Two Serbs Injured In Shooting In Southern Kosovo

That sounds "racist"

You say this is the liberal order, but you are racist. How does that make sense? Do you think Biden thinks that way too that he wants to kill "Asians" and what do Asians think of it I mean Asians like Japanese?
we dont care when a gypsy (serv´s poodle ) think or feel. Kosova will be free from Moscow ´s hordesmen , servs lost the war and lose again , and you know it

Who are "we" are you send by democrats or Biden to say what you do? Does Biden know what you say is he your boss? What is your problem with roma ?

"Night Wolves" that sounds like a ultra-fascist organisation. Im of course against all forms of fascism but that such people exist only on the side of serbs is wrong. Do you condemn albanian ultra-fascists? Do you condemn albanian war crimes? You before said you want to kill all serbs, even children (one of the shoot was a 11 year old boy)
"Night Wolves" that sounds like a ultra-fascist organisation.
yes , Muscovites and servs are 2 fascists empires

watch this and tell which side you a gypsy man support

The Ideology of putin's Muscovy


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