Two weeks ago high gas prices were Putins fault according to Biden. Now?

I didn't expect you to answer morons seldom do.....

View attachment 619016

So tell me faux Conservatives.....are you calling for Biden to "nationalize domestic production" ?? Are you saying government should dictate to Exxon or Shell how much more they should drill, how much more they should produce??

This is why I mock you morons when you talk about "the free market"
Roflol. You sure are a comedian.
Some of those that were issued actually need to have other leases so that they can be drilled and used since they sit in the middle of areas that are not leased. Some are in areas that can not be accessed. Others need environmental studies to be drilled and used.
Numbers are great but without proper context they are just numbers.
Most wells need fraking to be even usable. Yet that is being moved further and further off the table.
Biden has stated that he wants less dependence on oil. Less subsidies to go to oil. He wants to shutdown pipelines. This creates a problem with investors and oil companies. As it takes millions of dollars to drill and create a useable oil well. It is not a smart business decision to spend millions and only receive a potion of that back because of future decisions made by someone who has repeatedly made it clear they do not want oil to thrive
Nothing to do with gas prices does it?
6. Diaper Joe vowing to destroy the fossil fuel industry and he places policies to curb production in the US and relying on terrorist countries that hate the US to give him oil so they can turn right around to use that money to fight the US.

Thanks! How could I forget since it takes $100 to fuel my tank now

Silly me.
Roflol. You sure are a comedian.
Some of those that were issued actually need to have other leases so that they can be drilled and used since they sit in the middle of areas that are not leased. Some are in areas that can not be accessed. Others need environmental studies to be drilled and used.
Numbers are great but without proper context they are just numbers.
Most wells need fraking to be even usable. Yet that is being moved further and further off the table.
Biden has stated that he wants less dependence on oil. Less subsidies to go to oil. He wants to shutdown pipelines. This creates a problem with investors and oil companies. As it takes millions of dollars to drill and create a useable oil well. It is not a smart business decision to spend millions and only receive a potion of that back because of future decisions made by someone who has repeatedly made it clear they do not want oil to thrive

This is so obvious and all it requires is common sense to see.
Why they have SO much trouble comprehending is beyond reason
6. Diaper Joe vowing to destroy the fossil fuel industry and he places policies to curb production in the US and relying on terrorist countries that hate the US to give him oil so they can turn right around to use that money to fight the US.

Thanks! How could I forget since it takes $100 to fuel my tank now

Silly me.

Rightwinger is the "Supreme Troll"

He lives to elicit a response from conservatives with his ridiculous and biased posts.
Some cunservatives fall for it repeatedly and thus feed the troll that on which he thrives.

If only they had the strength to just ignore the would wither and slink away........they don't
Roflol. You sure are a comedian.
Some of those that were issued actually need to have other leases so that they can be drilled and used since they sit in the middle of areas that are not leased. Some are in areas that can not be accessed. Others need environmental studies to be drilled and used.
Numbers are great but without proper context they are just numbers.
Most wells need fraking to be even usable. Yet that is being moved further and further off the table.
Biden has stated that he wants less dependence on oil. Less subsidies to go to oil. He wants to shutdown pipelines. This creates a problem with investors and oil companies. As it takes millions of dollars to drill and create a useable oil well. It is not a smart business decision to spend millions and only receive a potion of that back because of future decisions made by someone who has repeatedly made it clear they do not want oil to thrive
All of that babbling and you have failed to answer a single question I asked or refute a single point I made....this is why I call you Trumpers, clowns...
Democrats tell oil companies stop producing, banks say well no more investment, oils prices go up. Democrats blame oil companies
Rightwinger is the "Supreme Troll"

He lives to elicit a response from conservatives with his ridiculous and biased posts.
Some cunservatives fall for it repeatedly and thus feed the troll that on which he thrives.

If only they had the strength to just ignore the would wither and slink away........they don't
Why are cuntservatives so weak then??

And why did it take a global shutdown to get gas prices below $2.00 here?? Why didn't Trump just make gas prices low just off of his sheer genius and brilliance??

You know what makes you folks and your Trump worship even more pathetic?? It is because 90% of you folks don't even believe your own bullshit -- you just do it because you think it will annoy other people you hate....Yall did the same shit with Bush......then when it was clear Bush no longer had the power you coveted; yall all pretended he never existed.

Same thing will happen with Trump except this time, the internet has plenty of receipts

Two weeks ago high gas prices were Putins fault according to Biden. Now?​

The American people didn't buy that Dem LIE so Dems have moved on to their next Dem LIE now it's the oil companies fault Dems won't let them drill and pump our own oil and gas prices are sky high. The Dem news media is broadcasting the new Dem LIE 24/7 hoping it will stick. Fortunately oil company execs testified before congress and told stupid shit lying Dems exactly what would happen under Dems war on oil. There is no LIE Dems won't tell.

6. Diaper Joe vowing to destroy the fossil fuel industry and he places policies to curb production in the US and relying on terrorist countries that hate the US to give him oil so they can turn right around to use that money to fight the US.

Thanks! How could I forget since it takes $100 to fuel my tank now

Silly me.
When has Our President ever vowed to destroy our fossil fuel industry?
Even better, he is encouraging the development of alternative energy
Why are cuntservatives so weak then??

And why did it take a global shutdown to get gas prices below $2.00 here?? Why didn't Trump just make gas prices low just off of his sheer genius and brilliance??

You know what makes you folks and your Trump worship even more pathetic?? It is because 90% of you folks don't even believe your own bullshit -- you just do it because you think it will annoy other people you hate....Yall did the same shit with Bush......then when it was clear Bush no longer had the power you coveted; yall all pretended he never existed.

Same thing will happen with Trump except this time, the internet has plenty of receipts

"My Trump worship" ? :abgg2q.jpg:

And you have the audacity to call others morons ????
OH the irony !!!
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All of that is false.....but it won't stop you morons from babbling that bullshit like a trained seal
It's all true: House Democrats want curbs on big-bank lending to fossil-fuel industry

Rightwinger is the "Supreme Troll"

He lives to elicit a response from conservatives with his ridiculous and biased posts.
Some cunservatives fall for it repeatedly and thus feed the troll that on which he thrives.

If only they had the strength to just ignore the would wither and slink away........they don't
If only you had the ability to show where I am wrong and provide credible evidence why

Easier just to scream….TROLL

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