U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Shame on the Capitol police for shooting the Patriots.

Shame on the Capitol police for allowing a Communist take over of our country through a fraudulent election.

They should be joining the Patriots but then they will lose their dental plan.

And by 'patriots', you mean the guys pointing guns at our police?
What if they turn out to be ANTIFA?
It is Antifa
Just announced -- Democrats won BOTH Senate runoffs. In two weeks, we control the Executive branch, House AND Senate.

Thank you, Impeached President Trump!

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Those who are watching the events today in DC, which was incited by The President of our United States, has put those of his base who entered the premises in danger of serving 10 years in prison, but trump's doing so has made him incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Already numerous threads on this, Dumbass.
Remember that actor who faked a hate crime? Well, the sun will set in DC in a few minutes...
When something of yours is stolen; you know who did it and tell the police do you expect an investigation?

If they refuse are you OK with that?

Or do you go and do your best to get what was stolen from you?

You don't?

OK, then you may a liberal. Or just s coward.

Oh, that WAS redundant, wasn't it!
The election belongs to American people, not Donald Trump or anyone else.
Trump tells the angry mob to go home and that the election was stolen.
Well it was stolen.

Except that it wasn't. As confirmed by everyone from Barr to the DOJ to the CISA to the local and state election officials. Even republican ones.

Biden won every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, the official tally, 306 electors worth of the certificates of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

While Trump's attorneys starkly refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
Trump is wrong. We need to escalate the violence.

The time for peaceful protest is over. No justice, no peace.

It is time to fertilizer the tree of liberty with the blood of tyants that would turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

Are you in DC right now, or are you just a dickless big mouth who thinks this is all some kind of video game? Don't talk of violence unless you are putting your own big mouth in the middle of it.
Flash is taking violence while sitting on the can taking a shit.
Why are you against mostly peaceful protests all the sudden?
Many are peaceful some are not. Why are you not condemning the violent protestors. The one's breaking windows, assaulting the police and destroying property?
Let’s see your posts condemning the Dimwinger Antifa hoards......
Do you condemn the violence at the capital?
So you have no posts condemning the Dimwinger hoards.

Got it.
So you are fine with the violence.

Friggin hypocrite.

And as I said I condemn violence no matter the source.
Where did I say I am fine with violence? Quote MY words, not your lying spin.

I note you can’t produce a single post condemning your Dimwinger hoards.
Then you are not looking hard enough.

So do you condemn the violence by some of these Trumpers?
Why would I look for something that isn’t there?
How would you know it isn't there if you haven't looked?
Because you support your Dimwinger hoards.
Trump is wrong. We need to escalate the violence.

The time for peaceful protest is over. No justice, no peace.

It is time to fertilizer the tree of liberty with the blood of tyants that would turn this country into a Socialist shithole.
Shut up. You’re so full of shit. Trumptards are ineffective idiots.

That is funny coming from a stupid American hating Moon Bat that supported the BLM and ANTIFA terrorism.
....and you continue to sit at your computer while the other idiots do all the dirty work for you.
How many fires did you light last summer? How much did you loot? Did you kill anyone or just sit at your computer?
I never supported the Floyd rioting in the first place. Duh.
But they accomplished what you wanted. Hate and division is what Democrats live on. And they increased it and used it and those people as weapons for political gains. That is and was terrorism.

What is going on today is nothing like it.
This is a great sight.

I would say its more sad than awesome,,, the fact it had to come to this when it would have been so easy to allow detailed audits of the contested election issue.

but they decided to say no and then mock us for contesting it,,

and I didnt even vote for trump,, I care about the election not trump,,
Stop the BS . Are you a Russian troll
Or a traitor?

I'm not the one who just got caught lying about election fraud, snowflake.

I'm not the one who took $1.5 BILLION from the CCP.

I'm not the one who was caught facilitating CCP espionage for DECADES.

I'm not the one who screwed a CCP spy and hired another.

I'm not the one who has allowed a proven CCP spy facilitator remain on the House Intel Committee.

Your attempt at projection has failed.
You are the one making up BS
Your lies have been debunked. No one cares about your continued emotional opinionated claims of 'Nuh-uh'. Go away, snowflake.
If he was the liar and not you, we wouldn't see Trumplicans storming the Capitol.
Why do you oppose mostly peaceful protests all the sudden?


This was more than a protest. It was sedition and it was inspired by the President of the United States. Sad, sad day for America.
Trump tells the angry mob to go home and that the election was stolen.
Well it was stolen.

Except that it wasn't. As confirmed by everyone from Barr to the DOJ to the CISA to the local and state election officials. Even republican ones.

Biden won every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, the official tally, 306 electors worth of the certificates of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

While Trump's attorneys starkly refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
You know it was rigged, and God dammit I hope they beat you liberals silly.
Shame on the Capitol police for shooting the Patriots.

Shame on the Capitol police for allowing a Communist take over of our country through a fraudulent election.

They should be joining the Patriots but then they will lose their dental plan.

And by 'patriots', you mean the guys pointing guns at our police?
What if they turn out to be ANTIFA?
It is Antifa
100% antifa. arrest them and run background checks.

should be arresting ANYONE "storming" government property anyway.
you are pathetic.
If someone gets hurt, this will be directly on Trump.
Election theft is not as much fun as libs thought it would be

" WE lost the game because the refs cheated"

"I got a "D" in math because the teacher hates me"

'"My wife threw me out because she is a bitch"

"I got fired because the boss doesn't like me"

"Trump lost the election because the Democrats cheated"

I get it. You fucking losers have an excuse for your failures. Mayve, just maybe, you actually are the losers that you appear to be.
This Election Fraud Scandal will haunt the Troglocrats for generations.
They have zero credibility at this point.
So screaming election fraud without proof give you credibility?

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