U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner to Congressional Black Caucus: Amnesty Hurts Black Wor


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama and his party doesn't care about this, they figure they own the black votes already ...all they see is more voters for the PARTY and more cheap labor for Big Corps. Just an awful party
links in article at site

by Tony Lee 20 May 2014, 12:59 PM PDT 9 post a comment

A member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights advised the Congressional Black Caucus on Tuesday to oppose amnesty legislation backed by President Barack Obama and Democrats because it threatens to further devastate the employment opportunities for black Americans.

Commissioner Peter Kirsanow, in his individual capacity as a member of the eight-member commission, wrote to Rep. Marcia Fudge (R-OH), the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), and said that amnesty would "disproportionately harm lower-skilled African-Americans" whose economic conditions have already gotten worse under America's first black president.

He asked members of the CBC to "oppose any legislation that would grant any form of work authorization to illegal aliens" and "oppose legislation that would increase the overall number of guest workers admitted to the U.S. each year."

Reports have documented the surplus of labor in the high-tech industry that is depressing wages, and there is also a huge surplus in more lower-skilled jobs.

"The obvious question is whether there are sufficient jobs in the low-skilled labor market for both African-Americans and illegal immigrants," Kirsanow wrote. "The answer is no."

He referenced a 2008 commission hearing in which witnesses testified that illegal immigration "disproportionately impacts the wages and employment opportunities of African-American" males. Scholars noted that 40% of the 18-point decline in the black employment rate from 1960 to 2000 was due to immigration. He noted that illegal immigrants and blacks "often find themselves in competition for the same jobs."

Kirsanow cited April's unemployment numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which found that the "unemployment rate for all black Americans – not just those with few skills – was 11.6 percent, more than twice the white unemployment rate of 5.3 percent." Furthermore, the unemployment rate for black teens was 36.8 percent, and the "black labor force participation rate has fallen to an historic low of 60.9 percent," while the "black median household income has dropped by nearly $1,500 in the last five years."

"Illegal immigration has a disparate impact on African-American men because these men are disproportionately represented in the low-skilled labor force," he wrote, noting that a 2012 Census report found that "50.9 percent of native-born blacks had not continued their education beyond high school."

all of it here
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner to Congressional Black Caucus: Amnesty Hurts Black Workers
Obama doesn't care who he steps on to import future Democrat voters.

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