Two THUGS charged with raping 9-month-old baby and filming attack..

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DemonRATS still want their vote.
They will get them released to do it... if they can!

Two Tennessee men accused of raping a 9-month-old girl and filming the attack were indicted Tuesday on multiple charges.

Isiah Dequan Hayes, 19, and Daireus Jumare Ice, 22, are both charged with aggravated rape of a child and aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, FOX13 Memphis reported.


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They fit right in with the current Democratic Party. I would be willing to bet at least one of these bastards has an Obama poster in his room.
They filmed the attack because they expected to be highly paid by democrats.

Democrats, baby rapers as well as baby killers.

Watch some democrat come up with a whites do it too rationalization. Well maybe there is a white democrat somewhere who ALSO expects to be paid.
I hope the family of the baby saved the video in case these two fine young men ever get nominated for the Supreme Court
These two are worse than animals. I have never seen or heard of baby anything raped except human beings. In a case like this hanging, drawing and quartering is too easy a death. What sort of perverse mind could concieve of such a horror.
More of obongos "could of been" dear sons...…………..

I hope Trump doesn't call them bad names...

nancy blowci will be very upset....
It takes really, really pathetic and sad individuals to make this political. What sorry asses you all are.

I would bet you big money they are democratic supporters.....

You know they wouldn't vote for Trump...

It's you Tards that started making everything political....

We are just playing the political game like you...

How do you like it?
I know that rape is rape no matter what direction rapists go in, but gee whiz. If they are looking for something specific, what makes them think that they are going to find it in an infant, animal, someone who has been sedated, etc.?

God bless you and the baby and the baby's family always!!!


P.S. Another thing that I don't get is why they are willing to not only film it, but also share that film with the world. I don't mean to encourage their choice of action, but if they are going to go and do it any way, why not go for a someone or something that would be considered more of a challenge instead of those who are way too easy? Could they be anymore of an embarrassment to themselves?
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Troll thread. Blacks never do anything wrong. You must be a racist.
Put them in a cell, throw them a machete, don't feed them, wait until one cannibalizes the other, then let him starve (or kill himself with the machete). No cost to the taxpayer except for the machete, which can be used again.
This is a horrific crime. I understand that Britain is coping with the rape of a two-week old. However, I think that this was put up here on USMB for racial purposes; to put up pictures of black guys doing disgusting things. These crimes are, unfortunately, not uncommon among all racial groups. What's going on with case of the guy who killed his little daughters and but them in oil tanks?

Is USMB supposed to have separate places for criminals depending on the race of the alleged perp?

The OP seems to think that this crime has something to do with politics, but I don't see the link between what these guys are alleged to have done and any political party.

Politics in this country has sunken to an incredible low.
This is a horrific crime. I understand that Britain is coping with the rape of a two-week old. However, I think that this was put up here on USMB for racial purposes; to put up pictures of black guys doing disgusting things. These crimes are, unfortunately, not uncommon among all racial groups. What's going on with case of the guy who killed his little daughters and but them in oil tanks?

Is USMB supposed to have separate places for criminals depending on the race of the alleged perp?

The OP seems to think that this crime has something to do with politics, but I don't see the link between what these guys are alleged to have done and any political party.

Politics in this country has sunken to an incredible low.
I have seen blacks commit horrific crimes against whites. Murder little old white ladies, slaughter whites. You name it. But the press ignored that stuff. But on the other hand, if anything slightly smacks of white tapping a black, it's all over the news. They practically incite to riot with this crap. But not a word when it's a black doing the same thing. Double standards? Hypocrisy? What is that?
They filmed the attack because they expected to be highly paid by democrats.

Democrats, baby rapers as well as baby killers.

Watch some democrat come up with a whites do it too rationalization. Well maybe there is a white democrat somewhere who ALSO expects to be paid.
The Democrat party supports the right of pedophiles. It's part of the Left's embrace of the gay agenda.
There's some sick, twisted, people in the world. They likely won't last a month in the big house, though.
It takes really, really pathetic and sad individuals to make this political. What sorry asses you all are.
No, the sad part is it's true. Democrats would get them out of jail to vote. The Kavanaugh stunt proves it. Destroy of family, because you don't like them. A bunch of sorry asses is the democrat party.

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