Evangelist and wife indicted on child rape and abuse charges after publicly begging for money so they could preach all across America

Why? The Bible was given to us by the same folks who enslaved, raped, beat, maimed, lynched and murdered us.
And who were they? That book is old, and I believe corrupted to a point with changes. Slavery is and old practice with many masters over eons of time.
Joes your lord and master. You spend every second here defending a guy who thinks you belong on a plantation.
You ain’t black unless you vote for me!
Now what is amazing is I have said repeatedly that if Joe has broken the Law that he should be prosecuted. Funny thing is, we never hear Trump Humpers like you say the same thing, in fact you clowns don't even care if he has broken the Law you still fully support him.
Now what is amazing is I have said repeatedly that if Joe has broken the Law that he should be prosecuted. Funny thing is, we never hear Trump Humpers like you say the same thing, in fact you clowns don't even care if he has broken the Law you still fully support him.
Has anyone every said if Trump has broken the law he should not be prosecuted?
Link to one post. Just one.

You scream support for racist Joe every day.
The purpose/s may be many.

But the reality is that the Bible normalizes, glamorizes and glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children.

Will this couple use this as a defense?
The Bible does no such thing. The Bible describes some fairly horrific actions but never in a way to glamorize, normalize or glorify. There's more glorifying on the nightly news.
The Bible does no such thing. The Bible describes some fairly horrific actions but never in a way to glamorize, normalize or glorify. There's more glorifying on the nightly news.

Poster is a liar and a fraud. I have asked over and over for chapter and verse and all he does is whine about me.
When did he become my hero and savior? That is what Trump Humpers have in their beloved Orange God.

www.politico.com › news › magazineThe Christian Prophets Who Say Trump Is Coming Again

In a survey conducted last year, two political scientists found that nearly half of America’s church-attending white Protestants believed Trump was anointed by God to be president—a portion of...

religionnews.com › 2019/08/23 › why-trumpWhy Trump — and some of his followers — believe he is the ...

Aug 23, 2019 · Trump’s two announcements this week reveal why some evangelicals see him as 'God’s Chosen One' — a King Cyrus-like figure, anointed by God to save America from cultural
Poster is a liar and a fraud.
I have asked over and over for chapter and verse
For the 15th or so time, and as repeatedly demanded by you:

and all he does is whine about me.

So sad that so many - like the couple in the OP - use religion to delusionally abuse others. :(
Just plain dumb.
Pedophiles come in all shapes/sizes/races/ethnicities/religions/no religion etc. etc. etc.
To make any reference that pedophilia has anything to do with religious or non religious is dumb.

The argument to that is the looooong history of pedophilia in the Catholic Church.
But that has nothing to do with the religion itself, but rather the unconscious corruption in the Catholic hierarchy that looked at pedophilia as a mere nuisance to the validity of their priest system of celibacy.
Nothing to do with the religion itself.
This is all true, but it`s history.

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