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U.S. heading towards civil war?

What's happened to our 'friends' in the UK?
One simple topic for a thread, and it turns into a 'bash the USA' discussion.

Over the past several years I've known many acquaintances and some that I think are 'friends', that live permanently in the UK, and some spend 6 months here and 6 months there while making MONEY here, and at least 50% of them literally have grown to detest the USA and it's people. Those that make a few bucks here for a few months out of the year, still have the nerve to bad mouth us?

What's with that? Please explain.......and confirm what I think the reasons are.

Who's bashing the USA? I assume you are referring to me. If so, please do point out where I have done so.

NO, actually I am not referring to you but a general undercurrent of thoughts coming from the UK, nothing personal.

OK. Fair enough. Sorry I misread you.
Here in Europe

you have a GDP per capita 30% lower than ours, very little population growth, and a stagnant society that worships in-bred monarchs who couldn't get jobs at McDonald's if they had been born in America

Europe's already gone, a fraction of what it used to be. Economically, we're becoming tied more closely to China than your medieval continent.

Luxembourg and Norway have higher GDP than the US. The rest of Western Europe compares well with the US. The difference is, in Europe income is more equally distributed across all levels of society. In the US it isn't. We suffer from a very unequal distribution of income. If the US experiences a civil war, it very well may be between the "haves" and the "have-nots."
You don't like other peoples opinions? Quit coming to a board full of them DUMB ASS.

Only one dumb ass here old boy and you demonstrate it admirably! :lol:

Piss off Bloke.

RGS, This is classic Brit arrogance. It is fine and dandy for them to look down on America, criticize and joke about our country. It is only a problem when you give it back. Then, the great British humor (or humour) dies and they get all defensive. :lol::lol::lol: Feel sorry for them, they can dish out humor but they cannot take it.

Personally, I never joke about Britain - there is nothing funny about it. Except that, even when they were the greatest Army on the earth, a rag tag bunch of Americans kicked their ass - and it still hurts!! :lol::lol:
Here in Europe we have heard in news (among many other things) that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. In general that gives biggest power in politics to those who have most money. This leads to rule of few and rich and democracy itself has failed.

How I –and many others – see it, that we are afraid that you are heading towards civil war. While rich people get even richer, there is a growing group of those who can´t afford even food. If you have to bury your child only because you couldn´t buy decent food or get her a doctor for a illness which could have been easily cured if you only had money. Or if you lose your whole life savings to doctor and medicine bills, you sooner or later start to feel that something is horribly wrong.
When people have nothing more to lose, they are ready to desperate actions. Because of “war against terrorism” anyone in U.S. can be arrested and his/hers house searched without warrant it´s enough taht you are a terrorist suspect. U.S. is becoming a police state. Astonishingly, just like John Titor predicted.
I´m not trolling you nor trying to annoy you. I am sincere, that this is the state you seem to be when looking from here.

I have several favorite humorists. One among said, "the rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated." So it with your perception of the situation.

First, all this ruling does is change the way in which a message need be worded to be legal. The actual expenditure of monies along with the actual messages was and will be unfettered.

Second, in the USA, a treasured institution is one that does not actually exist. It is the Marketplace of Ideas. When a message is packaged well enough, it can decieve. The country elected Obama as a moderate, bi-partisan who would govern with a transparent method to expose any corruption.

Turns out Obama is a dedicated partisan who is a left wing socialist who will do any deal in any backroom to accomplish his concealed agenda. Whodathunkit?

Because of the Marketplace of Ideas, we are not forced to be subjected to a single message no matter how neatly packaged or how loud and persistant it might be. A pig wearing lipstick will eventually be exposed as a pig. Of course, the lip stick is ruined, but it's the price we pay.

When enough opposing views are aired, the one or ones that most closely fit the reality will gain popularity. That's how Scott Brown won an election that he had no business even being in.

What a country!

LOL. No, President Obama is hardly a dedicated left wing partisan. Now were I President, you would have a basis for that statement.:lol:

Scott Brown and reality are strangers. 97% of Americans do not have health insurance.
Only one dumb ass here old boy and you demonstrate it admirably! :lol:

Piss off Bloke.

RGS, This is classic Brit arrogance. It is fine and dandy for them to look down on America, criticize and joke about our country. It is only a problem when you give it back. Then, the great British humor (or humour) dies and they get all defensive. :lol::lol::lol: Feel sorry for them, they can dish out humor but they cannot take it.

Personally, I never joke about Britain - there is nothing funny about it. Except that, even when they were the greatest Army on the earth, a rag tag bunch of Americans kicked their ass - and it still hurts!! :lol::lol:

So says she who lumps together all Brits as drunks and bores! :lol: Coming from someone who has amassed over 5000 posts in three months, I guess we can see who needs to get a life. As for arrogance, it shines from your above post like a beacon! :lol:
Even uneducated, right wing Republicans who dream of a theocratic totalitarian state know that a civil war would be a mistake.

Their fight would be with the educated left, you know, where all those scientists come from.

With out all those scientists to invent new bombs, right wing Republicans wouldn't have any more bombs to drop on other countries to keep us "safe".

The only thing Republicans invent are "bizarre conspiracies".[/QUOTE]

The conspiracies that we need to be concerned with are the ones that are really happening. Fr'instance:

Like CO2 causing Global warming, er , Climate Change?

Like we must have universal healthcare, um, Healthcare reform, well, what I meant was, ah, taxing the very rich, that is, um, the not so poor, what?, oh yeah, that's the ticket: the non-unionized, yeah the non-unionized, rich doctors are the ones we need to tax. And the banks. Yeah! the rich and the banks. Oh, yeah, and the doctors. The non-unionized, the rich, the banks and the doctors. That'll do it.

Yup, that's all we're gonna do is tax those fat cats from the corporations and the insurance companies. And Big Pharma. That's all we're doing. Nothing will affect the middle class, though, everyone is safe. Just the corporations, insurance companies, Big Pharma, medical supply companies and delivery systems. That's all. All we want to do is get our money back.

With all the crying they are doing, you'd think we're trying to shut them down. All we want to do is give a tax credit to businesses to hire more people. You can see where this one is going...

Tax credit to hire will turn into tax penalty to lay off to tax penalty not to hire to tax penalty not to unionize to just send us your profits because profits are evil.

Incremental shifts in what is being said. Very slippery. The biggest conspiracy in the world today is our own government.

Is there a company I can invest in that sells wool to pull over my eyes?
Only one dumb ass here old boy and you demonstrate it admirably! :lol:

Piss off Bloke.

RGS, This is classic Brit arrogance. It is fine and dandy for them to look down on America, criticize and joke about our country. It is only a problem when you give it back. Then, the great British humor (or humour) dies and they get all defensive. :lol::lol::lol: Feel sorry for them, they can dish out humor but they cannot take it.

Personally, I never joke about Britain - there is nothing funny about it. Except that, even when they were the greatest Army on the earth, a rag tag bunch of Americans kicked their ass - and it still hurts!! :lol::lol:

Furthermore, if you are going to make accusations against me, I suggest you back them up with facts. Kindly point to where I have ever made posts where I look down on America or joke about your country. Give us the facts, not juvenile empty rhetoric based on your emotions.
Turns out Obama is a dedicated partisan who is a left wing socialist who will do any deal in any backroom to accomplish his concealed agenda.

This is the biggest crock ever.

The problem in this country is that a small group of righty-whiteys who do have money think that the rest of the country, specifically those who have less, owe them, should work for whatever they choose to pay, if they feel like paying, and should have no recourse to any remedies.

What they don't get is that none of them are the "rugged individualists" they lie and say they are, and everything they have actually came from something and someone else....

They are fascists, nothing more, just fascist scum.

I don't know why you say this.

I am white and was born in America. As a result of this lucky turn of events, I have had a very good life. There are those that have had a more opulant life, but in historical terms, I have had about as good a life as is possible for a guy with my limited talents.

I know this and I am grateful for it.

I do not begrudge anybody anything. I don't feel as if anybody owes me anything unless it was agreed to in some kind of free trade agreement like work for pay or goods for cash.

What are YOU talking about? You seem to be saying that employers should pay whatever a worker wants to earn instead of that worker choosing to strive to improve his own worth to gain a higher wage.

Is this your thesis?

I don't deny that everything that I have is the result of where and when I live. However, within that context, I worked my way through college with no money stream from daddy and mommy although I knew without doubt that they wanted me to succeed. Have worked consistantly, have taken promotions when offered and have overcome set backs when they came up. I have had to learn new things and, as an old codger, this is getting harder with each passing day.

I've saved coinservatively and regularly and have tried, since I was about 35, to pay as I go. This has worked for me. My vacations have been irregualr and frugal, I don't drink and don't gamble.

The USA is like very, very fertile soil for an individual to grow in. If the individual chooses to not grow but only to complain that others are growing better, that individual will waste away.

The bitch about freedom of choice is that you need to make your own choices and live with them.

What have your choices been that have blinded you to your blessings?
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Here in Europe

you have a GDP per capita 30% lower than ours, very little population growth, and a stagnant society that worships in-bred monarchs who couldn't get jobs at McDonald's if they had been born in America

Europe's already gone, a fraction of what it used to be. Economically, we're becoming tied more closely to China than your medieval continent.

Luxembourg and Norway have higher GDP than the US. The rest of Western Europe compares well with the US. The difference is, in Europe income is more equally distributed across all levels of society. In the US it isn't. We suffer from a very unequal distribution of income. If the US experiences a civil war, it very well may be between the "haves" and the "have-nots."
Since I may be the only pesron who does not have you on ignore .
I will have to tell you no matter what matrix you use or justification you have you are an lying idiot with a head full of shit.

Do not bother to reply there is nothing you have to say that means anything,
even if you are on fire.
You are now on ignore.
The third world will completely collapse long before the US does. Now, I'm not saying that's not possible. If you've been watching the third world, food riots and instability is a growing concern. But as of right now... the US is still in pretty good shape.

There's really only one way I even see stability in this country threatened, and it's not on civil war level, but it won't be pretty. I'll just leave it at that.

Is China still in the "third" world, because they own the USA economy.
Here in Europe we have heard in news (among many other things) that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. In general that gives biggest power in politics to those who have most money. This leads to rule of few and rich and democracy itself has failed.

How I –and many others – see it, that we are afraid that you are heading towards civil war. While rich people get even richer, there is a growing group of those who can´t afford even food. If you have to bury your child only because you couldn´t buy decent food or get her a doctor for a illness which could have been easily cured if you only had money. Or if you lose your whole life savings to doctor and medicine bills, you sooner or later start to feel that something is horribly wrong.
When people have nothing more to lose, they are ready to desperate actions. Because of “war against terrorism” anyone in U.S. can be arrested and his/hers house searched without warrant it´s enough taht you are a terrorist suspect. U.S. is becoming a police state. Astonishingly, just like John Titor predicted.
I´m not trolling you nor trying to annoy you. I am sincere, that this is the state you seem to be when looking from here.


You do not understand the United States. It is not socialist Europe. You see America through a European prism.
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Here in Europe

you have a GDP per capita 30% lower than ours, very little population growth, and a stagnant society that worships in-bred monarchs who couldn't get jobs at McDonald's if they had been born in America

Europe's already gone, a fraction of what it used to be. Economically, we're becoming tied more closely to China than your medieval continent.

Wow! How about a little love for these guys. They bought Chrysler.
Here in Europe we have heard in news (among many other things) that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. In general that gives biggest power in politics to those who have most money. This leads to rule of few and rich and democracy itself has failed.

How I –and many others – see it, that we are afraid that you are heading towards civil war. While rich people get even richer, there is a growing group of those who can´t afford even food. If you have to bury your child only because you couldn´t buy decent food or get her a doctor for a illness which could have been easily cured if you only had money. Or if you lose your whole life savings to doctor and medicine bills, you sooner or later start to feel that something is horribly wrong.
When people have nothing more to lose, they are ready to desperate actions. Because of “war against terrorism” anyone in U.S. can be arrested and his/hers house searched without warrant it´s enough taht you are a terrorist suspect. U.S. is becoming a police state. Astonishingly, just like John Titor predicted.
I´m not trolling you nor trying to annoy you. I am sincere, that this is the state you seem to be when looking from here.

I have several favorite humorists. One among said, "the rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated." So it with your perception of the situation.

First, all this ruling does is change the way in which a message need be worded to be legal. The actual expenditure of monies along with the actual messages was and will be unfettered.

Second, in the USA, a treasured institution is one that does not actually exist. It is the Marketplace of Ideas. When a message is packaged well enough, it can decieve. The country elected Obama as a moderate, bi-partisan who would govern with a transparent method to expose any corruption.

Turns out Obama is a dedicated partisan who is a left wing socialist who will do any deal in any backroom to accomplish his concealed agenda. Whodathunkit?

Because of the Marketplace of Ideas, we are not forced to be subjected to a single message no matter how neatly packaged or how loud and persistant it might be. A pig wearing lipstick will eventually be exposed as a pig. Of course, the lip stick is ruined, but it's the price we pay.

When enough opposing views are aired, the one or ones that most closely fit the reality will gain popularity. That's how Scott Brown won an election that he had no business even being in.

What a country!

LOL. No, President Obama is hardly a dedicated left wing partisan. Now were I President, you would have a basis for that statement.:lol:

Scott Brown and reality are strangers. 97% of Americans do not have health insurance.

Old Friend, 11% of Americans are unionized. Are 8% of the unionized employees are uninsured? Do you have a link for this?

What I was hearing in the healthcare debate was that something like 5% to 15% were not insured. The Senate bill would have reduced whatever the real number was by about half leaving the problem (stunningly at the price tag) unsolved.
you have a GDP per capita 30% lower than ours, very little population growth, and a stagnant society that worships in-bred monarchs who couldn't get jobs at McDonald's if they had been born in America

Europe's already gone, a fraction of what it used to be. Economically, we're becoming tied more closely to China than your medieval continent.

Luxembourg and Norway have higher GDP than the US. The rest of Western Europe compares well with the US. The difference is, in Europe income is more equally distributed across all levels of society. In the US it isn't. We suffer from a very unequal distribution of income. If the US experiences a civil war, it very well may be between the "haves" and the "have-nots."
Since I may be the only pesron who does not have you on ignore .
I will have to tell you no matter what matrix you use or justification you have you are an lying idiot with a head full of shit.

Do not bother to reply there is nothing you have to say that means anything,
even if you are on fire.
You are now on ignore.

Discretion is the better part of valor.

Running-away is a wise choice on your part.
Here in Europe we have heard in news (among many other things) that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. In general that gives biggest power in politics to those who have most money. This leads to rule of few and rich and democracy itself has failed.

How I –and many others – see it, that we are afraid that you are heading towards civil war. While rich people get even richer, there is a growing group of those who can´t afford even food. If you have to bury your child only because you couldn´t buy decent food or get her a doctor for a illness which could have been easily cured if you only had money. Or if you lose your whole life savings to doctor and medicine bills, you sooner or later start to feel that something is horribly wrong.
When people have nothing more to lose, they are ready to desperate actions. Because of “war against terrorism” anyone in U.S. can be arrested and his/hers house searched without warrant it´s enough taht you are a terrorist suspect. U.S. is becoming a police state. Astonishingly, just like John Titor predicted.
I´m not trolling you nor trying to annoy you. I am sincere, that this is the state you seem to be when looking from here.

And you think that anti-terrorism laws in Europe haven't removed many of our rights! What planet are you living on...or are you smoking too much weed! The EU, run by unelected mandarins is just about the best example of a breakdown in democracy there is.
Thanks for bringing that up Colin. They would like for it to be that same way here for the US if they could just get everyone to cooperate and go along with it.
Here in Europe we have heard in news (among many other things) that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. In general that gives biggest power in politics to those who have most money. This leads to rule of few and rich and democracy itself has failed.

How I –and many others – see it, that we are afraid that you are heading towards civil war. While rich people get even richer, there is a growing group of those who can´t afford even food. If you have to bury your child only because you couldn´t buy decent food or get her a doctor for a illness which could have been easily cured if you only had money. Or if you lose your whole life savings to doctor and medicine bills, you sooner or later start to feel that something is horribly wrong.
When people have nothing more to lose, they are ready to desperate actions. Because of “war against terrorism” anyone in U.S. can be arrested and his/hers house searched without warrant it´s enough taht you are a terrorist suspect. U.S. is becoming a police state. Astonishingly, just like John Titor predicted.
I´m not trolling you nor trying to annoy you. I am sincere, that this is the state you seem to be when looking from here.

The supreme court struck down a law from 2002. So unless you think the US was headed to civil war in 2002, why would you think that now?

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