U.S. Launched 20 Strikes Against ISIS In Syria And Iraq This Past Few Days


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
The United States have launched not less than 20 airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS) militants in recent days, military officials said in a statement on Wednesday. Reuters was there:

Since Monday, U.S. forces conducted seven strikes against the militant group in Syriaand led 13 strikes in Iraq with its partner nations, according to the statement from the Combined Joint Task Force for the coalition overseeing the operation.

The strikes, centered in the Syrian border town of Kobani as well as near Sinjar, Qaim, Ramadi, Mosul and Samarra in Iraq, hit numerous Islamic State fighting positions, buildings, vehicles and fighting units, the statement said.
Source: U.S. Launched 20 Strikes Against ISIS In Syria And Iraq This Past Few Days - eReporter
they shoulda launched hundreds of strikes rather than 20 pin prick airstrikes ' jchima ' !!
Not less than 20 airstrikes on ISIS? Now they really must be exhausted. Still recovering from the Libya appocalypse (20.000 strikes)?
The only good Radical Islamist is a dead Radical Islamist.

Saturation-bomb the whole phukking mess and let Allah sort 'em out.
The only good Radical Islamist is a dead Radical Islamist.

Saturation-bomb the whole phukking mess and let Allah sort 'em out.

Lets hope there are that many virgins left.
The only good Radical Islamist is a dead Radical Islamist.

Saturation-bomb the whole phukking mess and let Allah sort 'em out.
The 20 jumping jacks are just a joke. This will never do any serious harm to ISIS. Meanwhile, the true opponent of ISIS is being shamelessly accused and demonized by those laughable puppets who traded their conscience for an Obamaphone that spies on them.

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