Two Sexes

Obviously you have a different opinion. Hell, I voted for Trump in 2016. I’m not interested in supporting ANYTHING or ANYONE connected to Mr Trump at this point. He’s turned himself into a side show and nothing more so far as I am concerned.
So you want to vote for a low T RINO that has no chance of winning and even if they did win, would continue the Ukraine War, open borders, and subservient obedience to the CCP.
So you want to vote for a low T RINO that has no chance of winning and even if they did win, would continue the Ukraine War, open borders, and subservient obedience to the CCP
Where have I suggested that?

First off, I’m a Conservative, not a Republican. I will only vote for Conservatives; which Mr Trump is not one of, as I define it.

I am against ALL foreign involvement by the US Government and business, thank you very much.
This guy was third in money raised by Republicans for candidates. Leaving Christie and Haley and Pence in his dust. Trump and DeSantis are leading. This pledge will get him more votes.

I love me some Vivek!

It will be very interesting to see him and DeSantis on the debate stage next month, whether Big T shows or not.
You're now officially a member of my free ice cream cone club Bob. What flavour would you like?

And I'll just remind you that Mr. Nye and the rest of the scientific world is aware of more than two sexes.
No duck. There are TWO sexes. Period. End of argument. Game, set, match. Two sexes and a growing list of mental disorders.
No duck. There are TWO sexes. Period. End of argument. Game, set, match. Two sexes and a growing list of mental disorders.
The discussion is over and it's been decided in favour of America's god.

Deal with America's LGBTQ's and get it settled for good!
Extremism in America is causing the wrong choices to be made again.

Only ignorance can cause people to not be able to understand that there are more than two sexes.

And America alone can turn it all into a useless shitfight, when only simple understanding was required.
No kidding, how many sexes are there?
Where have I suggested that?

First off, I’m a Conservative, not a Republican. I will only vote for Conservatives; which Mr Trump is not one of, as I define it.

I am against ALL foreign involvement by the US Government and business, thank you very much.
Will a conservative win an election in this era? I do think that person can do better than a RINO. It is disheartening that Trump may not be a conservative, but he has spoken of attacking some of the tentacles of insanity we have. With a little more support from Republicans when he was President real inroads would have at least started in most agendas. We have seen what Homeland Security and the Patriot Act is doing to citizens for near nothing as used and abused from radical Progs.
Extremism in America is causing the wrong choices to be made again.

Only ignorance can cause people to not be able to understand that there are more than two sexes.

And America alone can turn it all into a useless shitfight, when only simple understanding was required.
Only leftwing extremism is causing that.
Will a conservative win an election in this era? I do think that person can do better than a RINO. It is disheartening that Trump may not be a conservative, but he has spoken of attacking some of the tentacles of insanity we have. With a little more support from Republicans when he was President real inroads would have at least started in most agendas. We have seen what Homeland Security and the Patriot Act is doing to citizens for near nothing as used and abused from radical Progs.
Trump is more conservative than any president we've had since Calvin Coolidge.
And I'll just remind you that Mr. Nye and the rest of the scientific world is aware of more than two sexes.

This guy was third in money raised by Republicans for candidates. Leaving Christie and Haley and Pence in his dust. Trump and DeSantis are leading. This pledge will get him more votes.

He also has some interesting thoughts and he’s got brains.
For the educated: more than two sexes biologically - Bing

For you: A two-scoop ice cream cone!
With all animals, includes humans, you either produce a seed or an egg. When you have an abnormality when developing, you can have a mix of sex organs (many deformed) and that person used to be called an hermaphrodite. Modern speak is intersex. This abnormality is something like 1.7% of the population, on par with the number of ginger people .

Not many intersex people are fertile, ie. capable of producing sperm or conceiving, they do one or the other. The tiny few that produce sperm, is called male, and if they can conceive, then that's female.

A person born with some or all limbs missing, a thalidomide, is not a third type of human, they are a human that had an abnormality when developing, and as in this case, due to the mother/female taking thalidomide.

When you went to lick your two scoop ice cream, you smacked both scoops into your forehead.

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