U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

What you call "bad cop shootings" are murders and should be classified as murders. That's likely your uncomfortable truth.

You're probably been alive longer than Black Americans have been relatively free in this nation .. and we've been here over 400 years. Pretty sure the dynamics of how that happens escapes you.

Bottom line .. if the Clown doesn't win, dramatic changes to US police conduct and penalty are inevitable .. regardless of what you don't see.
They are called murders after the trial says so, not before, like you. You haven't been here 400 years, Einstein. You were never a slave, most blacks here aren't descended from slaves and even if they were they grew up in the country that offers the best possible chance for success. and many do. Losers don't. And they blame others for their failures.

You will not mature until you come to the realization that you're a person, not a race.

:0) You can call whatever you want whatever the fuck you want. Why would I care?

You can feel about your race of people any damn way you choose to feel. Why would I care?

You can ignore that Black people have been in this country for over 400 years, yet only been granted relative freedom for 51 years .. and even that had to be forced. Why would I care?

I'm betting that I am at least as educated as you are .. at the very least .. quite possibly made more money than you have .. and lived a fuller than you have. Why in the fuck would I need your advice on how to live my life? I believe the principled life is the only life worth living .. something you seem to know nothing about .. only concerned about self.

Save your fingers from typing dumb shit I don't need.
Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.
Most racists these days are blacks. You are a shining example.

Who gives a fuck what a racist piece of shit like you thinks .. beyond your ilk?

If you think black people are racist .. so what?

If the Clown doesn't win .. and he won't .. you'll have lots of shit to whine about.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.
Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.
Most racists these days are blacks. You are a shining example.

Who gives a fuck what a racist piece of shit like you thinks .. beyond your ilk?

If you think black people are racist .. so what?

If the Clown doesn't win .. and he won't .. you'll have lots of shit to whine about.
A racist trying to pin it on me? That's cute. I don't whine, I'm not a liberal. I take responsibility for my own actions, I am not a liberal. I am not a race, I can't take the credit or blame for anything anyone of my race did, I am not a liberal.
It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.
We see with great clarity on the board the depth of racism in America. You are right, OP, not to expect these people to agree with either you or the United Nations.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.
It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.
We see with great clarity on the board the depth of racism in America. You are right, OP, not to expect these people to agree with either you or the United Nations.

Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.

A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't.

B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there.

C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.
Last edited:
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.

A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't.

B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there.

C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

"A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't".

But the battle flag of Virginia did when the fake false flag shooting at the Charleston church happened when the nation was a fixed on the debate over TPP? That little media event totally took the focus off of the job killing trade agreement, did it not? I simply pointed out the Pike statute because he represents the Illuminati faction that really runs this country...that's right, I said it "the Illuminati", the cabal, the brotherhood, the elite...whatever the fuck you want to call it. I agree with you about the military industrial complex because the bankers used it's privilege of printing money to use the militrary as a hammer while the rest of the world that had resources these thieves coveted as "nails". Read John Perkin's book "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman"...you can download it as a PDF file.

"B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there."

Does that dynamic include the busing in of protesters on the dime of one of Soros's NGOs that also funded the protest in Ferguson and Baltimore? I am all for peaceful protest to address grievances but those that were bused in were there to simply cause mayhem....not bring attention to injustices. I have this pegged very well. This chaos is being used to divide us and cause those that don't understand what is happening to want to distance themselves from it.

"C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything."

Amen, Amen, Amen...........I will give you a high rating just for that point alone.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

What I meant by the point is that our sweat equity is what built their empire and with the robotic age upon us and the fact that we are owed what we paid into? They would rather "off" their "creditors (me and you) in lieu of paying. It's not like they couldn't afford it...they simply don't want to do so.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

It has more to do with it than you think because it has been used as a "wedge" issue. Racism is not inherited, it is taught and the propagandists that preach this racist shit use fear like a bullet in a gun. Thankfully (and gratefully) I had good parents that were God fearing and taught me that God created ALL of us and loves us. We are in this fight together and we have to wake up as a people...skin tint means nothing. We all bleed the same and if we were all blind, we wouldn't even know that we had any differences that could POSSIBLY separate us. Race is definitely a wedge issue, gender is a wedge issue now, sexual proclivities is a wedge issue now, political affiliation (even though both parties are just different sides of the same coin) are a wedge issue. Economic disparity is a wedge issue and that one hits me the hardest. I am blessed by which I mean I have a skill that is in demand. I fix things but I see people trying to eek out an existence doing the hardest job of all which is menial labor and my heart breaks for them because it doesn't have to be this way.

"I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area."

I admire the fact that you were "awake" and have been making your voice heard since that age...most 16 year olds don't give a shit about anything but the next shiny object especially in this day and age. Where you are erring is believing that any of these bought and paid for political parties are going to be your saving grace because it's not going to happen. As long as we allow a foreign bank to control the monetary system while attaching usury to every Federal Reserve note created by an extension of "credit" with nothing tangible to back it? We are going to keep swirling the drain...etch it in stone, my friend.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.[/QUOTE]

The status quo isn't working for anyone that is awake. Those that buck the system and speak out against it... be they white, black, brown, red, blue? They are going to get a shit-storm of persecution. The very oligarchs that run this unfair banking piracy program where they drain us of our sweat equity in exchange for script currency also started the U.N, the CFR, Trilateral Commission. They run the Bank For International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund (the entity that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 after it was bankrupted once again) and the Global Bank. What the U.N and the globalists want is a communist, technotronic, totalitarianism system where there is NO middle class at all. Two classes...the elites and the serfs where those that survive the purge have every detail of their life monitored and controlled...free will and free thought is not allowed. This is the future of the world if we don't wake up. I have read their papers and I have read their and listened to their interviews. Do some research about the book written by Carroll Quigley called "Tragedy and Hope". There are excepts from that book that will chill you to the bone. Hang in there because we have to stand by each other...good on ya.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Fuck the UN.

They need to be considered an enemy of this nation.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?


Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.

A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't.

B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there.

C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

"A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't".

But the battle flag of Virginia did when the fake false flag shooting at the Charleston church happened when the nation was a fixed on the debate over TPP? That little media event totally took the focus off of the job killing trade agreement, did it not? I simply pointed out the Pike statute because he represents the Illuminati faction that really runs this country...that's right, I said it "the Illuminati", the cabal, the brotherhood, the elite...whatever the fuck you want to call it. I agree with you about the military industrial complex because the bankers used it's privilege of printing money to use the militrary as a hammer while the rest of the world that had resources these thieves coveted as "nails". Read John Perkin's book "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman"...you can download it as a PDF file.

"B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there."

Does that dynamic include the busing in of protesters on the dime of one of Soros's NGOs that also funded the protest in Ferguson and Baltimore? I am all for peaceful protest to address grievances but those that were bused in were there to simply cause mayhem....not bring attention to injustices. I have this pegged very well. This chaos is being used to divide us and cause those that don't understand what is happening to want to distance themselves from it.

"C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything."

Amen, Amen, Amen...........I will give you a high rating just for that point alone.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

What I meant by the point is that our sweat equity is what built their empire and with the robotic age upon us and the fact that we are owed what we paid into? They would rather "off" their "creditors (me and you) in lieu of paying. It's not like they couldn't afford it...they simply don't want to do so.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

It has more to do with it than you think because it has been used as a "wedge" issue. Racism is not inherited, it is taught and the propagandists that preach this racist shit use fear like a bullet in a gun. Thankfully (and gratefully) I had good parents that were God fearing and taught me that God created ALL of us and loves us. We are in this fight together and we have to wake up as a people...skin tint means nothing. We all bleed the same and if we were all blind, we wouldn't even know that we had any differences that could POSSIBLY separate us. Race is definitely a wedge issue, gender is a wedge issue now, sexual proclivities is a wedge issue now, political affiliation (even though both parties are just different sides of the same coin) are a wedge issue. Economic disparity is a wedge issue and that one hits me the hardest. I am blessed by which I mean I have a skill that is in demand. I fix things but I see people trying to eek out an existence doing the hardest job of all which is menial labor and my heart breaks for them because it doesn't have to be this way.

"I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area."

I admire the fact that you were "awake" and have been making your voice heard since that age...most 16 year olds don't give a shit about anything but the next shiny object especially in this day and age. Where you are erring is believing that any of these bought and paid for political parties are going to be your saving grace because it's not going to happen. As long as we allow a foreign bank to control the monetary system while attaching usury to every Federal Reserve note created by an extension of "credit" with nothing tangible to back it? We are going to keep swirling the drain...etch it in stone, my friend.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

The status quo isn't working for anyone that is awake. Those that buck the system and speak out against it... be they white, black, brown, red, blue? They are going to get a shit-storm of persecution. The very oligarchs that run this unfair banking piracy program where they drain us of our sweat equity in exchange for script currency also started the U.N, the CFR, Trilateral Commission. They run the Bank For International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund (the entity that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 after it was bankrupted once again) and the Global Bank. What the U.N and the globalists want is a communist, technotronic, totalitarianism system where there is NO middle class at all. Two classes...the elites and the serfs where those that survive the purge have every detail of their life monitored and controlled...free will and free thought is not allowed. This is the future of the world if we don't wake up. I have read their papers and I have read their and listened to their interviews. Do some research about the book written by Carroll Quigley called "Tragedy and Hope". There are excepts from that book that will chill you to the bone. Hang in there because we have to stand by each other...good on ya.[/QUOTE]

First and foremost, I sincerely apologize if my words have offended you in any way. It's the suit of armor I wear to a right-wing message board.

B. I've been involved in peaceful protest nearly all my life brother. You're ignoring the genuine anger and passion that drives that protest. If you think that Black protesters needed Soros to drive that anger, you're wrong. Respectfully, you're ignoring the real racist hate behind this chasm. That hate is not fueled nor inspired by outsiders. That hate is real and it's homegrown. We shouldn't look to blame others for the evil right in font of our faces.

Your perspective seems quite spiritual .. a belief in the goodness of us all. But there's an ugly ass monster standing in front of us .. and it's not hard to see. That monster threatens to tear this nation apart. We can't fight it on a spiritual level because it has no sense of spirituality. We can't fight it with hope .. can't fight it with desire. We have to fight it with the weapons at hand, and those weapons are in the hands of politicians. Whether we like those politicians or not has little to do with it.

Politics is about purpose, and the question is who is best able to suit the desired purpose. As a progressive, that answer couldn't be easier.
Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity. Did you know that a statute of Albert Pike is prominently displayed in Washington D.C? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry. The power structure of the Klan that Pike helped to start was based on the masons but yet there it is...a statute of Pike, Confederate general and part-founder of the Klan in D.C. When leftards were wanting to ban the battle flag of Virginia and were digging up coffins of confederate generals? No one mentioned Albert Pike...not even poverty pimps like the Reverun Jesse "uh" Jackson and Brotha Al Shaaaaawpton.....and why is that? Because they are both 33rd degree freemasons. The U.N wants to merge America into a one world "gubermint"....do you think that would bode well for you or anyone else that isn't in the top .001 percent? If so, guess again.

America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.

A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't.

B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there.

C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

"A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't".

But the battle flag of Virginia did when the fake false flag shooting at the Charleston church happened when the nation was a fixed on the debate over TPP? That little media event totally took the focus off of the job killing trade agreement, did it not? I simply pointed out the Pike statute because he represents the Illuminati faction that really runs this country...that's right, I said it "the Illuminati", the cabal, the brotherhood, the elite...whatever the fuck you want to call it. I agree with you about the military industrial complex because the bankers used it's privilege of printing money to use the militrary as a hammer while the rest of the world that had resources these thieves coveted as "nails". Read John Perkin's book "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman"...you can download it as a PDF file.

"B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there."

Does that dynamic include the busing in of protesters on the dime of one of Soros's NGOs that also funded the protest in Ferguson and Baltimore? I am all for peaceful protest to address grievances but those that were bused in were there to simply cause mayhem....not bring attention to injustices. I have this pegged very well. This chaos is being used to divide us and cause those that don't understand what is happening to want to distance themselves from it.

"C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything."

Amen, Amen, Amen...........I will give you a high rating just for that point alone.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

What I meant by the point is that our sweat equity is what built their empire and with the robotic age upon us and the fact that we are owed what we paid into? They would rather "off" their "creditors (me and you) in lieu of paying. It's not like they couldn't afford it...they simply don't want to do so.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

It has more to do with it than you think because it has been used as a "wedge" issue. Racism is not inherited, it is taught and the propagandists that preach this racist shit use fear like a bullet in a gun. Thankfully (and gratefully) I had good parents that were God fearing and taught me that God created ALL of us and loves us. We are in this fight together and we have to wake up as a people...skin tint means nothing. We all bleed the same and if we were all blind, we wouldn't even know that we had any differences that could POSSIBLY separate us. Race is definitely a wedge issue, gender is a wedge issue now, sexual proclivities is a wedge issue now, political affiliation (even though both parties are just different sides of the same coin) are a wedge issue. Economic disparity is a wedge issue and that one hits me the hardest. I am blessed by which I mean I have a skill that is in demand. I fix things but I see people trying to eek out an existence doing the hardest job of all which is menial labor and my heart breaks for them because it doesn't have to be this way.

"I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area."

I admire the fact that you were "awake" and have been making your voice heard since that age...most 16 year olds don't give a shit about anything but the next shiny object especially in this day and age. Where you are erring is believing that any of these bought and paid for political parties are going to be your saving grace because it's not going to happen. As long as we allow a foreign bank to control the monetary system while attaching usury to every Federal Reserve note created by an extension of "credit" with nothing tangible to back it? We are going to keep swirling the drain...etch it in stone, my friend.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

The status quo isn't working for anyone that is awake. Those that buck the system and speak out against it... be they white, black, brown, red, blue? They are going to get a shit-storm of persecution. The very oligarchs that run this unfair banking piracy program where they drain us of our sweat equity in exchange for script currency also started the U.N, the CFR, Trilateral Commission. They run the Bank For International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund (the entity that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 after it was bankrupted once again) and the Global Bank. What the U.N and the globalists want is a communist, technotronic, totalitarianism system where there is NO middle class at all. Two classes...the elites and the serfs where those that survive the purge have every detail of their life monitored and controlled...free will and free thought is not allowed. This is the future of the world if we don't wake up. I have read their papers and I have read their and listened to their interviews. Do some research about the book written by Carroll Quigley called "Tragedy and Hope". There are excepts from that book that will chill you to the bone. Hang in there because we have to stand by each other...good on ya.

First and foremost, I sincerely apologize if my words have offended you in any way. It's the suit of armor I wear to a right-wing message board.

B. I've been involved in peaceful protest nearly all my life brother. You're ignoring the genuine anger and passion that drives that protest. If you think that Black protesters needed Soros to drive that anger, you're wrong. Respectfully, you're ignoring the real racist hate behind this chasm. That hate is not fueled nor inspired by outsiders. That hate is real and it's homegrown. We shouldn't look to blame others for the evil right in font of our faces.

Your perspective seems quite spiritual .. a belief in the goodness of us all. But there's an ugly ass monster standing in front of us .. and it's not hard to see. That monster threatens to tear this nation apart. We can't fight it on a spiritual level because it has no sense of spirituality. We can't fight it with hope .. can't fight it with desire. We have to fight it with the weapons at hand, and those weapons are in the hands of politicians. Whether we like those politicians or not has little to do with it.

Politics is about purpose, and the question is who is best able to suit the desired purpose. As a progressive, that answer couldn't be easier.[/QUOTE]

You didn't offend me and you owe me no apology whatsoever. You are "awake" therefor you are my "brother from another mother". I am not even going to pretend that I have walked even so much as a football field's length in your footsteps. I get the anger, I really do. I have heard the horror stories of some of my friends that were pulled over for "DWB" and had the unmitigated gall of having more cash on them than what the cop thought he should have and evoked the "civil forfeiture"code and then made them jump through hoops to prove that money wasn't due to illegal activities. I would willingly (and with a glad heart) march arm in arm with anyone that is being oppressed by this corporate entity that we call our "government". My sole purpose of posting here is to wake people up as to whom the real enemy is...and it's not each other. We are in the same boat. The 14th amendment did not free the slaves, it simply made all of us U.S citizens subject to the jurisdiction of the corporate entity of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters reside within the District of Columbia and subjected us to "voluntary servitude". I have gotten some of the best "low down" information about how this corporate structure works by my brothers of color. They know this shit and can recite the remedies for the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances. They pass on their knowledge in order to empower all of us. Political parties are not the answer...we are. You have knowledge....share it. Ignore the racist bait...rise above it. We are the change and I see people waking up. The very people that minimize the plights of minorities are going to feel the pinch very, very soon and their "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" advice they give to others is going to bite them in the ass....good on ya.
America is a plutocracy. Where's the news?

In case you thought you were breaking news .. guess again.

Let me see .. the UN .. or the same racist fucks as the morons on this board?

I choose the UN.

You can do whatever you like.

You avoided the biggest issue I raised...if you are so concerned about racism, why do Jackson and Sharpton gloss over the fact that Albert Pike's statute is prominently displayed in the corporate headquarters of USA.INC which is Washington D.C?
BTW, globalist George Soros is using blacks to push an agenda and funding the riots by funding the protesters. We are all debt slaves, red, yellow, black or white, if you are not in the top .001 percent, you are just a resource to be used and discarded when you no longer have anything for them to squeeze out. These globalist POS use race, religion, gender, political parties, economic status, etc, etc as a means to keep us divided when we should be focusing on the real cause of the nation's ills...and it's not white people, it's not black people, it's not Mexicans. illegal or legal...but the ones that print this worthless fiat currency with no intrinsic value. You want change? BE the change or try to be a part of that change. I don't see the tint of one's skin, I measure the cut of one's jib by their character and what they stand for. The very ones that are the cause of human misery and suffering want us to hate each other and trust me on this...the U.N isn't anyone's friend. What they wish to do is make this planet into one huge plantation. Debate me on this and lose.

A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't.

B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there.

C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

"A. Because no one gives a fuck about Albert Pike .. who has NO bearing on the state of affairs in America today. Americans SHOULD have listened to Eisenhower, who warned of the military-industrial complex .. but we didn't".

But the battle flag of Virginia did when the fake false flag shooting at the Charleston church happened when the nation was a fixed on the debate over TPP? That little media event totally took the focus off of the job killing trade agreement, did it not? I simply pointed out the Pike statute because he represents the Illuminati faction that really runs this country...that's right, I said it "the Illuminati", the cabal, the brotherhood, the elite...whatever the fuck you want to call it. I agree with you about the military industrial complex because the bankers used it's privilege of printing money to use the militrary as a hammer while the rest of the world that had resources these thieves coveted as "nails". Read John Perkin's book "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman"...you can download it as a PDF file.

"B. You simply have no idea, no clue, and no insight into the dynamics of Black protest. George Soros is no factor there."

Does that dynamic include the busing in of protesters on the dime of one of Soros's NGOs that also funded the protest in Ferguson and Baltimore? I am all for peaceful protest to address grievances but those that were bused in were there to simply cause mayhem....not bring attention to injustices. I have this pegged very well. This chaos is being used to divide us and cause those that don't understand what is happening to want to distance themselves from it.

"C. I agree with you on Americans as debt slaves. We exist in a plutocracy .. it's how they keep Americans quiet, afraid, and colonized. You can tell Americans that giant buildings can fall straight down and they'd believe it. Colonized minds that will believe anything."

Amen, Amen, Amen...........I will give you a high rating just for that point alone.

D. I disagree on becoming a 'discarded resource' unless money is the dominant force in your life. It's why older white men kill themselves at astronomical rates.

What I meant by the point is that our sweat equity is what built their empire and with the robotic age upon us and the fact that we are owed what we paid into? They would rather "off" their "creditors (me and you) in lieu of paying. It's not like they couldn't afford it...they simply don't want to do so.

E. Globalists have no hand in American racism .. which has been resident in American since Columbus first stepped onto these shores. Look around you on this board .. pure homegrown American racism is the glue that binds here.

It has more to do with it than you think because it has been used as a "wedge" issue. Racism is not inherited, it is taught and the propagandists that preach this racist shit use fear like a bullet in a gun. Thankfully (and gratefully) I had good parents that were God fearing and taught me that God created ALL of us and loves us. We are in this fight together and we have to wake up as a people...skin tint means nothing. We all bleed the same and if we were all blind, we wouldn't even know that we had any differences that could POSSIBLY separate us. Race is definitely a wedge issue, gender is a wedge issue now, sexual proclivities is a wedge issue now, political affiliation (even though both parties are just different sides of the same coin) are a wedge issue. Economic disparity is a wedge issue and that one hits me the hardest. I am blessed by which I mean I have a skill that is in demand. I fix things but I see people trying to eek out an existence doing the hardest job of all which is menial labor and my heart breaks for them because it doesn't have to be this way.

"I've been part of change since I was 16 years old. I've been involved in the heart of American politics in DC. Still active in community, education, and outreach today. I need no advice in this area."

I admire the fact that you were "awake" and have been making your voice heard since that age...most 16 year olds don't give a shit about anything but the next shiny object especially in this day and age. Where you are erring is believing that any of these bought and paid for political parties are going to be your saving grace because it's not going to happen. As long as we allow a foreign bank to control the monetary system while attaching usury to every Federal Reserve note created by an extension of "credit" with nothing tangible to back it? We are going to keep swirling the drain...etch it in stone, my friend.

I respect your thoughts here brother .. but whether the UN is my friend or not isn't the point. The point is that the status quo is most certainly not my friend, rather a declared enemy .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If the whites-only racist America doesn't like the UN .. that's probably an entity I should look for common ground with.

The status quo isn't working for anyone that is awake. Those that buck the system and speak out against it... be they white, black, brown, red, blue? They are going to get a shit-storm of persecution. The very oligarchs that run this unfair banking piracy program where they drain us of our sweat equity in exchange for script currency also started the U.N, the CFR, Trilateral Commission. They run the Bank For International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund (the entity that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 after it was bankrupted once again) and the Global Bank. What the U.N and the globalists want is a communist, technotronic, totalitarianism system where there is NO middle class at all. Two classes...the elites and the serfs where those that survive the purge have every detail of their life monitored and controlled...free will and free thought is not allowed. This is the future of the world if we don't wake up. I have read their papers and I have read their and listened to their interviews. Do some research about the book written by Carroll Quigley called "Tragedy and Hope". There are excepts from that book that will chill you to the bone. Hang in there because we have to stand by each other...good on ya.

First and foremost, I sincerely apologize if my words have offended you in any way. It's the suit of armor I wear to a right-wing message board.

B. I've been involved in peaceful protest nearly all my life brother. You're ignoring the genuine anger and passion that drives that protest. If you think that Black protesters needed Soros to drive that anger, you're wrong. Respectfully, you're ignoring the real racist hate behind this chasm. That hate is not fueled nor inspired by outsiders. That hate is real and it's homegrown. We shouldn't look to blame others for the evil right in font of our faces.

Your perspective seems quite spiritual .. a belief in the goodness of us all. But there's an ugly ass monster standing in front of us .. and it's not hard to see. That monster threatens to tear this nation apart. We can't fight it on a spiritual level because it has no sense of spirituality. We can't fight it with hope .. can't fight it with desire. We have to fight it with the weapons at hand, and those weapons are in the hands of politicians. Whether we like those politicians or not has little to do with it.

Politics is about purpose, and the question is who is best able to suit the desired purpose. As a progressive, that answer couldn't be easier.

You didn't offend me and you owe me no apology whatsoever. You are "awake" therefor you are my "brother from another mother". I am not even going to pretend that I have walked even so much as a football field's length in your footsteps. I get the anger, I really do. I have heard the horror stories of some of my friends that were pulled over for "DWB" and had the unmitigated gall of having more cash on them than what the cop thought he should have and evoked the "civil forfeiture"code and then made them jump through hoops to prove that money wasn't due to illegal activities. I would willingly (and with a glad heart) march arm in arm with anyone that is being oppressed by this corporate entity that we call our "government". My sole purpose of posting here is to wake people up as to whom the real enemy is...and it's not each other. We are in the same boat. The 14th amendment did not free the slaves, it simply made all of us U.S citizens subject to the jurisdiction of the corporate entity of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters reside within the District of Columbia and subjected us to "voluntary servitude". I have gotten some of the best "low down" information about how this corporate structure works by my brothers of color. They know this shit and can recite the remedies for the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances. They pass on their knowledge in order to empower all of us. Political parties are not the answer...we are. You have knowledge....share it. Ignore the racist bait...rise above it. We are the change and I see people waking up. The very people that minimize the plights of minorities are going to feel the pinch very, very soon and their "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" advice they give to others is going to bite them in the ass....good on ya.[/QUOTE]

Thank you brother.

Well said.
The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Of course you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?

Perhaps you don't know what the definition of racist even is.

Definition of RACISM

Pointing out how certain people act isn't racist. Pointing out statistics of a race, isn't racist.

Saying something like "all black people" are animals would be. I know first hand that black people can be just as smart and wise as anyone else if they applied themselves and choose to ignore the thug culture bullshit. I believe the problems in the black community are culturally based rather than racially.

But hey, if it's easier for you to hate me. Keep voting along with the racist progressives that run the Democrat Party, because that's worked out so well for blacks the last five decades, right?

:0) You should save that bullshit for the moron circle jerk crowd.

Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.

LOL, typical hysterical liberal. You can't debate with reason or facts. It's just "I know you're a racist" and that it.
That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Of course you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?

Perhaps you don't know what the definition of racist even is.

Definition of RACISM

Pointing out how certain people act isn't racist. Pointing out statistics of a race, isn't racist.

Saying something like "all black people" are animals would be. I know first hand that black people can be just as smart and wise as anyone else if they applied themselves and choose to ignore the thug culture bullshit. I believe the problems in the black community are culturally based rather than racially.

But hey, if it's easier for you to hate me. Keep voting along with the racist progressives that run the Democrat Party, because that's worked out so well for blacks the last five decades, right?

:0) You should save that bullshit for the moron circle jerk crowd.

Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.

LOL, typical hysterical liberal. You can't debate with reason or facts. It's just "I know you're a racist" and that it.

They are asshole like that.

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