Two Top Aides to Crooked Scott Pruitt Quit the EPA Unexpectedly

Fuck the EPA.

tell ya what, you go drink water laced with chemicals

leave the rest of the world alone. :cuckoo:

I cleaned up drinking water laced with chemicals.

Unlike you stupid pink pussy hat Moon Bats I was an environmental engineer for 30 years. I cleaned up more pollution than you and ten thousands of your idiotic environmental wacko Moon Bat friends will see in your life times.

I implemented environmental surveillance and restoration programs under the CAA, SWDA, NPDES, RCRA CWA and other stupid government programs. Unlike you I actually know what I am talking about.

When the EPA started out it was good. We cleaned up 80% of the pollution in this country for 20% of the cost. Then we were forced to clean up 15% for another 20% of the cost. Now the stupid environmental wackos are demanding that we clean up 5% for 60% of the cost. This is when the US spends as much money for environmental control as the rest of the world combined. How stupid is that?

Thank god Trump is bringing some common sense to the out of control EPA after that Obama disaster.

If you want to bitch about environmental go bitch to China, Russia, Brazil, India and the whole continent of Africa. They are the big polluters in the world.

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