U.S. Army deploying 1,800 troops to Iraq, Afghanistan

Well, we know that the military will fight much better now that we have women, homosexuals, transgenders, and gender neutrals fighting alongside all the normal guys.
Obama having to go back and fix his F/U from leaving in the first place

What a dunce

U.S. Army deploying 1,800 troops to Iraq, Afghanistan

Obama needs to give back his Nobel Peace Prize.

He promised an end to war in Iraq, but now he's sending more men back to Iraq.

Another broken promise.

No. Obama kept his promise. He announced to the world that Bush's Iraqi war was over and that he was sending the troops home. ISIS moved in when Obama pulled the troops out. This is Obama's Iraqi War. He is fighting three wars now and has turned Libya over to ISIS.
I guess they'll be wearing Birkenstocks, since our Fearful Leader promised no new boots on the ground in the ME.
Well, we know that the military will fight much better now that we have women, homosexuals, transgenders, and gender neutrals fighting alongside all the normal guys.
Anyone that feels the need to kill..Sure, why not...Beats you cowards that never served.........
You people bitch no matter what he does,,,If he did nothing you'd bitch about that also...
Congress refuses to let him have the power to do what ever is needed....So, we are limited in scope and operation........
It's hard to fight an effective war when the Commander-in-Chief hates the military. Obama can't even throw a baseball:

He throws like a girl, which is an insult to girls, because most girls can throw a baseball better than Obama.
It's hard to fight an effective war when the Commander-in-Chief hates the military. Obama can't even throw a baseball:

He throws like a girl, which is an insult to girls, because most girls can throw a baseball better than Obama.

He kills many Muslims......Over 20k with the operations against ISIS.....
1800 troops off to a meaningless strip of desert wasteland on the complete opposite side of the planet. When will we learn...

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