U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

Did you miss the part where fetal tissue from abortions is unnecessary?
But it's just so much fun to chop up and re-purpose babies!
If it is dead why not? We have the choice to donate body parts are our drivers license when we die.
Not good enough. The subject for experimentation has,to be alive. Suppose instead of rabbits, acid could be dropped into the eyes of men and women who could answer questions. Give opinions. Get their temperature taken.

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.
I say we continue the fetal research on aborted babies as long as they are indian corpses. Can you people please donate a bit more for science?
Can you imagine what kind of medical advances we could make if we experimented on children and adults? We just got an influx of thousands of South and central American children. No one wants them. We can experiment on them.

it is tissue that otherwise would be incinerated. It is not experimentation on living children, it is dead tissue but the cells can be used to help create vaccines, medicines and treatments that otherwise could not be done in a timely manner if at all.

Searching for Magic Bullets: Orphan Drugs, Consumer Activism, and ...
By Lisa A Basara, Michael E Montagne
It is tissue from babies killed for that tissue. It's a commodity. A people that accepts this as a business is so reprehensible that they should no longer exist.
No they are not "killed for their tissue"... stick to the "killed because they're unwanted" theory, because that's at least closer to the truth.
It is tissue from babies killed for that tissue. It's a commodity. A people that accepts this as a business is so reprehensible that they should no longer exist.

it would have been waste. The abortions happened because the woman decided that was best for her. The tissue is donated for research after the fact.
The abortions did not take place for the tissue.
It is like taking furniture left on the side of a street after a yard sale instead of garbage trucks picking it up and throwing in land fill.

It is call recycling.

Tissue that would otherwise be wasted is donated and used to benefit others.
Link to what specific cure baby parts has cured.

What "baby" parts?
Have you had a recent psyche evaluation?

Surely even you must know the difference between a "fetus" and a "baby"...
You play games all you want but God is not impressed.

Let's play the game --- Is this a fetus or a baby?
http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/national/grand jury report image.png
Harvesting dead babies for research only makes it worse.

babies are not harvested for tissue. The tissue is donated after the fact for research instead if worm food or ashes.

If you get a tumor removed, the tumor can be destroyed or used for students to learn from.
the tumor is not harvested for the students. The tumor is donated instead of being destroyed.
Students don't go around removing non existing tumors and organs from living people to study. They use dead people and removed organs.
Healthy children are not diseased tumors. These babies were not only killed for their component parts but planned parenthood ghouls are taking orders.
Healthy children are not diseased tumors. These babies were not only killed for their component parts but planned parenthood ghouls are taking orders.

a fetus removed in the first trimester is not alive. It cannot live outside the mother. The dead tissue of the fetus is what is donated instead if being 'thrown out with the trash'.

The womans body treats the fetus like a tumor which is why women get morning sickness. In the first trimester is when there is the most chance of miscarriage. Hormones rage, women have all kinds of symptoms with the body fighting to reject or keep the leach sucking the women's fluids and minerals from her body.
Pregnancy is not piece of cake in the first or last trimester. The body adjusts a bit more in the second if there are no complication.

I've lost one and was on bed rest with my last from the fifth month on. I also nearly bled to death giving birth with my second.
I got pregnant while on the pill. Birth control fails sometimes. Some women are told they should not give birth after complication. My daughter and I both hysterectomies rather than risk another birth. I was suffering terrible pain and bleeding. She suffer a heart problem but wanted to try and have her children till it became too serious to risk another. Sometimes there are reasons for an abortion, good reason. Should an otherwise happy couple stop having sex? Not a good way to keep it a good marriage. Why do people just associated abortions with poor birth control? For some women birth control is not an option. Many men can't even put on a condom right or it breaks. Hysterectomy is not a contraceptive option without a good medical reason. Good grief, it is horrible recovery depending on how they surgery needs to be done.
No women wants to get an abortion. For some it is something they have to do for their own life. Yes, some are not ready to be a mother, but not all.
Every women is unique. They have to be treated as individuals not have their bodies legislated by idiots who are not doctors.
Should women who are raped be forced to carry a fetus to term? Not all rape is reports within 24 hours. Sometimes it is ongoing over a period and the girl/woman cannot report it or shamed against doing so.
If a woman is drugged she might not know by whom or might have been gang raped but can't tell police what happened because she does not remember.
There are as many reason for an abortion as there are women. And why should a woman not donate what is removed if it can help others? You expect her to have it put in a jar and taken home to remind her?

I understand that before an abortion the women sits with a councilor and given options to make sure she is taking the right step for her. The is the planning and education part of the PP clinics. It is not done on a whim.
Any women who has had to have a D&C will understand it is not anything a women takes lightly. An abortion is basically a D&C done vaginally while some D&Cs are done through the belly button if possible.

If you are not a women and dont understand female medical problems or psychological stress factors that might make one unsuited to become a mother, or have addiction problem that would put a fetus/infant at high risk, why are you practicing medicine on a message board?

Abortions is not just a moral issue or replacement for birth control. It is surgery. There has to be a good reason for a women to 'want' a doctor to be digging and scrapping inside her. It is not like having a pap smear, which no woman enjoys.

As for the fetus tissue, it is waste after removal. Why should it not be donated?

How do people become so squeamish and narrow minded? Is this really what they learn in churches these days? Their priests or pastors should be fired for misrepresenting what abortions are or why they might be necessary.

Yes, even late term abortions are medically necessary at times. You would risk a life to save a fetus that might take a breath for a few hours or minutes? You are killing two lives rather than saving the woman's life, or save the fetus from suffering undue pain. What type of logic is being taught in schools these days?

Stop thinking of abortions as 'just birth control'!!!!
In the 80s I was a PP counselor so I know how much pressure is put on women to have an abortion.

A good friend of mine, a coworker used abortion as her primary means of birth control. She had so many that she would run down on her lunch hour, take an aspirin and come back to work.

Then her doctor said she built up so much scar tissue that one more abortion meant she would never need another. Next time she got pregnant she had the baby. It ripped her up so badly after all those abortions that she will never have another child. Nor will she ever need another abortion.

There are all kinds of circumstances. I once believed that women should always have this fail safe option. Then it changed. Abortion became an end to itself. It became gruesome and now ghoulish.
Harvesting dead babies for research only makes it worse.

babies are not harvested for tissue. The tissue is donated after the fact for research instead if worm food or ashes.

If you get a tumor removed, the tumor can be destroyed or used for students to learn from.
the tumor is not harvested for the students. The tumor is donated instead of being destroyed.
Students don't go around removing non existing tumors and organs from living people to study. They use dead people and removed organs.
So you have proof that mothers agreed to this cannibalization of their babies?
Let's see the proof.
Tipsy, aren't you the one with the gay friend who went on a murder spree?

If so, you really need to work on finding normal friends...
Yes send those scientist MILLIAN MORE in Federal Grant money...so the DNC cab get back big DONATIONS from these lying scumbags!
Even worse is that the dead baby parts are more valuable the more developed they are. The financial incentive is to encourage women to wait (sorry Latoya, we can't schedule your abortion for another 60 days) and make the abortionists even more money.
Tipsy, aren't you the one with the gay friend who went on a murder spree?

If so, you really need to work on finding normal friends...
I never had a gay friend that went on a murder spree. An attorney friend of mine was helping a gay couple work out a property settlement. One of the gay guys took out a gun, shot the other one and then shot himself.

It made a terrible mess. Brains everywhere.
Tipsy, aren't you the one with the gay friend who went on a murder spree?

If so, you really need to work on finding normal friends...
I never had a gay friend that went on a murder spree. An attorney friend of mine was helping a gay couple work out a property settlement. One of the gay guys took out a gun, shot the other one and then shot himself.

It made a terrible mess. Brains everywhere.

My mistake. Someone on here has a friend who got AIDS from homosexual rape and spread it to everyone because they hated gays or some shit.

That said, I do not think "normal" people are using abortion as birth control. I could /maybe/ buy someone doing it once, but more than that... not buying it as "typical" in any way shape or form. It's not a flippant easy decision for everyone who does it like you guys want to portray.
Tipsy, aren't you the one with the gay friend who went on a murder spree?

If so, you really need to work on finding normal friends...
I never had a gay friend that went on a murder spree. An attorney friend of mine was helping a gay couple work out a property settlement. One of the gay guys took out a gun, shot the other one and then shot himself.

It made a terrible mess. Brains everywhere.

My mistake. Someone on here has a friend who got AIDS from homosexual rape and spread it to everyone because they hated gays or some shit.

That said, I do not think "normal" people are using abortion as birth control. I could /maybe/ buy someone doing it once, but more than that... not buying it as "typical" in any way shape or form. It's not a flippant easy decision for everyone who does it like you guys want to portray.
That's because you think everyone is pretty much like yourself.

For most women it's a decision made without giving it much thought at all.

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