Zone1 Typical weekend in Chicago, 44 shot with 8 fatalities.

Chicago is my hometown. I haven't been back there in ten years. It's a shame what the Dems have done to the city.
I am watching The Enforcer, the last Dirty Harry movie. It's sad to see beautiful San Francisco in 1976 and realize that all Harry's fears about leftists ruining the city came true. No one can go there now --- feces everywhere and tent cities on the sidewalks and naked parades of perverts and contagious illness being passed around and so much crime more and more stores are emptying out and leaving by the dozen and so much crime that women are chased on the open street by homeless crazies and signs are up, we read, saying don't carry personal possessions (? like purses?) because they WILL be stolen.

All our great cities gone to dirt and crime and disorder. Something is surely wrong there?
No AR-15s, no shootings by Police, no "mass" shootings, so does that mean no problem?

This isi all good news for the Climate cultists, but still not enough have died.

More carbon footprints need to eradicate themselves

Defund the police and let more criminals out of jail.
I am watching The Enforcer, the last Dirty Harry movie. It's sad to see beautiful San Francisco in 1976 and realize that all Harry's fears about leftists ruining the city came true. No one can go there now --- feces everywhere and tent cities on the sidewalks and naked parades of perverts and contagious illness being passed around and so much crime more and more stores are emptying out and leaving by the dozen and so much crime that women are chased on the open street by homeless crazies and signs are up, we read, saying don't carry personal possessions (? like purses?) because they WILL be stolen.

All our great cities gone to dirt and crime and disorder. Something is surely wrong there?
I thought the exact same thing while watching the second Dirty Harry movie. Back then, even San Francisco had a few rational people. That movie couldn't get made today.
I thought the exact same thing while watching the second Dirty Harry movie. Back then, even San Francisco had a few rational people. That movie couldn't get made today.
It was already pretty messed up then. Note they used pure white, obviously white, criminals in the opening scene with the hostage situation in a liquor store. And called them ethnics! Saying Harry shouldn't have stopped them so ------ forcefully ----- because the mayor wants ethnics handled more carefully. Harry pushes back, asking does that mean we are now calling thugs "ethnics." Bad movie-making because confusing; I would guess there were some political issues there they compromised on.
No AR-15s, no shootings by Police, no "mass" shootings, so does that mean no problem?

How about that? Does that mean the Memphis (city with the highest violent crime rate in the country) is getting better, unlike Chicago, Memphis only had 4 killed, though they are just 3 short of their all-time record set last year.
All our great cities gone to dirt and crime and disorder. Something is surely wrong there?
That is the eventual fate of all "great" cities.

It has been said that Satan gathers people into cities, to destroy them.
How about that? Does that mean the Memphis (city with the highest violent crime rate in the country) is getting better, unlike Chicago, Memphis only had 4 killed, though they are just 3 short of their all-time record set last year.
Many of the major urban areas in the country are at their all-time highs in murder rate. This is just my weekly futile attempt to remind folks that we have WAY bigger problems going on than the latest "bucket of chum" the Democrats have tossed into the water.
Many of the major urban areas in the country are at their all-time highs in murder rate. This is just my weekly futile attempt to remind folks that we have WAY bigger problems going on than the latest "bucket of chum" the Democrats have tossed into the water.
Point taken. I know Chicago has a bad wrap on violent crime, and many major metropolitan areas, indeed do. Chicago is just the most common example, almost a trite running joke (though not a funny one), after almost every weekend, always making me glad I don't live anywhere near it.
I am a serious person, but no longer worry about crimes in the hellhole criminal and gang areas of the major ant hill cities. Not my problem, and glad I repeatedly turned down the opportunity to move to one for some supposed benefit to urban megalopolis living. My experience is they have high taxes, crowded streets, often stink, have politics locally to match national politics (which suck) and of course high crime rates and in many situations either poor gun control or Draconian gun control so people like me, might not even be armed, unless willing to pay exorbitant governmental fees for the privilege of providing my own and my family's defense.
Instead, I live 86 miles from one, personally armed, permitted and carrying. Nobody in my family history ever being involve in crime, lived in ghetto squalor, none of my kid ever attacked and could play outside in safety. The air is clean. The water is some of the purest and most abundant on the entire continent. If things go south, I am not hemmed in with millions seeking the same resources. I never understood the attraction to live in a major metro area. I don't even like driving through, but do, and always glad when they are in the rearview mirror. So, I have a warped perspective, based on never having to deal with the shit of the big city with the big city problem. I wish those poor devils luck.
Chicago is not in the top twenty.

And republicans aren't about stopping crime.

Unless its done to certain people.
Chicago is not in the top twenty.

And republicans aren't about stopping crime.

Unless its done to certain people.
You’re right. Chicago is far from the worst.

The worst cities, all Democrat-led, are Memphis, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Detroit. All are majority black (except St. Louis, at “only”45%), which explains the high crime rate since blacks commit a highly disproptionate amount of crime.

Black activitists and Democratic leaders need to start admitting that black criminality is a major problem - and clamp down on it instead of the soft-on-crime nonsense, and blaming whitey.
You’re right. Chicago is far from the worst.

The worst cities, all Democrat-led, are Memphis, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Detroit. All are majority black (except St. Louis, at “only”45%), which explains the high crime rate since blacks commit a highly disproptionate amount of crime.

Black activitists and Democratic leaders need to start admitting that black criminality is a major problem - and clamp down on it instead of the soft-on-crime nonsense, and blaming whitey.
Republicans have run these cities and Republiicans have controlled those states. Apparently you don't understand what decades of racially biased public policy has caused.

And certainly you ignore how the existence of people with mindsets like many here causes problems for blacks and other people of color.

That mindset forces people to make decisions they should not have to make.

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