Tx Satanists sue for their right to Ritual Abortion

What support do you currently require for your viability?
I require food that comes from my partnership with my wife. I require the love of my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. As I get older, I will require more help from family or others to keep me alive, as will you.
You must be incredibly thick in the head.

Can a pre-pubscent girl or boy breathe on their own? Do they have lungs, a stomach, intestines???

Yep... they sure do have these things.... so that makes them VIABLE.

Does an embryo have lungs or a stomach?

No it doesn't... it's like your arm or leg... living but not biologically a separate living thing.
An infant can breathe on its own and has lungs, stomach, and intestines. Can it survive on its own? Idiot.
Sorry, it's not our job to defend a country that doesn't want to defend itself from the Taliban.
Explain the little girls left with their elderly husbands here in the US.

You, Biden, and all Democrats and all leftists are, in fact, the misogynists.
Hahahahahahahaha! This is bullshit! Not every woman was going to end their pregnancy in the 19th century, hahahahaha!!!

The only women who wanted to end their pregnancies were women who didn't want to have children at that particular time in their life.

You anti-abortionists are fucking crazy!

I never said every woman was going to kill her children. Why is your reading comprehension so bad?

Please admit that the AMA pushed for laws to protect unborn babies. You’ve admitted your ignorance before, I’m sure you can do it again. I’m rooting for you!
OK, I'm seeing that you're the type that needs things to be repeated. So I'll do so, slowly and clearly for you.

We weren't talking about when society generally considers someone an official human being. We were talking about biology.

Will I have to repeat that again for you, before you finally grasp that?
And the leftists claim to be the followers of science...
An infant can breathe on its own and has lungs, stomach, and intestines. Can it survive on its own? Idiot.
False equivalency again.....

An infant is not the same as fetus, idiot.

An infant doesn't need a mother... it just needs someone to feed it, change its diaper etc.

It can breath on its own, digest food etc.

A fetus at 12 weeks... no matter how well you tried to feed it... it would die... as it doesn't have a stomach, nor does it have lungs to breathe.

It's not viable... it can't survive outside the womb.... whereas an infant IS viable.
Hahaha... I am not atheist.... but I also believe in science.

And an embryo is no more a human being than an egg is a chicken.

So I really don't see anything scientifically wrong or even morally wrong with abortions at all.

Also, there's NOTHING in the bible that states abortion is a sin.

Furthermore, abortion has been used for centuries.

It's only been in the 19th century that religious nuts started saying it was wrong... the same religious nuts that also tried to control contraception.

So given this latter fact... anti-abortionism is deeply rooted in misogyny.

Anti-abortion is anti-woman...
Not an atheist? Really? You're a religious man? It doesn't show.
I never said every woman was going to kill her children. Why is your reading comprehension so bad?

Please admit that the AMA pushed for laws to protect unborn babies. You’ve admitted your ignorance before, I’m sure you can do it again. I’m rooting for you!
The AMA pushed for laws on abortion because they were threatened by women who were giving abortions to other women.

They wanted in on the anti-abortion business!
Yes human life begins at conception... but it's not viable unless it is allowed to develop..

Do we need to allow something to develop?

No we do not!

Then, by your logic, we needn't allow an infant to develop into a child. We needn't allow a child to reach puberty. We needn't allow a pubescent teenager to reach adulthood.
The only reason why the AMA pushed for laws to protect the unborn was because they want to move in on the business of homepaths and midwives

Here read this:

Glad to see you again admitting you ignorance.

Do you realize your source is an abortion provider? Do you think they might be biased?
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Then, by your logic, we needn't allow an infant to develop into a child. We needn't allow a child to reach puberty. We needn't allow a pubescent teenager to reach adulthood.
Another False equivalency Fallacy yet again...

Born Humans are not fetuses, fucktard. They don't require other people's bodies to breathe or eat for them.
But we don't FORCE people to provide their organs to others, now do we????

So why should we force women to provide THEIR BODY to grow a fetus that they DO NOT WANT???
Nobody required a woman to grow a fetus. Please show me a single case where someone did that in the United States where they weren't charged with rape or other felony.

When a woman chooses actions that produce a child, and she wasn't forced, then she becomes as obligated to care for her child at that stage of life just as she is required to feed and care for them after birth - even if the care required differs in each of the stages, the obligation do do so as long as the child is unable to care for itself stays the same and failure to care for that child is a crime.
Nobody required a woman to grow a fetus. Please show me a single case where someone did that in the United States where they weren't charged with rape or other felony.

When a woman chooses actions that produce a child, and she wasn't forced, then she becomes as obligated to care for her child at that stage of life just as she is required to feed and care for them after birth - even if the care required differs in each of the stages, the obligation do do so as long as the child is unable to care for itself stays the same and failure to care for that child is a crime.
You are obligated to care for a child when it is born... but not before it is born. That's why abortion is legal, dum dum.
Nobody required a woman to grow a fetus.
The state of Tex-ass is requiring women to grow fetuses.

Just because a woman has sex and the birth control fails... why should she be required to grow the fetus?

That's bullshit.

The state needs to keep its nose out of women's uteruses.
Not everyone is a crazy right wing anti abortion evangelical....
You are right. Some people are drooling ignorant pro-abortion fanatics who keep repeating the same dumb arguments in defense of an industry that murders children.
I require food that comes from my partnership with my wife. I require the love of my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. As I get older, I will require more help from family or others to keep me alive, as will you.
Do you require your wife's lungs to breathe for you? Do you require your children's stomachs to digest food for you??

Then you are not a fetus... you are VIABLE HUMAN BEING

If however you develop a need for an umbilical cord attached to another human being to stay alive... then perhaps someone will abort you and eliminate your stupid self.
You are right. Some people are drooling ignorant pro-abortion fanatics who keep repeating the same dumb arguments in defense of an industry that murders children.
Hahahaha.... murdering children... hahahahahah..

No murders are taking place... just women ending their pregnancies...

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