U.S. Military Preparing for Domestic Disturbances

More untruths. NO ONE is rounding up Americans with out habius Corpus. Go ahead list for us these Americans. You make the claim, PROVE it. The Courts already told the Government they have not got that right. The only person areested and denied any thing was a terrorist and the Courts had their say and he was released from the military and given a trial as per the law of the land.

And of COURSE there are contingency plans for a complete break down. That is called being prepared.

I love the dumb shits that can not grasp that if the Government acts without cause the military will fracture. An uprising will not be just civilians against the Government, it will include those parts of the military that also rebel from illegal orders.

The military will think long and hard before it opens fire on Americans just cause the Government tells them too. And it will shatter if it is called on to round up citizens for no reason as well. The States CONTROL 1/3 of the US ARMY through the National Guard.

Unless there is a valid cause the military will fall apart if called on to police the Country. If the banks fail and the local Governments collapse there will be anarchy and I can promise the big cities will go up like tinder starting a fire. If that happens the military will for the most part support the Government and see a need to operate to pacify the cities.

As for citizens rebelling and not having a chance, you may want to refresh your history on insurgencies and how well poorly armed citizenry have successfully brought down Governments even in the Modern ERA.
!st it is regulations beginning with the way the red lining rules were enforced that laid the ground works for the current disaster.

2nd Military spending amounts to 20% pf the federal budget probably less than ten percent of what we spend in total on government at all levels in the US. Roughly seventeen percent of the working age adults work for state, federal, local, or county governments. Why does the average leftist want to blame the deficits on 20% of the budget
What kind of "civil unrest" will come about that our police officers who are paid to do that kind of work can't handle?

Seriously. Why the military?

Because, the state and local governments are going belly up, Paul.

What happens when less and less of our our police officers can be paid?

It's ALREADY happening here in Maine, you know.
More untruths. NO ONE is rounding up Americans with out habius Corpus. Go ahead list for us these Americans. You make the claim, PROVE it. The Courts already told the Government they have not got that right. The only person areested and denied any thing was a terrorist and the Courts had their say and he was released from the military and given a trial as per the law of the land.

haven't read the PA i see....

And of COURSE there are contingency plans for a complete break down. That is called being prepared.

oh absolutely Sarge, no doubt the pentagon has contingency plans for aliens landing in the rose garden, lasers ablaze too....

we've the best military $$$ can pay for, hands down....

I love the dumb shits that can not grasp that if the Government acts without cause the military will fracture. An uprising will not be just civilians against the Government, it will include those parts of the military that also rebel from illegal orders.

depends what 'cause' occurs here Sarge, i love the dumb sh*ts that didn't pay attention to Katrina ....

The military will think long and hard before it opens fire on Americans just cause the Government tells them too. And it will shatter if it is called on to round up citizens for no reason as well. The States CONTROL 1/3 of the US ARMY through the National Guard.

who said open fire Sarge? try 'detained' for starters, betcha that's an easy to follow order, just as it was when we stuffed the NO superbowl full of those good law abiding citizens ....

and you've not heard of Federalization, or N.I.M.S. either i see, man we gotta work on you!

consider if one can be deputized AND feed the fam in anarchal times who'll they'll bow down to...

Unless there is a valid cause the military will fall apart if called on to police the Country. If the banks fail and the local Governments collapse there will be anarchy and I can promise the big cities will go up like tinder starting a fire. If that happens the military will for the most part support the Government and see a need to operate to pacify the cities.

uh huh, and your assuming anyone caught in that crossfire will be what? eating cupcakes on the sidelines, curtousy of Uncle Sam....?

As for citizens rebelling and not having a chance, you may want to refresh your history on insurgencies and how well poorly armed citizenry have successfully brought down Governments even in the Modern ERA.

really? how'd that work out for all those 'good germans' in the 30's Sarge?
Because, the state and local governments are going belly up, Paul.

What happens when less and less of our our police officers can be paid?

It's ALREADY happening here in Maine, you know.

43 states, last told, are in some sort of fiscal unrest.

but you tell those outta work (or reduced work) law enforcement officers they can be on the government payroll in hard times, and they'd be shuffling grannies off to 'freedom camps' in a cocaine heartbeat Editec
Reagan and Bush created 90% of the National Debt by cutting taxes and increasing military spending by huge amounts.


ROFL... I love it when leftist post disinformation...

The fact is that social spending, particularly that created by "The Great Society" is 100% responsible for the national debt.

When the US faces a national security crisis, it is forced to spend what is necessary to secure that threat... as such the ABOVE POLICY MANDATES INCREASES in the aforementioned social spending which rests ON TOP of the constitutionally mandated spending and the debt increases as a result.

The ideological left is the PURE AND INCONTESTED REASON for the US National Debt and as long as the Ideological left continues to operate outside of principle, which is where the left must operate TO BE THE LEFT... the US National debt will continue to increase until the US simply collapses; at which time the civil war that follows will be the most blindly cruel bloodbath in the history of humanity as Americans go to work killing every single human being that has ever allowed a leftist thought to flitter from their dick polisher.
Well come on Ravi, give the guy a break.

He's more worried with painting Democrats as the reason that the banking industry failed instead of who really did and why it failed. :eusa_whistle:

You mean like some want to blame it on Republicans? Both sides are equally to blame as well as the banking industry itself.

Chris is STILL an idiot.
ROFL... I love it when leftist post disinformation...

The fact is that social spending, particularly that created by "The Great Society" is 100% responsible for the national debt.

When the US faces a national security crisis, it is forced to spend what is necessary to secure that threat... as such the ABOVE POLICY MANDATES INCREASES in the aforementioned social spending which rests ON TOP of the constitutionally mandated spending and the debt increases as a result.

The ideological left is the PURE AND INCONTESTED REASON for the US National Debt and as long as the Ideological left continues to operate outside of principle, which is where the left must operate TO BE THE LEFT... the US National debt will continue to increase until the US simply collapses; at which time the civil war that follows will be the most blindly cruel bloodbath in the history of humanity as Americans go to work killing every single human being that has ever allowed a leftist thought to flitter from their dick polisher.

The National Debt as a percentage of GDP went down during the Clinton years and increased wildly when Bush and Reagan were in office. Keep living the fantasy though, it is very entertaining.
You mean like some want to blame it on Republicans? Both sides are equally to blame as well as the banking industry itself.

seems they know that too......

A look behind the rare closed-door session of the U.S. House
March 17, 2008

This was only the fourth time in 176 years that Congress has closed its doors to the public. What was it that they were discussing that they do NOT want us to know about?

Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about:

the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,

the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,

advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to move against the government,

The detention of those rounded-up at “REX 84″ camps constructed throughout the USA,

the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,

the location of “safe facilities” for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest

the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),

the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.
seems they know that too......

A look behind the rare closed-door session of the U.S. House
March 17, 2008

This was only the fourth time in 176 years that Congress has closed its doors to the public. What was it that they were discussing that they do NOT want us to know about?

Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about:

the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,

the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,

advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to move against the government,

The detention of those rounded-up at “REX 84″ camps constructed throughout the USA,

the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,

the location of “safe facilities” for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest

the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),

the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.

link ?
The National Debt as a percentage of GDP went down during the Clinton years and increased wildly when Bush and Reagan were in office. Keep living the fantasy though, it is very entertaining.

Yep... and it did so in the back of the US military and intelligence readiness... thus when Clinton policy resulted in 911, it was incumbent upon the Bush administration to rebuild the US military and the costs associated with that were set UPON THE ESCALATING COSTS OF SOCIAL ENTITLEMENTS...

Of course with that said, the CONSERVATIVE GOP congress did cut social spending for the first time in 30 years, DESPITE the endless protests of the ideological left; cuts which HAD THEY NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED WOULD HAVE EXPONENTIALLY INCREASED THE US NATIONAL DEBT.

A debt which the ideological left is presently planning on increasing by multiple trillions of dollars, even as they clammor to once again cut US military spending while US troops are engaging the enemy around the world...

What you're clearly incapable of recognizing is that social spending is not in line with the principles on which the US was founded, while national defense is an essential element of that principle.
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i guess you can choose one Dillo, i forget which one i posted...

to add, how is it that a governance that defines recession , and isn't within it's OWN definition of it, talks up plans of economic collapse?

hey, i know the left says it a lot, 1/2 the truth is a lie

but this has got to be the best example i've found to date

and personally, as a citizen taxpayer, i don't particularly like the pols pissin' down my back, and tellin' me it's rain.....
i guess you can choose one Dillo, i forget which one i posted...

to add, how is it that a governance that defines recession , and isn't within it's OWN definition of it, talks up plans of economic collapse?

hey, i know the left says it a lot, 1/2 the truth is a lie

but this has got to be the best example i've found to date

and personally, as a citizen taxpayer, i don't particularly like the pols pissin' down my back, and tellin' me it's rain.....

Maybe Dillo can choose a link, but you will provide ME one or your article is gone. Any reprint of copyrighted materials on this board WILL HAVE a link posted with it.

Appreciate your cooperation.
i guess you can choose one Dillo, i forget which one i posted...

to add, how is it that a governance that defines recession , and isn't within it's OWN definition of it, talks up plans of economic collapse?

hey, i know the left says it a lot, 1/2 the truth is a lie

but this has got to be the best example i've found to date

and personally, as a citizen taxpayer, i don't particularly like the pols pissin' down my back, and tellin' me it's rain.....

Hell--I just wanna know who leaked al lthis supposedly top secret shit. This is a great example of why I don't think the government can pull something like this off. Far too many boneheads involved.
Now when artificial intelligence starts to fun the show, I might be interested.
Hell--I just wanna know who leaked al lthis supposedly top secret shit. This is a great example of why I don't think the government can pull something like this off. Far too many boneheads involved.
Now when artificial intelligence starts to fun the show, I might be interested.

that's the same belief that allowed them to have socialism embraced by Republicans
43 states, last told, are in some sort of fiscal unrest.

but you tell those outta work (or reduced work) law enforcement officers they can be on the government payroll in hard times, and they'd be shuffling grannies off to 'freedom camps' in a cocaine heartbeat Editec

That COULD happen.

We can both imagine scenarios where the government become truly oppressive, that is true.

Did you live through the Black Riots period of the 60s?

We called in military units to quell those riots, remember?

They did a fairly good job given the mess they were dealing with.

I gotta sign on with RGS on this one. I have a fair amount of faith in the officer corps of the military (and bear in mind I fucking hated officers, hated the feudal class system of the military, and could not WAIT to get OUT of uniform)

Now I am perfectly aware that the boys in uniform WILL fire upon citizens under some circumstances.

Nobody who reads American history can possibly imagine otherwise.

But I am NOT especially concerned about a military coup d' etat lasting much past the time that martial laws are needed.

There are forces in our society which, sans civil authority, would create societies based on warlordism.

Most notably, the GANGS which already exist and which currently thrive because civil authority is breaking down in our cities, are the most likely candidates to assume that power if things really broke down.

So while I certainly have very little sympathy for the control freaking nitwits which run most of our governments, and I have no delusion that the military would NOT fire upon civilians, I have to tell you that our government SHOULD have contingency plans just in case civil authority completely breaks down.

What is unlikely (impossible, really to even imagine) is that civil authority would break down everywhere in American at once.

But I can envision something approaching anarchy breaking out in some areas of this nation, can't you?

Hell, some areas of this nation are already anarchistic in the sense that civil authority bearly has a handle on things.

I've SEEN race riots, and believe me, even martial law is preferable (to most of us, at least) to mobs of armed teenagers (and that's mostly what it would be) taking control of our streets.
i would say it's all on the order of degrees Editec

and yes , history would bear that out

the 'powers that be' , weather they are gang warlords, or big brother, will respond vs. the degrade of the general populances civility

shoot us if they have to? heck that rex84 flick is showing us fema camps with ovens for mass creamation

but you know what really gets my goat? the nature of us to keep blaming the dems, the reps, clinton, bush, liberals, the right, etc etc ad naseum....even in a state of anarchy

our system is in a state of collapse, and divided we will fall...
i would say it's all on the order of degrees Editec

Pretty much everything is, Spark.

Take dimples for example. Small ones can be very attractive, but if they're too big your face collapses.

and yes , history would bear that out

Starting with Shay's Whiskey rebellion and good old Saint George Washinton sending in troops to shoot the PA rednecks who merely wanted to convert their corn into Whiskey so they could get it to market.

the 'powers that be' , weather they are gang warlords, or big brother, will respond vs. the degrade of the general populances civility

Yeah but there IS a difference between criminal warlordism (which seldom produces a functional society) and everything (however oppressive) else.

shoot us if they have to? heck that rex84 flick is showing us fema camps with ovens for mass creamation

I rather doubt that, Spark.

but you know what really gets my goat? the nature of us to keep blaming the dems, the reps, clinton, bush, liberals, the right, etc etc ad naseum....even in a state of anarchy

I'll sign onto that complaint.

our system is in a state of collapse, and divided we will fall...

That is the plan, I think.

This depression was, I suspect, a bigger a surprise to our masters than it probably was to most of us living down here in the world, actually.

This generation of masters are either very imcompentent, or they have merely forgotten that killing the geese that lay the golden eggs (that would be this nation's working class) is a truly stupid thing to do.

I'd sign on to the imcompentence theory entirely if it weren't for a rather obvious and consistent pattern of laws and policies which even a fucking idiot could see would eventually bankrupt this nation.

So I am left having to assume that somewhere someplace, some people, people with enormous power and influence are in fact knowingly stripping our nation of the ability to dominate the world.

I'm not privy to their motives, but we can ALL see what the net effect of their idiotic policies has brought us to.
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