U.S. Natural Gas storage is 11.3% lower than last 5 year average.... could America experience high heating cost this winter?

30% compared to when?

I used the exact same amount of NG in Aug 22 as Aug 21. The price difference was just under 5 bucks, or about 11%.

Why do so many people on this forum get ripped off all the time?
I am on the budget plan. I said that.
It is not based on usage only.
Budget plans work like this....
Vectren, based on several years usage... and the expected price of LNG - projects you will use $1200 for the year.
So your budget bill is $100/mo.
If you use less than they thought, about halfway through the year your bill will decrease. Or if you use more, obviously increase.
OR - if the price of LNG is higher they they projected... your bill goes up.
My monthly bill for the past 3 months was $71.
The bill this month was $101. - 30% increase. Remember - a budget plan is based on PROJECTED LNG costs.

If they are wrong... then I will get the money back
I am on the budget plan. I said that.
It is not based on usage only.
Budget plans work like this....
Vectren, based on several years usage... and the expected price of LNG - projects you will use $1200 for the year.
So your budget bill is $100/mo.
If you use less than they thought, about halfway through the year your bill will decrease. Or if you use more, obviously increase.
OR - if the price of LNG is higher they they projected... your bill goes up.
My monthly bill for the past 3 months was $71.
The bill this month was $101. - 30% increase. Remember - a budget plan is based on PROJECTED LNG costs.

If they are wrong... then I will get the money back


So, lets say at the end of a 12 month period you paid more than you used, you get a refund? If you end up using more than they projected, do you get an extra bill?
Just got my Natural Gas bill..... it rose 30%.
I am on the "budget plan". Where you pay the same amount every month. That monthly price can rise or fall depending upon usage and price of Natural Gas on the market.
Obviously in August we wasn't exactly using more Natural Gas than in July.

Has it already started here??

It's one prong of the Biden war to end the Constitution.

So, lets say at the end of a 12 month period you paid more than you used, you get a refund? If you end up using more than they projected, do you get an extra bill?
Yes. But they purposefully err on the side of caution. Usually in the spring, they will recalculate depending on how cold the winter was - and you either start paying more - or less. A couple years, yes we got a couple "free" months, but usually they are pretty good at it and the bill doesn't fluctuate a whole lot
Yes. But they purposefully err on the side of caution. Usually in the spring, they will recalculate depending on how cold the winter was - and you either start paying more - or less. A couple years, yes we got a couple "free" months, but usually they are pretty good at it and the bill doesn't fluctuate a whole lot

Interesting. I looked back at my last 12 gas bills and only 4 were over 50 dollars, but three of those were in the 150 range.

The house we are building has a gas fireplace, but is also much smaller, has better insulation and not a 20 year old heat pump so I think we will do much better in the heart of winter this year
Interesting. I looked back at my last 12 gas bills and only 4 were over 50 dollars, but three of those were in the 150 range.

The house we are building has a gas fireplace, but is also much smaller, has better insulation and not a 20 year old heat pump so I think we will do much better in the heart of winter this year
Typical in this area due to Natural Gas deposits locally... our house is almost all gas.
Stove/cooktop/water heater and furnace are all gas. We have a wood burning fireplace also.
Typical in this area due to Natural Gas deposits locally... our house is almost all gas.
Stove/cooktop/water heater and furnace are all gas. We have a wood burning fireplace also.

our stove/oven will be gas in the new house. very excited about that.
our stove/oven will be gas in the new house. very excited about that.
That's why they call it "cooking with gas" :)
I had one electric cooktop in my life in an apartment for about 9 months. Hated it. And it was a modern one.
The inability to instantly control heat is a dramatic handicap when trying to cook well.

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