Tx Satanists sue for their right to Ritual Abortion

The state of Tex-ass is requiring women to grow fetuses.

Just because a woman has sex and the birth control fails... why should she be required to grow the fetus?

That's bullshit.

The state needs to keep its nose out of women's uteruses.
Freedom is great, but no one has the right to murder children.

We have laws to protect animals, why not laws to protect small vulnerable children?
Hahahaha.... murdering children... hahahahahah..

No murders are taking place... just women ending their pregnancies...
What’s the matter with you laughing at the murder of children? That is really sick. Have you tried counseling?

Are human lives being ended?

Your euphemisms fail to conceal the ugliness of abortion.

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Freedom is great, but no one has the right to murder children.

We have laws to protect animals, why not laws to protect small vulnerable children?
We have laws that protect BORN ANIMALS AND BORN CHILDREN...

The unborn does not supersede the right of the mother, idiot.

We have laws that protect BORN ANIMALS AND BORN CHILDREN...

The unborn does not supersede the right of the mother, idiot.

According to this video... the brain doesn't show up until week 13 and the brain doesn't start functioning until week 26

So without a functioning brain... or even a brain at all... is it a human or just a clump of cells?

I say it's not a human!
According to this video... the brain doesn't show up until week 13 and the brain doesn't start functioning until week 26

So without a functioning brain... or even a brain at all... is it a human or just a clump of cells?

I say it's not a human!
Looks like you want to kill those with Alzheimer’s. You don’t have to keep proving you are repulsive, you have already provided more than enough evidence.

If we were to start killing those without a functioning brain you’d be first on the list. You should perhaps rethink your position?
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Looks like you want to kill those with Alzheimer’s. You don’t have to keep proving you are repulsive, you have already provided mirathan enough evidence.
Alzheimer individuals do have a function brain... they just don't use it very well.

And that explains why you're on here blathering nonsense.
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So before birth unborn babies have no rights? An hour before birth it’s okay to torture an unborn baby to death? Is that what you are saying?
It goes back to viablity, dumb ass...

Do you remember or is your Alzheimer's keeping you from thinking again????

A fetus up to 24 weeks is not viable... so it can be aborted....
So post 24 weeks unborn babies do have rights?

You have changed your mind?
No I didn't change my mind... I believe in legal abortion up to 24 weeks.

It's all about viability.

If it's viable... preserve it...

If it's not viable... I see no problem aborting it.
No I didn't change my mind... I believe in legal abortion up to 24 weeks.

It's all about viability.

If it's viable... preserve it...

If it's not viable... I see no problem aborting it.
If it needs an umbilical cord to survive... then it's not viable...
No I didn't change my mind... I believe in legal abortion up to 24 weeks.

It's all about viability.

If it's viable... preserve it...

If it's not viable... I see no problem aborting it.
You did change your mind you halfwit lol. Earlier you said: “The unborn does not supersede the right of the mother”

I’m glad you changed your mind, your earlier position was sickening and cruel. Now you are prolife at least for the last trimester. You think late term unborn babies have rights. You are making progress.

By the way a 21 week old baby can survive on its own. So really you ought to favor rights for unborn babies post 21 weeks.

Now let’s turn to the viability standard which you support. The viability argument is strictly for idiots: Why the Pro-Choice ‘Viability’ Argument is Garbage

Newborns are completely helpless and require enormous sacrifices from the parents to survive. Newborns are in no way viable. If you believe only the viable have rights you really should start killing infants.
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