you know that they did not get an early diagnosis and then experienced pressure not to change their minds. Have you verified this with each and every case?
Uh, it's on me to prove that... it's on you guys to prove that happened.

I believed you when you said that about Chloe, who is sueing, but now I'm wondering where you got the information that she "stomped her little feet" and demanded the surgery. Why did she need to stomp her feet? Are you seriously telling me that the Gender Specialist did not want to go through with the surgery, and her mom was skeptical, but those adults gave into a kid?

It was in an article that discussed the case in detail. Including the 20 other co-morbitidies she had, including anorexia, depression, a cleft-palate,

According to self-reports, Brockman came out as trans after exhibiting gender-diverse behavior starting about age 9, around the time puberty started. Brockman created an Instagram account at 11. In May 2017, at age 12, Brockman wrote a letter to both parents, asking to be referred to as a boy and by the names Ky or Chi.

On November 30, 2017, Brockman had a consultation with an endocrinologist who advised against beginning hormone therapy. The family sought a second opinion on Brockman’s insistence and gave legal consent for medical transition.
At age 14, Brockman’s chest was groped at school by a bully. This traumatic event led to daily use of a chest binder. Brockman asked Taylor for a referral to plastic surgeon Hop Le. Brockman then had a psychological evaluation with Susanne Watson, who recommended honoring Brockman’s request for top surgery.
The lawyers claim Brockman has had these conditions:

  • pornography addiction
  • disruptive behavior disorder (diagnosed September 12, 2012)
  • encounter for school problem (diagnosed November 26, 2013)
  • ADHD (diagnosed October 9, 2015)
  • general anxiety
  • social anxiety
  • speech difficulties
  • depression
  • pubertal struggles associated with significantly increased negative emotions
  • body dysmorphia and serious self-image concerns
  • symptoms of an eating disorder
  • learning disabilities
  • autism spectrum symptoms
  • a cleft palate for which surgery had been performed
  • concerns about being sexually abused or raped, that eventually materialized into a sexual assault
  • exposure to only negative aspects about being female, without any discussion of the positive aspects of being female, including menstrual cycles, pregnancy, childbirth, male domination, and similar distorting ideas

IRRC, she talked about having multiple mental disorders along with the Gender Dyphoria. That is very common, according to the DSV-V. She is rightfully angry that the adults around her chose to mutilate her secondary sex organs instead of providing the mental health therapies any counseling intern should have seen that she needed.

Really, because it seems that she only went really nutty after the Christian Right got ahold of her as an adult.

The suicide rate of all transgenders is shockingly high, and there is no valid clinical study that shows that gender-affirming care reduces that rate in the slightest.
Okay, if that's what you need to believe.

Of course they would. They would pay more for insurance and keep raking in that Obamacare money for surgeries that harm children.

Or . . . the country turns to more heavily regulated/government medicine as they have in Europe where the more enlightened countries are braking hard on gender-affirming care for kids. I believe the profit motive, but I also recognize that it sometimes leads to profit-seekers putting the dollar over the well-being of the people they serve. GA care is a prime example of that.

It's still easier to get Gender Affirming care in Europe than America.

What is the medical benefit that over-rides the harm of chemically and surgically castrating a child, or removing their secondary sexual organs? Stick to medical benefits, not mental, since we've discussed the mental health outcomes.
Well, you've discussed it, I just don't buy any of the bullshit you are laying out.
Why are the mental benefits so easy for you to dismiss? you tell me your lungs aren't working right, we'll do everything we can for you. You tell me your brain isn't working right (Maybe because it is structured like your identified sex instead of your defined sex) and you want to dismiss it.

Summary:Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to new research. The findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people.
So you and the Libs place eagles on a higher scale of importance that humans?

No, we recognize that to save Haliaeetus leucocephalus as a species, we have to preserve their habitat, their nests and their eggs.
In order to save Homo Sapiens as a species, we have to reduce their numbers because they are far exceeding the available resources they need.

Yeah ... who cares about unborn humans when there's all of those unborn eagles to worry about.

On the other hand ... global warming is more important than eagles:

Far more birds are killed by domesticated cats than windmills.

You know that, and I know that. The problem really lies in the fact that the pro-abortionists know that just as well as we do. But, they know that admitting it makes their position untenable. So, they pretend that they don't know that. The make the statement in a confident tone that a fetus is not a human being and leave it to you to convince them that it is, when they already know it fully well.

quite the contrary.

2/3rds of Zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. We don't put tampons into little coffins.
of the ones that do, half are lost to abortions or miscarriages. We don't have funerals for them, either.

We don't count fetuses on the Census. (In fact, having worked as a Census Enumerator twice, they had a very complex formula as to when we can count someone in the census.
We don't let people claim their fetuses as tax dependents on Form 1040. why? They aren't people!
Since the recent Trump court decision, we can, on the state, federal, and local level also protect unborn children as strongly as we protect unhatched eagles.

I would love to see such strong protections give to ANYTHING even tangentally involved with the the habitats and the caretakers of unborn children. Might cut down on the number of pregnant women getting punched in the face by government officials. Include all children, and it might cut down on FBI raids arresting abortion opponents in front of their children, and wives of gun rights activists being shot in the face while holding babies.

Funny, how many anti-abortion fanatics have been killed in recent decades? Oh, that's right. Zero.

On the other hand, 11 abortion providers have been murdered by people who love them some Jesus.
In order to save Homo Sapiens as a species, we have to reduce their numbers because they are far exceeding the available resources they need.

It's funny that nobody who advocates this is willing to volunteer to be among those by whom the “excess population” is to be reduced. They want others to die, or be sterilized and otherwise sexually mutilated, in order to reduce the population; but never themselves.
On the other hand, 11 abortion providers have been murdered by people who love them some Jesus.

Nothing anywhere close to the number of innocent human beings murdered by these abortion providers.

Excuse me if I can't find any tears to shed for a dozen of the very lowest murderers who have been sent to Hell where they rightfully belong.
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No, we recognize that to save Haliaeetus leucocephalus as a species, we have to preserve their habitat, their nests and their eggs.
In order to save Homo Sapiens as a species, we have to reduce their numbers because they are far exceeding the available resources they need.

Far more birds are killed by domesticated cats than windmills.

There are plenty of resources. The entire population of the world could fit in the state of Texas. Every now and then try to use both of your brain cells. It's not fair to make only the one do all the work.

"Can You Fit the Entire World Population in Texas?

The world population can surely fit in Texas State. The exciting bit is that each person will be comfortable and enjoy the essential benefits like air.

Theoretically, the entire world population can fit in Texas, which is 268,581 square miles. In Texas, each person will get at least one thousand square feet which is not much but enough."
I wouldn't know... you guys should probably get the numbers before you waste my time screaming about a bunch of drag queen being out to castrate your kids.
No, it is you who is claiming that surgical and chemical castration for kids only happens to a small number of them, and that an even smaller number regret it. So providing the numbers is up to you.

"Us guys" say one is too many, and that, whatever the current number, the left is wrong to keep pushing for more.
Uh, it's on me to prove that... it's on you guys to prove that happened.
So, you were just guessing.
It was in an article that discussed the case in detail. Including the 20 other co-morbitidies she had, including anorexia, depression, a cleft-palate,

According to self-reports, Brockman came out as trans after exhibiting gender-diverse behavior starting about age 9, around the time puberty started. Brockman created an Instagram account at 11. In May 2017, at age 12, Brockman wrote a letter to both parents, asking to be referred to as a boy and by the names Ky or Chi.

On November 30, 2017, Brockman had a consultation with an endocrinologist who advised against beginning hormone therapy. The family sought a second opinion on Brockman’s insistence and gave legal consent for medical transition.
At age 14, Brockman’s chest was groped at school by a bully. This traumatic event led to daily use of a chest binder. Brockman asked Taylor for a referral to plastic surgeon Hop Le. Brockman then had a psychological evaluation with Susanne Watson, who recommended honoring Brockman’s request for top surgery.
The lawyers claim Brockman has had these conditions:

  • pornography addiction
  • disruptive behavior disorder (diagnosed September 12, 2012)
  • encounter for school problem (diagnosed November 26, 2013)
  • ADHD (diagnosed October 9, 2015)
  • general anxiety
  • social anxiety
  • speech difficulties
  • depression
  • pubertal struggles associated with significantly increased negative emotions
  • body dysmorphia and serious self-image concerns
  • symptoms of an eating disorder
  • learning disabilities
  • autism spectrum symptoms
  • a cleft palate for which surgery had been performed
  • concerns about being sexually abused or raped, that eventually materialized into a sexual assault
  • exposure to only negative aspects about being female, without any discussion of the positive aspects of being female, including menstrual cycles, pregnancy, childbirth, male domination, and similar distorting ideas
What kind of a mental health provider would agree to mutilate a child with those kind of mental disorders at the insistence of the disordered child? You really don't see that this list is damning to all the adults that participated in her victimization as a child, no matter how "insistent" the child was?

If she had "insisted" that a grown man have sex with her when she was fourteen, would you hold the man blameless if he did?
Really, because it seems that she only went really nutty after the Christian Right got ahold of her as an adult.
So she was not "nutty" with that long list of mental disorders? This is why people think the left hates children.

No, it was after she expressed regret that the fine folks at "" your supposedly valid source decided that she was a threat to their goals and started attacking her.
Okay, if that's what you need to believe.
I don't "need to believe" it, it is the truth.
It's still easier to get Gender Affirming care in Europe than America.
Irrelevant and unsourced.
Well, you've discussed it, I just don't buy any of the bullshit you are laying out.
Why are the mental benefits so easy for you to dismiss? you tell me your lungs aren't working right, we'll do everything we can for you. You tell me your brain isn't working right (Maybe because it is structured like your identified sex instead of your defined sex) and you want to dismiss it.
You said there were "medical benefits." If you're backtracking on that, at least be honest enough to admit it.

Summary:Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to new research. The findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people.
So, would you support requiring that these brain activities and structures resembling the desired gender be clearly shown in young people before they are given medical or surgical gender affirming care?
It's funny that nobody who advocates this is willing to volunteer to be among those by whom the “excess population” is to be reduced. They want others to die, or be sterilized and otherwise sexually mutilated, in order to reduce the population; but never themselves.

Fetuses aren't people, and let's be perfectly honest, given your side is constantly trying to slash welfare, please don't tell me that you really care about all the unwanted kids in the world.

When you agree to be taxed at 50% to provide cradle to grave benefits, then you can get back to me.

Nothing anywhere close to the number of innocent human beings murdered by these abortion providers.

Excuse me if I can't find any tears to shed for a dozen of the very lowest murderers who have been sent to Hell where they rightfully belong.

Yeah, Bob, you keep letting everyone know you are a crazy person.
No, it is you who is claiming that surgical and chemical castration for kids only happens to a small number of them, and that an even smaller number regret it. So providing the numbers is up to you.

"Us guys" say one is too many, and that, whatever the current number, the left is wrong to keep pushing for more.

Yes, I am sure that you would deny ALL transgender people meaningful care, but, please, please, please don't pretend it's because you care about the handful of weak creatures like Brockman who are easily manipulated by the Christian right.

Let's be perfectly honest, in your ideal world, Transgender people shouldn't exist at all.

What kind of a mental health provider would agree to mutilate a child with those kind of mental disorders at the insistence of the disordered child? You really don't see that this list is damning to all the adults that participated in her victimization as a child, no matter how "insistent" the child was?

I see it as MAYBE the suggested the wrong treatment to fix all the other problems.. that if they fixed her gender identity, all the other problems would resolve.

So she was not "nutty" with that long list of mental disorders? This is why people think the left hates children.

No, it was after she expressed regret that the fine folks at "" your supposedly valid source decided that she was a threat to their goals and started attacking her.

The folks at Transgender Map are only going by what is in her filings, which the rest of you never bothered to read. You just screamed POOR LITTLE CHLOE! when in fact, this person is just screaming for attention to anyone who will give it to her. In ten years, she's going to be coming back telling us all how the Christian Right used her.

You said there were "medical benefits."
And proved it, but let's be honest, you'd be happier if these people didn't exist at all.
So, would you support requiring that these brain activities and structures resembling the desired gender be clearly shown in young people before they are given medical or surgical gender affirming care?
Well, there's a bit of a problem with that, in that you can't really find these structures until after the person is dead and you do an autopsy, but you already knew that.

Just admit that their daring to exist at all is what upsets you because it make Baby Jesus cry, and we can put this discussion in the proper phrasing.
Yes, I am sure that you would deny ALL transgender people meaningful care,
Not true at all. Some people do think that way. I'm fine with legitimate counseling aimed at helping them cope with a mental issue like Gender Dysphoria or less severe gender confusion not amounting to dysphoria. I'm fine with children socially transitioning by wearing whatever clothes they want and being called by whatever nickname they choose, so long as I'm not asked to hide that from parents.

The idea that I have to explain to a grown man why it is wrong to chemically and surgically castrate a child is pretty silly.
but, please, please, please don't pretend it's because you care about the handful of weak creatures like Brockman who are easily manipulated by the Christian right.
This is how hateful the left is. Chloe is a very troubled young woman with a host of mental disorders that the transgenderization community made worse not better. You've provided no evidence that she has been manipulated by the "Christian Right," but her own story proves that she was manipulated by the gender specialists who took advantage of her.

Sadly, those people who did that to Chloe are unlikely to have any consequences at all. Judges, elected or appointed, are highly politicized and would be loathe to be mocked in the media for any ruling against the transgender movement. They still have the money she and the taxpayers paid for her medically unneeded double breast amputation. They will enjoy making more from other vulnerable kids.
Let's be perfectly honest, in your ideal world, Transgender people shouldn't exist at all.
In an ideal world, everyone would be happy with who they are, yes.
I see it as MAYBE the suggested the wrong treatment to fix all the other problems.. that if they fixed her gender identity, all the other problems would resolve.
If they thought that, they should never be allowed near another child in a professional capacity. In studying psychology for my masters in Ed Psych, we heard about the bad old days in which mentally ill people were put in chains. How is it any better for a bunch of profit-motivated adults deciding that the best treatment for an adolescent girl with such a laundry list of mental disorders is to cut off her breasts?

The folks at Transgender Map are only going by what is in her filings, which the rest of you never bothered to read. You just screamed POOR LITTLE CHLOE! when in fact, this person is just screaming for attention to anyone who will give it to her. In ten years, she's going to be coming back telling us all how the Christian Right used her.
Maybe she will, at which time you can make that argument. Meantime, she has all the proof she needs of the transgender profiteers taking advantage of her mental illnesses. A jury will find in her favor, would be my prediction. Then on appeal she will lose due to the highly political nature of upper courts.

This is very sad, because that means that these people will keep doing this to children who scream for attention. You seem to want to make my point that children are not capable of making such life-altering decisions, and should not be legally empowered to do so.

I noticed you forgot to answer my question about a fourteen year old girl who demands sex from adult men. Should they give it to her if she stomps her little feet? If they do is it not their fault because she asked for it?
And proved it, but let's be honest, you'd be happier if these people didn't exist at all.
You did not prove any medical benefits. You claimed mental health benefits. Again, I'd be happier if there were no mental health problems in the world, but some industries thrive on them. You make it more than clear that you wish Chloe did not exist.
Well, there's a bit of a problem with that, in that you can't really find these structures until after the person is dead and you do an autopsy, but you already knew that.

Did you just make that up, or are you really that ignorant about a topic that you brought up?

Male and female brains are, on average, slightly different in structure, although there is tremendous individual variability. Several studies have looked for signs that transgender people have brains more similar to their experienced gender. Spanish investigators—led by psychobiologist Antonio Guillamon of the National Distance Education University in Madrid and neuropsychologist Carme Junqué Plaja of the University of Barcelona—used MRI to examine the brains of 24 female-to-males and 18 male-to-females—both before and after treatment with cross-sex hormones. Their results, published in 2013, showed that even before treatment the brain structures of the trans people were more similar in some respects to the brains of their experienced gender than those of their natal gender. For example, the female-to-male subjects had relatively thin subcortical areas (these areas tend to be thinner in men than in women). Male-to-female subjects tended to have thinner cortical regions in the right hemisphere, which is characteristic of a female brain. (Such differences became more pronounced after treatment.)

Seriously, dude. If you don't want to answer the question, just ignore it, or be honest and say you don't want to answer it.
Just admit that their daring to exist at all is what upsets you because it make Baby Jesus cry, and we can put this discussion in the proper phrasing.
You have the Jesus fixation. I never brought him up.
The idea that I have to explain to a grown man why it is wrong to chemically and surgically castrate a child is pretty silly.
Well, the fact that you use a loaded word like "Castrate" is probably part of the problem.

But thanks for admitting you really don't want them to exist on their own terms.

This is how hateful the left is. Chloe is a very troubled young woman with a host of mental disorders that they transgenderization community made worse not better. You've provided no evidence that she has been manipulated by the "Christian Right," but her own story proves that she was manipulated by the gender specialists who took advantage of her.

Sweet Evil Jesus, I provided you with a whole link about how the Christian Right manipulated her need for attention.

Brockman failed out of high school as a senior and had to get a California High School Proficiency Exam Certificate instead. As failure, isolation, and rejection took their toll, Brockman was radicalized by conservative edgelord online culture. Anti-transgender activism soon followed. This brought Brockman to the attention of Harmeet Dhillon and other conservative or fascist activists, who began showering Brockman with money and attention.
Sadly, those people who did that to Chloe are unlikely to have any consequences at all. Judges, elected or appointed, are highly politicized and would be loathe to be mocked in the media for any ruling against the transgender movement. They still have the money she and the taxpayers paid for her medically unneeded double breast amputation. They will enjoy making more from other vulnerable kids.

They won't have a leg to stand on because even reading her own lawsuit, you can see that she was the primary driver of her treatment, to the point where she kept whining until her parents accommodated her. (And now they are divorced... good job. It's all about you, Chloe!) You see, we don't get to hear the OTHER side because HIPAA prevents Kaiser from releasing her whole medical record.

Meantime, she has all the proof she needs of the transgender profiteers taking advantage of her mental illnesses. A jury will find in her favor, would be my prediction. Then on appeal she will lose due to the highly political nature of upper courts.

You mean once someone who UNDERSTANDS THE LAW gets it, instead of 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty? Oh, heavens forbid we actually follow the LAW.

This is very sad, because that means that these people will keep doing this to children who scream for attention. You seem to want to make my point that children are not capable of making such life-altering decisions, and should not be legally empowered to do so.

And yet they do. All the time. They smoke, they drink, they have sex, they hang out with the wrong crowd. Part of the problem is that we created this artificial concept that you aren't an "adult" until you are 18. (Most of history, you were considered an adult at 14, but then again, most people didn't live past 40.)

Brockman started exhibiting transgender behavior as early as 9, she didn't start getting hormone treatments until 13, and didn't get the breast removal until she was 16. It wasn't like she just woke up one morning and said, "Lop off my titties!" and the EEEEVIL medical establishment did so.

I noticed you forgot to answer my question about a fourteen year old girl who demands sex from adult men. (
Yup, because it's off topic... all your attempts to compare this to ANYTHING else will be subsequently ignored. (I actually didn't notice the first go around through your word salads, but now that you are whining about it, I'm going to totally ignore it_

You did not prove any medical benefits.

Yes, I did.

Did you just make that up, or are you really that ignorant about a topic that you brought up?

Nope, it was in one of the articles I posted.

You have the Jesus fixation. I never brought him up.

Oh, please, if it weren't for the Christian assholes, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Well, the fact that you use a loaded word like "Castrate" is probably part of the problem.
What word would help facilitate a discussion about the pros and cons of cutting off the healthy genitals of children? It's an important issue to talk about, and the conversation should not be shut down because you take offense at a word. Why do the left always consider the standard word for something they support to be "loaded?"
But thanks for admitting you really don't want them to exist on their own terms.
I don't want them or anyone else to suffer from a mental disorder. The idea that the existence of Gender Dysphoria and it's growing numbers is something to celebrate is absurd. People with that disorder have shockingly bad mental and physical health outcomes, that are only made worse by medical and surgical "treatment."
Sweet Evil Jesus, I provided you with a whole link about how the Christian Right manipulated her need for attention.

Brockman failed out of high school as a senior and had to get a California High School Proficiency Exam Certificate instead. As failure, isolation, and rejection took their toll, Brockman was radicalized by conservative edgelord online culture. Anti-transgender activism soon followed. This brought Brockman to the attention of Harmeet Dhillon and other conservative or fascist activists, who began showering Brockman with money and attention.
I don't see the word "Christian" or "Right" in that paragraph. I see "fascist," which is the typical left-wing projection. Nazis castrated people, they did not fight against castration. I'm not going to wade through your articles looking for something you imply is there. Especially not from a publication dedicated to pushing transgenderization.
They won't have a leg to stand on because even reading her own lawsuit, you can see that she was the primary driver of her treatment, to the point where she kept whining until her parents accommodated her. (And now they are divorced... good job. It's all about you, Chloe!) You see, we don't get to hear the OTHER side because HIPAA prevents Kaiser from releasing her whole medical record.
So, the parents' divorce, is the child's fault, along with her "making" her parents and doctors chemically and surgically alter her in a doomed-to-failure attempt to turn her into a boy?
You mean once someone who UNDERSTANDS THE LAW gets it, instead of 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty? Oh, heavens forbid we actually follow the LAW.
They're not going to follow the LAW, they are going to cover their asses politically.
And yet they do. All the time. They smoke, they drink, they have sex, they hang out with the wrong crowd. Part of the problem is that we created this artificial concept that you aren't an "adult" until you are 18. (Most of history, you were considered an adult at 14, but then again, most people didn't live past 40.)
So, it is not only children that you hate, but the concept of childhood.
Brockman started exhibiting transgender behavior as early as 9, she didn't start getting hormone treatments until 13, and didn't get the breast removal until she was 16. It wasn't like she just woke up one morning and said, "Lop off my titties!" and the EEEEVIL medical establishment did so.
She was suffering from a laundry list of mental disorders that whole time. The profiteers knew that, but proceeded to do whatever it took to make the most money in the shortest time.
Yup, because it's off topic... all your attempts to compare this to ANYTHING else will be subsequently ignored. (I actually didn't notice the first go around through your word salads, but now that you are whining about it, I'm going to totally ignore it_
Of course you are. It's a simple yes, or no, question, but either answer destroys your whole premise. The one thing you can actually take a Democrat at their word on is when they say that they will not answer a question. Questions are the Democrats' Kryptonite.

I'll ask a slightly different question:

Two grown men have sex with two different 14 year old girls. In one case, the man spent a weekend taking her shopping, to an amusement park, flirting and complimenting her, and she had sex with him that evening, with no resistance. In the second case, the girl had been flirting with the man since age nine, declaring herself to first have a crush on him and then to be madly in love with him. One afternoon, she throws herself at him, and he gives in.

Should the punishment be less for one man than for the other? If so, why?
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What word would help facilitate a discussion about the pros and cons of cutting off the healthy genitals of children? It's an important issue to talk about, and the conversation should not be shut down because you take offense at a word. Why do the left always consider the standard word for something they support to be "loaded?"

I don't want them or anyone else to suffer from a mental disorder. The idea that the existence of Gender Dysphoria and it's growing numbers is something to celebrate is absurd. People with that disorder have shockingly bad mental and physical health outcomes, that are only made worse by medical and surgical "treatment."

I don't see the word "Christian" or "Right" in that paragraph. I see "fascist," which is the typical left-wing projection. Nazis castrated people, they did not fight against castration. I'm not going to wade through your articles looking for something you imply is there. Especially not from a publication dedicated to pushing transgenderization.

So, the parents' divorce, is the child's fault, along with her "making" her parents and doctors chemically and surgically alter her in a doomed-to-failure attempt to turn her into a boy?

They're not going to follow the LAW, they are going to cover their asses politically.

So, it is not only children that you hate, but the concept of childhood.

She was suffering from a laundry list of mental disorders that whole time. The profiteers knew that, but proceeded to do whatever it took to make the most money in the shortest time.

Of course you are. It's a simple yes, or no, question, but either answer destroys your whole premise. The one thing you can actually take a Democrat at their word on is when they say that they will not answer a question. Questions are the Democrats' Kryptonite.

I'll ask a slightly different question:

Two grown men have sex with two different 14 year old girls. In one case, the man spent a weekend taking her shopping, to an amusement park, flirting and complimenting her, and she had sex with him that evening, with no resistance. In the second case, the girl had been flirting with the man since age nine, declaring herself to first have a crush on him and then to be madly in love with him. One afternoon, she throws herself at him, and he gives in.

Should the punishment be less for one man than for the other? If so, why?
Your entire premise, that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, is one that you continually make out of willful and purposeful ignorance.

Gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but some people may develop mental health problems because of gender dysphoria.

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