U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

so some white UN Cop from say Germany is going to act differently if he feels he is threatened?....
Why should anybody from anywhere, act different if they feel they are threatened ? If I feel like I'm threatened, I reach into my pocket, pull out my .380 semi-automatic, and start firing at the chest area, probably killing the assailant.
so some white UN Cop from say Germany is going to act differently if he feels he is threatened?....
Why should anybody from anywhere, act different if they feel they are threatened ? If I feel like I'm threatened, I reach into my pocket, pull out my .380 semi-automatic, and start firing at the chest area, probably killing the assailant.
talk to black as coal.....apparently he thinks it will work....i dont....
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?

NO. That's not why police killings go unpunished. They go unpunished because there's nothing to punish them for. Because in case, after case, after case, it wasn't the police who did something wrong, it was the dumbass black guy who resisted arrest, fought with the cops, and refused to cooperate.

If things were done right, they would have had their fucken asses beat to a bloody pudding, which is exactly what should be happening to the BLM nitwits blocking traffic, and all the assclowns rioting and looting. The National Guard in Charlotte right now, should have bayonets on their rifles, to go along with their steel-tipped combat boots.
Police murders of innocent and unarmed people is a REAL issue.

Rest assured that I didn't post this expecting you to agree with it .. nor do I care that you don't.

I'm just pointing out the clarity of the facade. The blind could see it.
What murder of innocent and unarmed people ? In all the ones I recall, the dead guy was committing crimes, not cooperating with the police, or worse. You name them. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Terence Crutcher, Keith Scott, etc. Why do these people do things that cause police to have to confront them ? And when the cops do confront them, they act as uncooperative as could be.

As for "unarmed", that has nothing to do with it. It is fully legal to shoot someone who is attacking you, with or without a weapon. And this applies to private citizens (with a gun license) as well as cops. The media keeps using the word "unarmed" as if people who are unarmed should never be shot. That is simply false and ridiculous. Cops often have no way of knowing if a person is armed or not, and if they are, it only takes one second for a gun to be taken from a car or clothes pocket, and you could be dead.

The really good news is that it doesn't matter what you do and don't see. The eyes of the entire world have once again been opened to the reality of what America is. I'm sure that means nothing to you .. and I'm glad it doesn't.

The last thing I'm going to waste time doing is argue truth with something like you.

Suffice it to say that your entire world is resting on a clown becoming president. :0) If he doesn't win, there are all manner of changes coming your way that you won't like .. but you'll have no ability to do anything about. Policing in America will be on the top of that list.

.. good luck with your great white hope. :0)

Let's talk after the election.
Perhaps it's time to call for UN police forces on American soil .. just as would be called for with any other nation that terrorizes its own citizens.

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.
Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight 'Extremism' In U.S. - Breitbart

UN Demands Bigger, Stronger UN “Police” Force
UN Demands Bigger, Stronger UN “Police” Force

You sure about that?

U.N. peacekeepers accused of raping civilians - CNN.com

'Sickening' sex abuse alleged in CAR by UN peacekeepers


And they really seem to like the black kids.....

Yeah dude .. I'm sure. There is a long ass history of sickening acts by US police .. who really like black kids .. love to kill them.

If you have a point, I have no idea what that is.
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?

The story gets a little complicated. Why do we SCRUTINIZE the relatively TINY bad cop shootings and IGNORE the HUGE Black on black shootings? Why is that ignored by the popular media and liberal American consciousness? Just because it's an uncomfortable little truth? It's nothing like lynching.
It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?
Police killings of black people in the United States are reminiscent of lynchings and the government must do far more to protect them, a United Nations working group says in a report that will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The hard-hitting criticism - drawing a comparison between modern police behavior and mob killings of blacks in the 19th and 20th centuries - comes at a time of renewed racial tension in the United States.

"Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching," said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.

Most lynching victims died by hanging. A 2015 report by a non-profit organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, said 3,959 black people were killed in "racial terror lynchings" in a dozen southern states between 1877 and 1950.


Although the United States has made efforts at reform, the group said it remained "extremely concerned" about the human rights situation of African-Americans.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.

"Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

Police killings go unpunished because initial investigations are usually conducted by the police department where the alleged perpetrator works, because prosecutors have wide discretion over presenting charges, and because the use of force is not subject to international standards, the experts' group said.
U.S. police killings reminiscent of lynching, U.N. group says

The entire world has awoken to the facade of American 'freedom and justice.'

Leader of the Free World?

The story gets a little complicated. Why do we SCRUTINIZE the relatively TINY bad cop shootings and IGNORE the HUGE Black on black shootings? Why is that ignored by the popular media and liberal American consciousness? Just because it's an uncomfortable little truth? It's nothing like lynching.

It is indeed like lynching .. you can hold whatever opinion you like.

No murders are ignored, but you won't find those efforts on Fox News, and its viewers aren't interested. Hate is so much more sexy..

What you call "bad cop shootings" are murders and should be classified as murders. That's likely your uncomfortable truth.

You're probably been alive longer than Black Americans have been relatively free in this nation .. and we've been here over 400 years. Pretty sure the dynamics of how that happens escapes you.

Bottom line .. if the Clown doesn't win, dramatic changes to US police conduct and penalty are inevitable .. regardless of what you don't see.
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It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Of course you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?
It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Dude, you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?
Damn, I hate to ruin the mood here, but rioting and destroying public property isn't going to gain much sympathy, either. Particularly with the high black on black crime rates, this "outrage" seems a little hollow.
It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit.

Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Of course you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?

Perhaps you don't know what the definition of racist even is.

Definition of RACISM

Pointing out how certain people act isn't racist. Pointing out statistics of a race, isn't racist.

Saying something like "all black people" are animals would be. I know first hand that black people can be just as smart and wise as anyone else if they applied themselves and choose to ignore the thug culture bullshit. I believe the problems in the black community are culturally based rather than racially.

But hey, if it's easier for you to hate me. Keep voting along with the racist progressives that run the Democrat Party, because that's worked out so well for blacks the last five decades, right?
The tiny fraction of police shootings of blacks, that is major bad JuJu. Sure it's bad. But let's not not mention the far larger issue of black on black homicides. . Shhh, don't say anything about that,let's hide our heads in the sand. Shhh!
The tiny fraction of police shootings of blacks, that is major bad JuJu. Sure it's bad. But let's not not mention the far larger issue of black on black homicides. . Shhh, don't say anything about that,let's hide our heads in the sand. Shhh!

The UN will never bring that up.
Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Dude, you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?
Damn, I hate to ruin the mood here, but rioting and destroying public property isn't going to gain much sympathy, either. Particularly with the high black on black crime rates, this "outrage" seems a little hollow.

Gee, I hate to rain on your parade, but rioting and destroying property was once called 'The Boston Tea Party.' Worked out pretty well for them.

And, in case you haven't noticed, 'sympathy' doesn't have shit to do with it. Don't need your sympathy, don't need your 'respect' nor approval.

This is all about demand. Rights in this country are not determined by what is fair, honest, civil, humane, or by what Jesus would do. Rights are determined by what you can demand .. and if you can't demand those rights, you won't have them. Blacks had to demand basic human rights after more than 350 years in this country without them.

Your side is completely dependent on a Clown being elected as president. If the Clown doesn't win .. police misconduct and penalty will be on the very top of the national agenda. Our demand will be addressed, your's won't.

With all due respect .. I suggest you spend more time dealing with your own issues, your own failed political strategy.

You support a Clown .. why would I need your advice?
The tiny fraction of police shootings of blacks, that is major bad JuJu. Sure it's bad. But let's not not mention the far larger issue of black on black homicides. . Shhh, don't say anything about that,let's hide our heads in the sand. Shhh!

You can say any damn thing you want.

Who cares?
Don't give a fuck about reparations .. or what dumb ass racists think.

The biggest racists are the BLM followers.

That from a fucking racist. :lol:

When have I ever stated one race is superior to another?

"It's what the blacks want, they want to feel oppressed, they want to play the victims. Their whole cultural identity is based on being a slave, or a civil rights oppressed negro from the 60's. They think as long as they are victims, they will be entitled to reparations. It all circles back to free shit."

That was from YOU.

Of course you're a fucking racist. What the fuck are you talking about?

Perhaps you don't know what the definition of racist even is.

Definition of RACISM

Pointing out how certain people act isn't racist. Pointing out statistics of a race, isn't racist.

Saying something like "all black people" are animals would be. I know first hand that black people can be just as smart and wise as anyone else if they applied themselves and choose to ignore the thug culture bullshit. I believe the problems in the black community are culturally based rather than racially.

But hey, if it's easier for you to hate me. Keep voting along with the racist progressives that run the Democrat Party, because that's worked out so well for blacks the last five decades, right?

:0) You should save that bullshit for the moron circle jerk crowd.

Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.
What you call "bad cop shootings" are murders and should be classified as murders. That's likely your uncomfortable truth.

You're probably been alive longer than Black Americans have been relatively free in this nation .. and we've been here over 400 years. Pretty sure the dynamics of how that happens escapes you.

Bottom line .. if the Clown doesn't win, dramatic changes to US police conduct and penalty are inevitable .. regardless of what you don't see.
They are called murders after the trial says so, not before, like you. You haven't been here 400 years, Einstein. You were never a slave, most blacks here aren't descended from slaves and even if they were they grew up in the country that offers the best possible chance for success. and many do. Losers don't. And they blame others for their failures.

You will not mature until you come to the realization that you're a person, not a race.
Here's the really good news .. Racists and racism in this country has been defined and seen as the acts of humans so vile that they have been rejected by mainstream society. "Racists" are seen as people so despicable and vile, that now even racists .. like you .. run from the word. :0)

I simply find them the ignorant cowards they've always been. Talk a lot of dumb ass shit .. then hide like cowards.

Of course you're a fucking racist. I don't require you to define what that is.
Most racists these days are blacks. You are a shining example.
"Perhaps it's time to call for UN police forces on American soil .. just as would be called for with any other nation that terrorizes its own citizens."

What an absolute absurd and laughable statement.
yeah he might want to check out how UN police act in third world countries.....lot of underage kids sexed up for starters.....not a whole lot of justice

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