U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's illegal to traffic in human body parts. Change the freaking law if you want to justify the Nazis in PP who are on tape offering to sell a the carcass of a full term infant as if it was a freaking turkey.

it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's illegal to traffic in human body parts. Change the freaking law if you want to justify the Nazis in PP who are on tape offering to sell a the carcass of a full term infant as if it was a freaking turkey.

it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.
Cass Sunstein had a plan to increase the number of organs available for transplant. Just designate the act of dying to be deemed consent for harvesting.

This is the same thing.
Link to what specific cure baby parts has cured.

What "baby" parts?
Have you had a recent psyche evaluation?

Surely even you must know the difference between a "fetus" and a "baby"...
Yes rational people do its only the spelling,other than that,its baby parts .
When people like this poster refuse to admit that its a human child,we will have nonsense like this.
Its take a cold dark heated person to even suggest that its anything but baby parts.
I am about the coldest most blackhearted person posting here and even I know it's stolen body parts.
It's illegal to traffic in human body parts. Change the freaking law if you want to justify the Nazis in PP who are on tape offering to sell a the carcass of a full term infant as if it was a freaking turkey.

it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
It's illegal to traffic in human body parts. Change the freaking law if you want to justify the Nazis in PP who are on tape offering to sell a the carcass of a full term infant as if it was a freaking turkey.

it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?
Pp counselors are trained to persuade women to have an abortion.

Now they have ultrasound guided abortions to protect the fetus, preferably having it expelled alive.

The health of the woman is a secondary concern to preserving the profit.
Maybe we should legislate against ED treatments like viagra. Tell people who can and cannot have sex. What they can and cannot do with their bodies????

Date rape drugs are not legal but women suffer the consequences for their use, but they should not be allowed to have an abortion?

Religious moralists/RtL might want to advise women but they can't force women what to do to their bodies, nor should that right be legislated away. Women are not slaves.

The (free) choice of abortion should be between the woman and her doctor/clinic. It should be based on what is best for her, her health and her life.

Patients have a right to refuse medical treatment and women have a right to refuse to carry a fetus and give birth if that is what is best for her. You and you kind have to right to decide her medical treatment or what is best for the patient/woman.

As for tax payer money, you have to right to decide what will and will not be done for the patient. Only the doctor can do that. You can't hold her hostage to your morals rather than her health with public money. You private money is yours. Tax money is for the government's to disperse where needed to operate and care for all people.

You don't like the laws and medical treatment that other people get, go live in afrca or asia where there is no or very limited medicine at all. Go live in a country where women are slaves and not allowed to even see a doctor. A country where women are hid under body tents under penalty of her death, so she will not tempt any man to look or touch her. Go live in a country where women are put to death for speaking to a man other than immediate family. Where women are stoned in public for having sex.

.........and you are concerned about an abortion that has been deemed constitutional under US law?

China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.
So, if we use the criteria that wrongs being committed benefit those in medical need from research done on their tissue, we can then justify any number of atrocities.

Lets say that adult t-cells when extracted from males aged 25 to 50 of the african ethnic group (blacks) could cure sickle cell anemia.

I think that using your criteria, a case could be made for increasing the frequency of death penalty cases, and lowering the appeal process. After all, the life is going to be terminated anyway, so why not benefit from the tissue? Just get a donor card from their mothers...

Would it be okay to then start slaughtering black prisoners?

Hell, we could justify the atrocities committed against cows, pigs, sheep, chickens etc couldn't we.... I mean, the number of those killed makes the Holocaust look like nothing. But, well, we seem to manage to justify that.

Life, who cares? Unless it's a human fetus of course. And an American fetus at that. If we bomb a load of Arabs and a fetus dies, who cares, right?

We can mark and mutilate our bodies and even amputate body parts but women can't abort a fetus?
We can donate our ogans even while alive but women can't abort a fetus or donate the tissue for research or medicine? We can choose to give blood but a woman can't choose if she wants to be a mother or not?

How is abuse of the women for the sake of an unwanted or dangerous fetus a moral good for anyone?

Life of a child should only be loved and wanted by it's parents. No one benefits from forcing a woman to carry and give birth if she is not ready, willing or able.

You can choose your career but you can't choose to become a parent? You can choose where to live but not to have your body become a home to a fetus for nearly a year, a minimal lease on an apartment. We sign a contract to rent, what contract did the fetus and woman sign and who is paying her for the rest of her body?

......and if it risks a woman's life in the process??? She has no choice which life to choose, her's or the fetus? A couple can adopt, but the loss of a partner, wife and soul mate can't easily be replaced.

People forget that pregnancy and childbirth still carry a real risk for women, even in this age of modern medicine. In fact, I think those risks have been going up recently, particularly in certain demographic groups. A long time ago, we used to go to a park with a group of people and let our dogs play off lead. One of them was a couple and the wife was pregnant. They were young, not long married. We saw them up until maybe her last month. The next time we saw only the husband, maybe two months later. He was devasted. His wife had died during labor - an aneurysm. And here he was, a young father, with a new baby, and his life-partner gone just like that.
An aneurysm is not a consequence of pregnancy.

It can be exacerbated by pregnancy. She had preclampsia and high blood pressure which can cause a stroke.
It's illegal to traffic in human body parts. Change the freaking law if you want to justify the Nazis in PP who are on tape offering to sell a the carcass of a full term infant as if it was a freaking turkey.

Hyperbole much? No full term infants are being sold.
Pp counselors are trained to persuade women to have an abortion.

Now they have ultrasound guided abortions to protect the fetus, preferably having it expelled alive.

The health of the woman is a secondary concern to preserving the profit.

No, they are not. Ever been to one?
it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?

Parent of three and grandparent of two.
No, when I was pregnant, we decided my life was more important than children. We could always adopt if we wanted to. My carrying a child to term was not worth the risk. I did what had to be done during pregnancy because I wanted by children, but I was not forced to have children and I also lost one in the first trimester. It hurt but would have been so much worse if I had lost it much later. My husband throught he was going to loose me after/during the birth of my second. Couples choose each other for, hopefully, life. Children are just bonuses, if they are wanted.

As a parent we also have to realize after we choose to give birth we must also let them go. We cannot live through them, they have to make their own choices, even those we might not agree with.

Not all women are designed or should be a parent. Forcing a women to carry and give birth does not mean she will have healthy baby or want to keep it.

No women should be forced to be a mother.
Cass Sunstein had a plan to increase the number of organs available for transplant. Just designate the act of dying to be deemed consent for harvesting.

This is the same thing.

Fetal tissue is not used for organ transplants. Try to stick to reality.
it is not trafficking, it tissue donation.
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?

What on earth does that have to do with this?

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