Two Questions that non-LGBT-Q Supporters of Trans Rights Must Answer to be Credible

Your entire premise, that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, is one that you continually make out of willful and purposeful ignorance.

It's a hard fact.

To be confused about the difference between men and women, to be confused as to your own sex is prima facie proof of a serious mental disorder.

It simply cannot be rational nor honestly claimed that someone suffering from that confusion is not severely mentally ill.
I'm sure this guy will bring his spouse to the states as soon as possible:


"Remember, Fatima: I'm your dad and you are really a boy who was misgendered at birth. I'll pretend to be against the puberty blockers, but you stomp your feet, and I'll say 'fine, I'll follow the doctor's advice.' I hear it works every time."
What word would help facilitate a discussion about the pros and cons of cutting off the healthy genitals of children?
Gender confirmation surgery... See, that's three words, I can see where you'd be confused.

I don't want them or anyone else to suffer from a mental disorder. The idea that the existence of Gender Dysphoria and it's growing numbers is something to celebrate is absurd.

Again, 50 years ago, homosexualit was considered a mental disorder. 100 years ago, women having opinions was considered a mental disorder.

I don't see the word "Christian" or "Right" in that paragraph.
You don't see a lot of things... your intentional myopia is not my problem.
So, the parents' divorce, is the child's fault, along with her "making" her parents and doctors chemically and surgically alter her in a doomed-to-failure attempt to turn her into a boy?

Well, except that a lot of people make that attempt and succeed. Of course, they weren't the absolute sucking black hole of emotional need Chloe Brockman is.

So, it is not only children that you hate, but the concept of childhood.

Uh, I am when you guys extend it to 26 years old... which seems to be the direction we are going.

She was suffering from a laundry list of mental disorders that whole time. The profiteers knew that, but proceeded to do whatever it took to make the most money in the shortest time.
Or maybe they thought that would cure all the other problems she had. Again, we are only getting Brockman's side of this case, and frankly, even that doesn't make her look that good.

I'll ask a slightly different question:
Well, when you ask one that's on topic, I might even answer it.
You define “Christian Right” as anyone who is not a mentally- and morally-fucked up freak like yourself that is so fucked up that you don't even know the difference between boys and girls.

No, I define Christian right as people who want to impose their morals and beliefs on the rest of us because they are trying to appease an imaginary sky man.

If you don't like abortion or gay marriage or gender reassignment - DON'T HAVE ONE. That seems pretty simple. I wouldn't want to have any of those other things, either.
I'm sure this guy will bring his spouse to the states as soon as possible:

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"Remember, Fatima: I'm your dad and you are really a boy who was misgendered at birth. I'll pretend to be against the puberty blockers, but you stomp your feet, and I'll say 'fine, I'll follow the doctor's advice.' I hear it works every time."
Wow, so in addition to the transphobia and homophobia, you'll throw in a little Islamophobia, too.
Gender confirmation surgery... See, that's three words, I can see where you'd be confused.
How is that different from castration? You do know that M2F transgender surgery means bye-bye testicles, right?

Or do you? Have you looked into what this "gender confirmation surgery" actually is?
Again, 50 years ago, homosexualit was considered a mental disorder. 100 years ago, women having opinions was considered a mental disorder.
The old "some things we used to think are wrong, so everything we now think is wrong," fallacy.

Well, maybe you're right. In fifty years, we will say, "By Allah! how could those people fifty years ago have thought that castrating providing gender affirming surgery to children was good for them?"

Don't forget that a diagnosis of the disorder of Gender Dysphoria is a requirement for chemical castration hormone blockers. The fiction is that the blockers are to alleviate that disorder. They can't just admit that they interfere with normal development so that the boy can be cuter when he dresses like a girl.

So, if GD is not really a mental disorder as listed in the DSM-V, then there is no excuse for the blockers, the hormones, nor the surgery. You should probably re-think that argument.
You don't see a lot of things... your intentional myopia is not my problem.
OK, so don't believe my lying eyes, it really does say "Christian Right" in that quote? Are we back to "how many fingers?"
Well, except that a lot of people make that attempt and succeed. Of course, they weren't the absolute sucking black hole of emotional need Chloe Brockman is.
They don't ever succeed in turning a girl into a boy. It's absurd. At "best" they end up being a girl with breasts removed and her genitals removed and/or reshaped to resemble an attempt at a penis. Google "Penis after gender reassignment surgery," if you have the stomach for it. It's pretty hideous.

The hormones they give them don't make them sound like a boy, they just don't sound like a normal girl. That's why Chloe's voice is so strange sounding. It does not appear to be reversable. Neither is the mastectomy, of course. She can still be a mom, but she had the ability to breastfeed taken away forever.

I know you hate Chloe and are glad for all her suffering. Probably upset that she didn't also lose her va-jay-jay, the bitch. You should probably talk to someone about such hostility toward what was a teenage girl.
Uh, I am when you guys extend it to 26 years old... which seems to be the direction we are going.
I don't know what guys are extending childhood to 26. Unless you mean Democrats extending Obamacare parental coverage to age 26 for the failure to launch generation.
Or maybe they thought that would cure all the other problems she had.
I'm going to recommend that you read that bold part out loud. Maybe to someone in the room. Do you really think that's what they thought? If so, they are not competent to sell children tuck-friendly swimsuits at Target, much less provide medical advice to them and their parents.
Again, we are only getting Brockman's side of this case, and frankly, even that doesn't make her look that good.
No, her words to not make her "look good." That's because she has multiple mental disorders, and was provided unneeded medical and surgical treatment for one of them that exacerbated all the others. Why do you hate this young woman for what was done to her as a child? It's bordering on pathological at this point.

Who does she remind you of?
Well, when you ask one that's on topic, I might even answer it.
No, you won't.
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Wow, so in addition to the transphobia and homophobia, you'll throw in a little Islamophobia, too.
None of them are listed in the DSM.

So, Islam is the one religion that is off-limits for ridicule, huh? Come on! It's a harmless joke. Nothing to lose your head over . . .
How is that different from castration?

Well, for one thing, it's achieving a specific therapeutic goal.

The old "somethings we used to think are wrong, so everything we now think is wrong," fallacy.

Well, maybe you're right. In fifty years, we will say, "By Allah! how could those people fifty years ago have thought that castrating providing gender affirming surgery to children was good for them?"

I suspect we will say something in Mandarin, because while we get our panties in a bunch over this silly shit, the Chinese are taking care of business.

So, if GD is not really a mental disorder as listed in the DSM-V, then there is no excuse for the blockers, the hormones, nor the surgery.

Well, first, it's not a disorder, it's a condition. Second we treat all sorts of disorders with drugs and sometimes surgery.

They don't ever succeed in turning a girl into a boy.
Yes, if that's what you need to believe.
Google "Penis after gender reassignment surgery," if you have the stomach for it. It's pretty hideous.
Why do you keep googling that sort of thing.

Most of the images that come up are of the surgery itself, which is not pleasant, but no surgery is.
I know you hate Chloe and are glad for all her suffering. Probably upset that she didn't also lose her va-jay-jay, the bitch.

I pity her. She's a weak and sad creature that clearly has no sense of self. That she's too stupid to see how the Un-Christian right is using her, is kind of on her.

I don't know what guys are extending childhood to 26. Unless you mean Democrats extending Obamacare parental coverage to age 26 for the failure to launch generation.

Point is, it's happening. Meanwhile when a racist cop shoots a black 12 year old, your side is all over it saying he should've done what he is told.

So Tamir Rice shouldn't have been playing with that toy, but Chloe Brockman is held blameless for nearly a decade of bad decisions.

No, her words to not make her "look good." That's because she has multiple mental disorders, and was provided unneeded medical and surgical treatment for one of them that exacerbated all the others. Why do you hate this young woman for what was done to her as a child? It's bordering on pathological at this point.

Naw, Pathololgical is Wingnuts who try to rationalize the cops shooting kids as "He should have obeyed the law!"

Her babbling, disjointed filing is an attempt to dodge any personal responsibility for her bad decisions. I did like how she TRIED to exempt her parents, I guess, because she's going to need someone to invite her to family gatherings when the Christian nutters are done with her.

So, Islam is the one religion that is off-limits for ridicule, huh? Come on! It's a harmless joke. Nothing to lose your head over . . .
Our problems with the Middle East isn't over religion, it's over our own bone-headed imperialist policies. It's the same stupidity we engaged in with VIetnam 55 years ago, it's the same stupidity we did in the Philippines 120 years ago.

the ironic thing is that the Fundy Muslims are just as bad as the Fundy Christians. Iran and Afghanistan happened because religious crazies didn't like modernity. Just like our religious crazies.
Interesting article in The Economist about the Chloe Cole lawsuit.

. . .

Do not expect the politicians to try to settle their differences—they have too much hay to make in whipping up outrage among their supporters. Instead the serious action is likely to play out in the courts.

On February 22nd a lawsuit was filed that could mark the start. Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old who has become a voice for detransitioners in America, is suing Kaiser Permanente, a large American medical provider, for medical negligence. Ms Cole decided at the age of 12 that she was a boy, was put on puberty blockers and testosterone at 13 and underwent a double mastectomy at 15, before changing her mind and detransitioning at 16.

. . .

Proponents of adolescent medical transition say detransition is very rare. Opponents point to two recent studies that suggest 20-30% of patients may discontinue hormone treatment within a few years.

. . .

Most Americans favour protecting trans people from discrimination, but they sharply disagree on medically transitioning children. Whereas 72% of Republicans believe it should be illegal to provide a minor with medical care for gender transition, just 26% of Democrats agree, according to the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank. Activists who believe such care saves lives have tried to discredit Ms Cole, by focusing on the support she receives from firebrands on the right. But the facts of this case—if they are as claimed—could give at least some of them pause for thought.

This is the problem that Kaiser will run into. Everyone they know in the for-profit medical field likely things transitioning kids is a great and highly lucrative idea with no downside. They are not at all used to any dissent.

Get Chloe in front of a jury and she will have them in tears. She won't likely cry herself, because she has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and they rarely cry when sad. Her parents will testify that they were subjected to enormous pressure, including them playing the suicide card. If the defense tries to present any of the existing studies on transgender suicide, the plaintif's lawyers will tear their expert to shreds. I'm guessing they will instead have a doctor testify that they believed that lack of gender affirming care leads to suicide, not that it actually does.

If Chloe wins, many more children may be spared from abuse at the hands of the child transgenderization industry. #whatstherush

Here's one of the studies that the above article mentions. It's pretty dry, so I'll summarize.

Measuring by taking polls shows that a small percentage of transitioners de-transition. However, measuring by gathering actual data on how many transitioners stop taking the hormones, it is about 30%. The article explains that the polls are taken by self-selecting volunteers who are still involved in transgender treatments, so that would tend to exclude nearly all de-transitioners.

So, the parents' divorce, is the child's fault, along with her "making" her parents and doctors chemically and surgically alter her in a doomed-to-failure attempt to turn her into a boy?
Well, except that a lot of people make that attempt and succeed.

It has never happened, and never will. It is biologically impossible to turn a girl into a boy or a boy into a girl.
It has never happened, and never will. It is biologically impossible to turn a girl into a boy or a boy into a girl.
Of course not. I dont' think that is the goal, really. I think most supporters of this kind of thing fantasize about very young "girls with something extra," and the puberty blockers and hormones only mean the illusion of pre-puberty and the lack of male secondary sex characteristics last longer. Maybe even long enough to keep the trannie chaser out of jail.

The problem for the typical middle-aged keyboard warrior is that those young trannies are not likely to be any more interested in their old wrinked asses than young actual girls.

The bottom surgeries render horrendous results. For "transwomen," at least there are plenty of men in the would who will stick their johnsons into any hole that's warm. For "transmen," they are unlikely to find anyone, male or female, who will welcome what looks like a badly made white bratwurst into any orifice of their body..
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This is the problem that Kaiser will run into. Everyone they know in the for-profit medical field likely things transitioning kids is a great and highly lucrative idea with no downside. They are not at all used to any dissent.

Get Chloe in front of a jury and she will have them in tears. She won't likely cry herself, because she has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and they rarely cry when sad. Her parents will testify that they were subjected to enormous pressure, including them playing the suicide card. If the defense tries to present any of the existing studies on transgender suicide, the plaintif's lawyers will tear their expert to shreds. I'm guessing they will instead have a doctor testify that they believed that lack of gender affirming care leads to suicide, not that it actually does.

Or she'll come off as a complete nutcase on the stand. It won't really matter, any settlement she wins will be knocked down when appeals courts actually, you know, bother to read a law book. (My guess is that there will probably be an undisclosed settlement.)

The problem is she's suing in California, where they are pretty liberal on the LGBTQ stuff, and all it takes is one person to tank a jury.

Measuring by taking polls shows that a small percentage of transitioners de-transition. However, measuring by gathering actual data on how many transitioners stop taking the hormones, it is about 30%. The article explains that the polls are taken by self-selecting volunteers who are still involved in transgender treatments, so that would tend to exclude nearly all de-transitioners.

But are they stopping because they don't want to be the other gender, or are they stopping because our rather messed up health system classifies these things as "elective" or "pre-existing". It can often be hard when Trans people often have to deal with workplace discrimination (which limits their ability to get and stay on insurance.)
Or she'll come off as a complete nutcase on the stand.

Someone who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls is suggesting that someone who does is likely to come across as a “complete nutcase”?

It seems to me, that among your other mental defects, is a serious lack of self-awareness. You have no idea, no capacity to form any idea, of how you come across to normal people.

Someone who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls is suggesting that someone who does is likely to come across as a “complete nutcase”?

It seems to me, that among your other mental defects, is a serious lack of self-awareness. You have no idea, no capacity to form any idea, of how you come across to normal people.

Mormon Bob, you are a cult member who wants to murder women for having abortions... I think you and "Normal" aren't even in the same zip code.
Mormon Bob, you are a cult member who wants to murder women for having abortions... I think you and "Normal" aren't even in the same zip code.

You think you have a moral high ground to claim by taking the side of the very worst murderers, and by condemning me for wanting these murderers to be brought to justice.

You are not capable of understanding how deeply fucked up you are, mentally, morally spiritually. You are so deeply buried in madness and evil, that anything that is sane or good seems insane and evil to you.

You are not capable of understating how you come across to normal people.
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Or she'll come off as a complete nutcase on the stand.
Completely counter-factual. She did fine in front of Congress.

She will come off as exactly what she is: a person who has multiple mental disorders and was taken advantage of as a child by people claiming to help her. I hope they do use your line about "well, we just thought that if we did this one thang, it would cure all them others!" I'm not sure a California doctor can do the hillbilly accent that would have to go with a statement like that.
It won't really matter, any settlement she wins will be knocked down when appeals courts actually, you know, bother to read a law book. (My guess is that there will probably be an undisclosed settlement.)
Yes, which will scare these Gender Quacks into being a little more careful who they target.
The problem is she's suing in California, where they are pretty liberal on the LGBTQ stuff, and all it takes is one person to tank a jury.
Not for a civil trial.
But are they stopping because they don't want to be the other gender, or are they stopping because our rather messed up health system classifies these things as "elective" or "pre-existing".
Where do you get that? I sense you are making up facts. It is our Obamacare regulated insurance that has opened the door to the expensive and harmful procedures. Prisoners, veterans and service members are having the nonsense fully paid for, so you would need to finally show something factual if you make that claim.
It can often be hard when Trans people often have to deal with workplace discrimination (which limits their ability to get and stay on insurance.)
Oh, boo-freakin' hoo! Completely false. If a transgender gets fired, it will be for being an asshole who constantly preaches at co-workers, not for being transgender.

People are worshiping the ground transgenders walk on these days. Your fellow Dems are seemingly competing to see who can give LBGT-Q activists the most access to children.

If they do lose their job, for being a transKaren or because "evewy one is against me!" they'll have subsidized Obamacare to fall back on.
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Completely counter-factual. She did fine in front of Congress.

She will come off as exactly what she is: a person who has multiple mental disorders and was taken advantage of as a child by people claiming to help her. I hope they do use your line about "well, we just thought that if we did this one thang, it would cure all them others!" I'm not sure a California doctor can do the hillbilly accent that would have to go with a statement like that.

Yes, which will scare these Gender Quacks into being a little more careful who they target.

Not for a civil trial.

Where do you get that? I sense you are making up facts. It is our Obamacare regulated insurance that has opened the door to the expensive and harmful procedures. Prisoners, veterans and service members are having the nonsense fully paid for, so you would need to finally show something factual if you make that claim.

Oh, boo-freakin' hoo! Completely false. If a transgender gets fired, it will be for being an asshole who constantly preaches at co-workers, not for being transgender.

People are worshiping the ground transgenders walk on these days. Your fellow Dems are seemingly competing to see who can give LBGT-Q activists the most access to children.

If they do lose their job, for being a transKaren or because "evewy one is against me!" they'll have subsidized Obamacare to fall back on.

You can't scare those who aren't intimidated by your ignorance.

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