U.S. Contributions to the U.N. at Record levels


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Congress Should Renew the Report Requirement on U.S. Contributions to the U.N. and Reverse Record-Setting Contributions to the U.N

U.S. contributions to the U.N. system reached a record level of $7.692 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2010—a staggering 21 percent increase over FY 2009. This is the third consecutive year in which U.S. contributions set new records.

The current budgetary crisis should focus congressional attention on whether increased funding for the U.N. is a priority, particularly considering well-documented U.N. management and oversight deficiencies. Having an accurate account of U.S. contributions to the U.N. is critical to this evaluation.

Record-Setting Contributions to the U.N.

The United States has been the largest financial supporter of the United Nations since the organization’s founding in 1945. The U.S. is assessed 22 percent of the U.N. regular budget and more than 27 percent of the U.N. peacekeeping budget. In dollar terms, the Administration’s budget for FY 2012 requested $568.7 million for the U.N. regular budget and more than $1.92 billion for the U.N. peacekeeping budget.[2] In addition, the U.S. also provides additional billions in assessed and voluntary contributions to other organizations in the U.N. system each year.

Despite America’s detailed budgetary process and documentation, comprehensive information on U.S. contributions to the U.N. have not been readily available until recently. Most U.S. contributions to the U.N. originate in the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). For FY 2010, for instance, the State Department and USAID accounted for over 95 percent of all U.S. contributions to the U.N.

However, hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars go to the U.N. and affiliated organizations through other parts of the U.S. government. For instance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides funding to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Department of Energy provides funds to the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Department of Health and Human Services provides funds to the World Health Organization

Reverse Record-Setting U.S. Contributions to the United Nations | The Heritage Foundation
Congress Should Renew the Report Requirement on U.S. Contributions to the U.N. and Reverse Record-Setting Contributions to the U.N

U.S. contributions to the U.N. system reached a record level of $7.692 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2010—a staggering 21 percent increase over FY 2009. This is the third consecutive year in which U.S. contributions set new records.The current budgetary crisis should focus congressional attention on whether increased funding for the U.N. is a priority, particularly considering well-documented U.N. management and oversight deficiencies. Having an accurate account of U.S. contributions to the U.N. is critical to this evaluation.

Record-Setting Contributions to the U.N.

The United States has been the largest financial supporter of the United Nations since the organization’s founding in 1945. The U.S. is assessed 22 percent of the U.N. regular budget and more than 27 percent of the U.N. peacekeeping budget. In dollar terms, the Administration’s budget for FY 2012 requested $568.7 million for the U.N. regular budget and more than $1.92 billion for the U.N. peacekeeping budget.[2] In addition, the U.S. also provides additional billions in assessed and voluntary contributions to other organizations in the U.N. system each year.

Despite America’s detailed budgetary process and documentation, comprehensive information on U.S. contributions to the U.N. have not been readily available until recently. Most U.S. contributions to the U.N. originate in the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). For FY 2010, for instance, the State Department and USAID accounted for over 95 percent of all U.S. contributions to the U.N.

However, hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars go to the U.N. and affiliated organizations through other parts of the U.S. government. For instance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides funding to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Department of Energy provides funds to the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Department of Health and Human Services provides funds to the World Health Organization

Reverse Record-Setting U.S. Contributions to the United Nations | The Heritage Foundation

obie depends on the UN to send that money to Africa.
I concur. We should only contribute American Taxpayer Money for strictly Humanitarian efforts. But not current "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. Because i see nothing Humanitarian about slaughtering Libyans. The contributions should definitely be cut down. Feeding & Clothing those in need is certainly a worthy cause but obviously we've gone well past that. Time for change.
I concur. We should only contribute American Taxpayer Money for strictly Humanitarian efforts. But not current "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. Because i see nothing Humanitarian about slaughtering Libyans. The contributions should definitely be cut down. Feeding & Clothing those in need is certainly a worthy cause but obviously we've gone well past that. Time for change.

We pay for the U.N. to legitimize thugs and terrorist, bash the U.S. and Israel, push this global warming scam they are a joke.
I concur. We should only contribute American Taxpayer Money for strictly Humanitarian efforts. But not current "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. Because i see nothing Humanitarian about slaughtering Libyans. The contributions should definitely be cut down. Feeding & Clothing those in need is certainly a worthy cause but obviously we've gone well past that. Time for change.

We pay for the U.N. to legitimize thugs and terrorist, bash the U.S. and Israel, push this global warming scam they are a joke.

It does seem that way at this point. Funding a Foreign Organization which is working against the best interests of of the U.S. makes no sense. I would be ok with only funding strictly Humanitarian efforts like feeding,clothing,and housing. Nothing else though. The UN just isn't an entity working for our best interests here in the U.S. Therefore funding should be cut dramatically.
Thank you, ignorant adventurist myopic arrogant ugly 'Merican Pub dupes LOL. Quiz: what modern country gives the least per capita in foreign aid, by far? What party ruined the League of Nations, leading to WWII (not to mention starting the Great Depression- ditto!). How many trillion dollars would dumbazz pubs have saved in Iraq if they listened to the UN?
we had made demands I beleive back in 07 08 for China Brazil et al to step up their contributions so we could see come consistency among the G-20 and the like etc....

I however, am not surprised. at all.
Once again the phrase "useful idiots" used by Stalin describing American foreign policy...comes to my mind.
I go with Libo above - it is asinine to provide such enormous taxpayer money to an entity that no longer works in our best interest.
The UN fucks us in the ass every chance they get, and we are funding them why?

It's a fair question. I also ask it everyday. The UN clearly does not work for our best interests here in the U.S. If you believe in our Constitution,this should bother you. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund a Foreign Body that generally works against our best interests. It really could be Unconstitutional. I'm ok with funding real Humanitarian efforts like feeding & housing. But nothing else. So-called "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans should not be supported. There is nothing Humanitarian about bombing & killing Libyans.

We really do need to re-asses our funding for the UN. It needs to be limited and more focused on real Humanitarian efforts like feeding,clothing,and housing. I don't see this happening anytime soon though. They're just so used to flushing American Tax Dollars down the toilet. It's a habit they just can't break. Maybe one day things will change? I hope so anyway.
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The UN fucks us in the ass every chance they get, and we are funding them why?

It's a fair question. I also ask it everyday. The UN clearly does not work for our best interests here in the U.S. If you believe in our Constitution,this should bother you. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund a Foreign Body that generally works against our best interests. It really could be Unconstitutional. I'm ok with funding real Humanitarian efforts like feeding & housing. But nothing else. So-called "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans should not be supported. There is nothing Humanitarian about bombing & killing Libyans.

We really do need to re-asses our funding for the UN. It needs to be limited and more focused on real Humanitarian efforts like feeding,clothing,and housing. I don't see this happening anytime soon though. They're just so used to flushing American Tax Dollars down the toilet. It's a habit they just can't break. Maybe one day things will change? I hope so anyway.

I just don't understand our fetish for handing over barrels of cash to people that hate us. Money doesn't buy love, our dealings with the Arabs have taught us that.
The UN fucks us in the ass every chance they get, and we are funding them why?

It's a fair question. I also ask it everyday. The UN clearly does not work for our best interests here in the U.S. If you believe in our Constitution,this should bother you. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund a Foreign Body that generally works against our best interests. It really could be Unconstitutional. I'm ok with funding real Humanitarian efforts like feeding & housing. But nothing else. So-called "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans should not be supported. There is nothing Humanitarian about bombing & killing Libyans.

We really do need to re-asses our funding for the UN. It needs to be limited and more focused on real Humanitarian efforts like feeding,clothing,and housing. I don't see this happening anytime soon though. They're just so used to flushing American Tax Dollars down the toilet. It's a habit they just can't break. Maybe one day things will change? I hope so anyway.

I just don't understand our fetish for handing over barrels of cash to people that hate us. Money doesn't buy love, our dealings with the Arabs have taught us that.

Boy you nailed that one. Kudos to you. I also think our funding should be done on an individual basis. Our U.S. Congress should vote on how much funding will go to a particular UN Humanitarian effort. Disasters such as Earthquakes and Tsunamis should be addressed and funded on an individual basis. This way the Tax Dollars can be easily tracked to make sure the funds actually reach the people. Right now we just hand all the $Billions over to the UN with no accountability at all. Who knows where all those $Billions go?

Our U.S. Congress definitely needs to be more involved with UN funding. Just take each Humanitarian crisis as it comes and vote on a certain amount of Money to be sent for the effort. This way we wont get stuck spending $Billions on "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. If that was debated in Congress,it probably wouldn't have happened. Look at all the Taxpayer $Billions we're flushing down the toilet on that farce? Things definitely need to change in regards to our UN funding. It can't continue this way. We need more accountability and a real return on our investment.
It's a fair question. I also ask it everyday. The UN clearly does not work for our best interests here in the U.S. If you believe in our Constitution,this should bother you. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund a Foreign Body that generally works against our best interests. It really could be Unconstitutional. I'm ok with funding real Humanitarian efforts like feeding & housing. But nothing else. So-called "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans should not be supported. There is nothing Humanitarian about bombing & killing Libyans.

We really do need to re-asses our funding for the UN. It needs to be limited and more focused on real Humanitarian efforts like feeding,clothing,and housing. I don't see this happening anytime soon though. They're just so used to flushing American Tax Dollars down the toilet. It's a habit they just can't break. Maybe one day things will change? I hope so anyway.

I just don't understand our fetish for handing over barrels of cash to people that hate us. Money doesn't buy love, our dealings with the Arabs have taught us that.

Boy you nailed that one. Kudos to you. I also think our funding should be done on an individual basis. Our U.S. Congress should vote on how much funding will go to a particular UN Humanitarian effort. Disasters such as Earthquakes and Tsunamis should be addressed and funded on an individual basis. This way the Tax Dollars can be easily tracked to make sure the funds actually reach the people. Right now we just hand all the $Billions over to the UN with no accountability at all. Who knows where all those $Billions go?

Our U.S. Congress definitely needs to be more involved with UN funding. Just take each Humanitarian crisis as it comes and vote on a certain amount of Money to be sent for the effort. This way we wont get stuck spending $Billions on "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. If that was debated in Congress,it probably wouldn't have happened. Look at all the Taxpayer $Billions we're flushing down the toilet on that farce? Things definitely need to change in regards to our UN funding. It can't continue this way. We need more accountability and a real return on our investment.

I also think there should be preconditions if you take money from the US, we are throwing billions of dollars at countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen etc and not realy holding them accountable for anything, if you are going to take money from the US there should be strings attached, like hold Egypt accountable for protecting the Christians there better and doing more for womens right, Saudis stop cutting off peoples fucking heads for stealing a candy bar and let your fucking women drive. Thats the way I see it, if the Russians were giving us billions of dollars every year you can bet your ass they would be all up in here trying to tell us what to do.
I just don't understand our fetish for handing over barrels of cash to people that hate us. Money doesn't buy love, our dealings with the Arabs have taught us that.

Boy you nailed that one. Kudos to you. I also think our funding should be done on an individual basis. Our U.S. Congress should vote on how much funding will go to a particular UN Humanitarian effort. Disasters such as Earthquakes and Tsunamis should be addressed and funded on an individual basis. This way the Tax Dollars can be easily tracked to make sure the funds actually reach the people. Right now we just hand all the $Billions over to the UN with no accountability at all. Who knows where all those $Billions go?

Our U.S. Congress definitely needs to be more involved with UN funding. Just take each Humanitarian crisis as it comes and vote on a certain amount of Money to be sent for the effort. This way we wont get stuck spending $Billions on "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. If that was debated in Congress,it probably wouldn't have happened. Look at all the Taxpayer $Billions we're flushing down the toilet on that farce? Things definitely need to change in regards to our UN funding. It can't continue this way. We need more accountability and a real return on our investment.

I also think there should be preconditions if you take money from the US, we are throwing billions of dollars at countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen etc and not realy holding them accountable for anything, if you are going to take money from the US there should be strings attached, like hold Egypt accountable for protecting the Christians there better and doing more for womens right, Saudis stop cutting off peoples fucking heads for stealing a candy bar and let your fucking women drive. Thats the way I see it, if the Russians were giving us billions of dollars every year you can bet your ass they would be all up in here trying to tell us what to do.

Very good points. Yea it's time we started demanding returns on our investments. My God,most of the Middle East routinely Votes against us in the UN. I mean all those $Billions and they can't even Vote with us in the UN? Foreign Aid is a real mess in this country. Time to clean it up.
Boy you nailed that one. Kudos to you. I also think our funding should be done on an individual basis. Our U.S. Congress should vote on how much funding will go to a particular UN Humanitarian effort. Disasters such as Earthquakes and Tsunamis should be addressed and funded on an individual basis. This way the Tax Dollars can be easily tracked to make sure the funds actually reach the people. Right now we just hand all the $Billions over to the UN with no accountability at all. Who knows where all those $Billions go?

Our U.S. Congress definitely needs to be more involved with UN funding. Just take each Humanitarian crisis as it comes and vote on a certain amount of Money to be sent for the effort. This way we wont get stuck spending $Billions on "Humanitarian" efforts like bombing & killing Libyans. If that was debated in Congress,it probably wouldn't have happened. Look at all the Taxpayer $Billions we're flushing down the toilet on that farce? Things definitely need to change in regards to our UN funding. It can't continue this way. We need more accountability and a real return on our investment.

I also think there should be preconditions if you take money from the US, we are throwing billions of dollars at countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen etc and not realy holding them accountable for anything, if you are going to take money from the US there should be strings attached, like hold Egypt accountable for protecting the Christians there better and doing more for womens right, Saudis stop cutting off peoples fucking heads for stealing a candy bar and let your fucking women drive. Thats the way I see it, if the Russians were giving us billions of dollars every year you can bet your ass they would be all up in here trying to tell us what to do.

Very good points. Yea it's time we started demanding returns on our investments. My God,most of the Middle East routinely Votes against us in the UN. I mean all those $Billions and they can't even Vote with us in the UN? Foreign Aid is a real mess in this country. Time to clean it up.

We need to start investing our money wisely, if we are going to throw money away give it to people who really need it and don't have a seething anti American population, places like South Sudan, Darfur and the Congo could use the help, hell at least their not burning American flags there. I would not give a dime to any country that has a very heavy Anti American population, sorry.
I also think there should be preconditions if you take money from the US, we are throwing billions of dollars at countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen etc and not realy holding them accountable for anything, if you are going to take money from the US there should be strings attached, like hold Egypt accountable for protecting the Christians there better and doing more for womens right, Saudis stop cutting off peoples fucking heads for stealing a candy bar and let your fucking women drive. Thats the way I see it, if the Russians were giving us billions of dollars every year you can bet your ass they would be all up in here trying to tell us what to do.

Very good points. Yea it's time we started demanding returns on our investments. My God,most of the Middle East routinely Votes against us in the UN. I mean all those $Billions and they can't even Vote with us in the UN? Foreign Aid is a real mess in this country. Time to clean it up.

We need to start investing our money wisely, if we are going to throw money away give it to people who really need it and don't have a seething anti American population, places like South Sudan, Darfur and the Congo could use the help, hell at least their not burning American flags there. I would not give a dime to any country that has a very heavy Anti American population, sorry.

Yea i've seen far too many assholes around the World burning American Flags and screeching "Death to America!" And these are most often Nations we give $Billions to. I'm just sick of it. Time to bring the Cash Home for the American People who need it. Now we just need to see Politicians with the same mind-set get elected. And that's where the hard work begins. We just need new leaders with new ideas. I'm gonna do my best to make that happen but it's gonna take more than just me. I hope more people catch on. I'll try to be optimistic.
Very good points. Yea it's time we started demanding returns on our investments. My God,most of the Middle East routinely Votes against us in the UN. I mean all those $Billions and they can't even Vote with us in the UN? Foreign Aid is a real mess in this country. Time to clean it up.

We need to start investing our money wisely, if we are going to throw money away give it to people who really need it and don't have a seething anti American population, places like South Sudan, Darfur and the Congo could use the help, hell at least their not burning American flags there. I would not give a dime to any country that has a very heavy Anti American population, sorry.

Yea i've seen far too many assholes around the World burning American Flags and screeching "Death to America!" And these are most often Nations we give $Billions to. I'm just sick of it. Time to bring the Cash Home for the American People who need it. Now we just need to see Politicians with the same mind-set get elected. And that's where the hard work begins. We just need new leaders with new ideas. I'm gonna do my best to make that happen but it's gonna take more than just me. I hope more people catch on. I'll try to be optimistic.

For decades we have basically been a welfare office for third world Islamic shit holes, but now I don't think we can really afford to be doing that anymore. You are right bro its time to bring our cash and troops home.

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