U of Missouri student body prez admits it: HE LIED. Made up false info. I CALLED IT.

and he's still allowed to attend the school? Living in the ObamaNation has just been so wonderful hasn't it?

we now live in a Nation of get whity, everything is the crackers fault. you can't say or do anything without being accused of something. what freaking country are we living in?
The ex-president and ex-chancellor should sue the Missouri Student Association for spreading hysteria which helped lead to their resignations.
Just remember....when some idiot is making claims of racism...unless there is PROOF....It's likely a lie they're using to stir shit up.
and he's still allowed to attend the school? Living in the ObamaNation has just been so wonderful hasn't it?

we now live in a Nation of get whity, everything is the crackers fault. you can't say or do anything without being accused of something. what freaking country are we living in?
This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Where Whitey is the oppressed.
A feral cave chimp remotely made threats on the internet (because cave chimps are too timid to come in person) to the campus which caused the KKK rumor. Here he is. Just look at the simian. He's "prolly" all sorry now. :laugh:


Northwest Missouri State student arrested for making racist threats

"Stottlemeyer’s arrest came after police received reports of threats against African-Americans made via the social media application Yik Yak."

Ya got the wrong school there --- my simian from another mother.... Close enough to keep the struggle alive tho.

No its the right school. This simian goes to another school but made threats against the Black students at Mizzou. You know how timid these cave monkeys are. Obviously you neglected to read the link in your haste to post your erroneous simian observation.
Poor black monkey liar got outed and you still lying to keep up the charade. All those students need to lose their scholarships and booted off campus.
The bottom line is that it's irrelevant to the left if there's any factual basis to any of it. What matters is forwarding the agenda and a good narrative is the key, like any fairy tale. It's the thought that counts.
MSA president apologizes for sharing false rumors of KKK on MU campus

This thing gets more pathetic by the hour. The student body president who started this nonsense....you know...son of a $20 million dollar railroad exec....ADMITS AND APOLOGIZES for making up false alarms about racial shit. He claimed KKK was "confirmed to be on campus" and he was working with the state police and national guard.

He lied. Missouri campus police sent out a message that this was untrue. And he admits....he lied. He said "incorrect sources" caused him to say it in a moment of stress and concern (yes...to keep his 15 min of fame going)

He bitched about white privilege. His Dad has $20,000,000.
He claims he was called the N word by stranger. No proof.
He went on a hunger strike. Friends snuck him food.
He claimed KKK was on campus. Admits lie and apologizes.
Whines that UofM is only 7% black. Yet...got voted as Student Body President somehow.

Are we really gonna keep buying this bullshit folks??
I have stopped accepting it. These people are Marxist lying PoS cowards. Why give them the time of day any more?
Sadly, when zealots get involved in an issue, you can't believe anything you hear.

The PC Police continue to dilute and pollute an important issue with stuff like this, and it's clearly exacerbating the REAL problems we have.

They clearly don't care about healing, they just want victory.
I say all lefties who want us to believe ANY of their claims of racism.....need body cams. 24/7.

Otherwise....it didn't happen.
I say all lefties who want us to believe ANY of their claims of racism.....need body cams. 24/7.

Otherwise....it didn't happen.
I haven't believed anything that any progressive has said for the last 20 years..in my personal life, or in the public arena.

They're compulsive liars, frauds, cowards and scumbags. Every single one of them belongs in prison. Or even better, dead.
But Hey -- I ain't defending the senseless.. Add this guy to the racist Black Studies faculty at Mizzou that agitated this whole sitchiation..
The president that is now a former president was the one that agitated the situation. He should have just done his job and he would have still had it.

Naww.. not the crux of the problem.. I forced myself to watch 20 minutes with the Head of Black Studies there at Mizzou. Nuttier than a fruitcake this lady is. Asked what perpetrated the actions -- she refused on the basis that to name any would degrade the longer list of ALL our gripes.

What STARTED IT was budget envy between the Black Studies radicalized "faculty" and the rest of the Univ.
Seems like they believe EVERY freshman ought to be required to be mentally tortured by them. And that staff and grad students ought to be paid for time in political activism and community organizing and street theatre..
so, what I found hilarious is that after the President resigned, a group of blacks all held up the black panther black Power fists. Funny stuff, no one except them I supposed are allowed to display themselves. I don't know about you all, but the white man is definitely in the targets.

I was thinking just this morning, how do we know whether these want a be black panthers didn't do all of that? Do we know?
and he's still allowed to attend the school? Living in the ObamaNation has just been so wonderful hasn't it?

we now live in a Nation of get whity, everything is the crackers fault. you can't say or do anything without being accused of something. what freaking country are we living in?
This is nothing. In couple of years you won't recognise the US.
All out civil war is about to erupt against these LIB PC Nazis and their 'Special Needs' negro army. You see it won't ever be the LIB 'Metro' pajama-boys and girls who will be doing the actual fighting. That's what their house negroes are for.
The result will be the destruction of the negro race in the US and some very very bad repercussions against the 'Onsies.
A feral cave chimp remotely made threats on the internet (because cave chimps are too timid to come in person) to the campus which caused the KKK rumor. Here he is. Just look at the simian. He's "prolly" all sorry now. :laugh:


Northwest Missouri State student arrested for making racist threats

"Stottlemeyer’s arrest came after police received reports of threats against African-Americans made via the social media application Yik Yak."

Ya got the wrong school there --- my simian from another mother.... Close enough to keep the struggle alive tho.

No its the right school. This simian goes to another school but made threats against the Black students at Mizzou. You know how timid these cave monkeys are. Obviously you neglected to read the link in your haste to post your erroneous simian observation.
Poor black monkey liar got outed and you still lying to keep up the charade. All those students need to lose their scholarships and booted off campus.
especially for holding up their fists like the Black Panther black power sign. Boot them right off campus for that. Either it is tolerated or it isn't can't allow one and not the others. Doesn't work that way.

I think they call that hypocritical
A feral cave chimp remotely made threats on the internet (because cave chimps are too timid to come in person) to the campus which caused the KKK rumor. Here he is. Just look at the simian. He's "prolly" all sorry now. :laugh:


Northwest Missouri State student arrested for making racist threats

"Stottlemeyer’s arrest came after police received reports of threats against African-Americans made via the social media application Yik Yak."

Ya got the wrong school there --- my simian from another mother.... Close enough to keep the struggle alive tho.

No its the right school. This simian goes to another school but made threats against the Black students at Mizzou. You know how timid these cave monkeys are. Obviously you neglected to read the link in your haste to post your erroneous simian observation.
Poor black monkey liar got outed and you still lying to keep up the charade. All those students need to lose their scholarships and booted off campus.
especially for holding up their fists like the Black Panther black power sign. Boot them right off campus for that. Either it is tolerated or it isn't can't allow one and not the others. Doesn't work that way.

I think they call that hypocritical

It IS hypocritical.. To be complaining about Halloween costumes and "micro-aggresions" from their safe zones, but backing a Marxist inspired militant group with "Black Power" tee shirts. Not that it's more threatening than a Bill Cosby costume -- just because it's not rationally consistent..
A feral cave chimp remotely made threats on the internet (because cave chimps are too timid to come in person) to the campus which caused the KKK rumor. Here he is. Just look at the simian. He's "prolly" all sorry now. :laugh:


Northwest Missouri State student arrested for making racist threats

"Stottlemeyer’s arrest came after police received reports of threats against African-Americans made via the social media application Yik Yak."

Ya got the wrong school there --- my simian from another mother.... Close enough to keep the struggle alive tho.

No its the right school. This simian goes to another school but made threats against the Black students at Mizzou. You know how timid these cave monkeys are. Obviously you neglected to read the link in your haste to post your erroneous simian observation.

So no comment on the symbol of black intelligensia that the fuzz brain Chair of Black Studies is?
Is that the INTELLECTUAL leadership that you should have to pay for to get your dear son/daughter/tranny armed with facts/history/analysis to be a SOLUTION to issues in that community?

BTW -- those perps you walked thru the thread? Heard it reported on MSNBC this morning that the 2nd simian was brought in for threats made AFTER the Mizzou Prez stepped down. He played no role in lighting this fire. Just capitalized on it..
Asclepias --- You familiar with the new academic buzzword of "testing the climate"?? This Mizzou moron head of her dept was repeating it over and over again. If you remember back to that "art project" gone wrong where the swastika on the Black hall or frat was actually the work of a black student's project in "testing the climate"..

It means -- to make it short --- purposeful agitation to observe the reaction of community and leaders. And cower them into "responding appropriately".. But by doing so, they know that most media will report the INITIAL story and never really work on the clarifying retraction of the racism charges. Means you CONSTANTLY create racial tension ON PURPOSE -- so that you can bully and lecture folks about shit that never happened..
Now you have the wrong school and art project. It was at the University of Buffalo and it was white only and Black only signs. However, let me get this straight. You think this is all about just a swastika? Sorry but this due to years of racial tension started, encourged, and supported by feral white racists while like minded admin turned their heads and swept it under the rug. You disappoint me. I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Not really --- I KNEW it was a previous event. But it's this new black academia concept of "testing the climate"
that fuzz for brains talks about in the MSNBC interview...

Yeah about that. You still havent provided a link. Instead youre just telling me your unbiased assessment.

Put your glasses on. It's at post #18 or just before this one of yours. You REALLY need to see that women..

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