Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

What apple and oranges?

Boeing gets a good amount of government pork. If their workers want Union..they should go Union. Simple as that.

It doesn't matter what their workers want. It's what Boeing wants. Boeing wanted Charleston labor instead of Seattle labor. 8,000 Charlestonians lined up and applauded that non-union job Boeing offered. Everyone was happy, Boeing and Charleston workers.

Then Obama sued.

Is that how YOU want our gov't to work? Sue companies for not using the labor the gov't thinks they should? You know thats called tyranny, not freedom, right?

Actually no.

I want government to stop giving private industry tax payer money.

I want government to stop butting in on labor/management issues.


Part 1, sure, stop giving private industry tax payer money. So....you gonna bitch about Obama buying GM and pumping tax money to GE/MSNBC??????

Part 2, YES, I agree. The gov't should stop butting in on labor/management issues. Boeing's management decided to move it's operation to South Carolina, and hire SC labor. The Federal Government then filed a lawsuit to force a reversal of that mgmt/labor decision. I don't like it. Do you?

I think you and I finally agree:clap2:
without reading this thread, i am not going out on a limb by calling this a load of bollocks.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

I wonder why this isn't being blasted all over the networks????:eek:

Obama has the Department of Justice and billions of borrowed dollars to go after his enemies.

He uses his own special brand of discrimination against anyone that pisses him off.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

I wonder why this isn't being blasted all over the networks????:eek:

Obama has the Department of Justice and billions of borrowed dollars to go after his enemies.

He uses his own special brand of discrimination against anyone that pisses him off.

Only one covered it (Fox), big suprise. A handful of talk radio covered it. It's fairly early news though, just breaking in Charleston yesterday, so with all thats going on, it may take a bit.

BUT one reason it won't get much press is because this lawsuit is obviously gonna get tossed. Gov't can't dictate where a company locates it's operations.

But this is ONLY a punishment to Boeing. They'll fork out millions in legal defense. Then win the lawsuit. It's just the Chicago way of punishing enemies.
What apple and oranges?

Boeing gets a good amount of government pork. If their workers want Union..they should go Union. Simple as that.

It doesn't matter what their workers want. It's what Boeing wants. Boeing wanted Charleston labor instead of Seattle labor. 8,000 Charlestonians lined up and applauded that non-union job Boeing offered. Everyone was happy, Boeing and Charleston workers.

Then Obama sued.

Is that how YOU want our gov't to work? Sue companies for not using the labor the gov't thinks they should? You know thats called tyranny, not freedom, right?

Actually no.

I want government to stop giving private industry tax payer money.
I want government to stop butting in on labor/management issues.


I'm curious....are you saying you want the government to create businesses, and controlled by the government?

mudwhistle, more than a year ago, i told you that i would not mock you anymore. as a new year resolution.
i think you are basically a good guy, but your "politics" are beyond moronic.
i'd totally trust you on sniper issues, though.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

The "Obama Administration" did not file the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was triggered by a March 2010 complaint from the IAMAW, which has engaged in five strikes against Boeing between 1977 and 2008.

The NLRB said its investigation found that the company violated two sections of the National Labor Relations Act in 2009 when it picked Charleston International Airport as the site of its second 787 assembly plant, rather than expanding its existing factory in Everett.

Get your facts straight before you go off half-cocked.

It doesn't matter who filed the thing. If the DOJ joins afterward they're a just as much a part of it.

Only in this case Obama appointed everybody on the board.

The NLRB is governed by a five-person board and a General Counsel, all of whom are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate. Board members are appointed to five-year terms and the General Counsel is appointed to a four-year term. The General Counsel acts as a prosecutor and the Board acts as an appellate judicial body from decisions of administrative law judges. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Labor_Relations_Board
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You think it's moronic because you don't really care ether way.

If Obama throws his weight around in the courts using taxpayer money it's no skin off your nuts.

Btw, you can't mock me cuz I consider the source before I take it personal.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

The "Obama Administration" did not file the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was triggered by a March 2010 complaint from the IAMAW, which has engaged in five strikes against Boeing between 1977 and 2008.

The NLRB said its investigation found that the company violated two sections of the National Labor Relations Act in 2009 when it picked Charleston International Airport as the site of its second 787 assembly plant, rather than expanding its existing factory in Everett.

Get your facts straight before you go off half-cocked.

It doesn't matter who filed the thing. If the DOJ joins afterward they're a just as much a part of it.

Of all the things that might 'Not matter,' I personally think who filed the effin thing is important. Cute stance though.
how mentally ill do you have to be to want to use scabs instead of union labor.

what barn did you grow up in?


I am not in a union....so I guess I'm a scab....
You better be careful throwing names around I can be very creative Ma'am....:eusa_shhh:
The "Obama Administration" did not file the lawsuit.

Get your facts straight before you go off half-cocked.

It doesn't matter who filed the thing. If the DOJ joins afterward they're a just as much a part of it.

Of all the things that might 'Not matter,' I personally think who filed the effin thing is important. Cute stance though.

Well, since Obama appointed every single participant in the legal action against Boing it's pretty much academic.

You think it's moronic because you don't really care ether way.

If Obama throws his weight around in the courts using taxpayer money it's no skin off your nuts.

Btw, you can't mock me cuz I consider the source before I take it personal.

Just imagine....lets say Boeing spends $5 million defending this suit.

Thats 100 employees....making $50,000 a year....they could've hired.

Dammit Obama....don't you know we Americans coulda used those jobs?
It doesn't matter who filed the thing. If the DOJ joins afterward they're a just as much a part of it.

Of all the things that might 'Not matter,' I personally think who filed the effin thing is important. Cute stance though.

Well, since Obama appointed every single participant in the legal action against Boing it's pretty much academic.

Mmm-hmm. Do you know that to be true, or is it one of those things you just say?
mudwhistle, more than a year ago, i told you that i would not mock you anymore. as a new year resolution.
i think you are basically a good guy, but your "politics" are beyond moronic.
i'd totally trust you on sniper issues, though.

You think it's moronic because you don't really care ether way.

If Obama throws his weight around in the courts using taxpayer money it's no skin off your nuts.

Btw, you can't mock me cuz I consider the source before I take it personal.

Just imagine....lets say Boeing spends $5 million defending this suit.

Thats 100 employees....making $50,000 a year....they could've hired.

Dammit Obama....don't you know we Americans coulda used those jobs?

Strange how if they lose the case all of those jobs are gone.

One more instance where Obama was purposely trying to destroy the job market.
Of all the things that might 'Not matter,' I personally think who filed the effin thing is important. Cute stance though.

Well, since Obama appointed every single participant in the legal action against Boing it's pretty much academic.

Mmm-hmm. Do you know that to be true, or is it one of those things you just say?

I posted a link.

I also posted the paragraph that supported it.
You think it's moronic because you don't really care ether way.

If Obama throws his weight around in the courts using taxpayer money it's no skin off your nuts.

Btw, you can't mock me cuz I consider the source before I take it personal.

Just imagine....lets say Boeing spends $5 million defending this suit.

Thats 100 employees....making $50,000 a year....they could've hired.

Dammit Obama....don't you know we Americans coulda used those jobs?

Strange how if they lose the case all of those jobs are gone.

One more instance where Obama was purposely trying to destroy the job market.

No, the jobs won't be "gone". They'll just be in Seattle. The suit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that plant to Seattle. The massive factory that was just built in North Charleston would just be a big ass vacant building. Read me upcoming thread regarding Boeing, SC, and green energy. It's gonna be epic.
I know it boggles the mind doesn't it. The more efficient way would be to do like Reagan did with the air traffic controlers.

The more efficient way to do what, treat private corporations like they are government property?
Just imagine....lets say Boeing spends $5 million defending this suit.

Thats 100 employees....making $50,000 a year....they could've hired.

Dammit Obama....don't you know we Americans coulda used those jobs?

Strange how if they lose the case all of those jobs are gone.

One more instance where Obama was purposely trying to destroy the job market.

No, the jobs won't be "gone". They'll just be in Seattle. The suit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that plant to Seattle. The massive factory that was just built in North Charleston would just be a big ass vacant building. Read me upcoming thread regarding Boeing, SC, and green energy. It's gonna be epic.

Relocation is expensive. Seattle is more expensive to operate in then SC. They could always say fuck it and move the factory to Mexico.

That would put them out of the reach of those cock-suckers in Washington.

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