U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

Blog The Center for Medical Progress

Of course many of the organs are stolen. What happens when they get a particularly valuable specimen and there is no consent?

Women give consent for the abortion and donation.

If you donate a kidney to save a life and tissue is donated to save a life, how and why is that wrong? Consent is given for it to be removed and reused
Because they aren't getting consent.

They can't get an abortion without the patient's consent.

fetal-tissue - Committee For the Protection of Human Subjects - UTHealth

You really are blind, deft and dumb if you think this is being done in a bubble. Of course she gives consent. It is waste otherwise. Just because she is not or cannot be a mother does not mean she has no regard for life.

OMG! This is what disinformation and ignorance is doing to people. They make up fantasies in their head justify their misguided anger at other people.


Look the word up in the dictionary. Try a book if you are incapable of doing a search online, which you seem to be for factual information.
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Wow there is some really screwed up logic,Christian law has nothing to do with it common sense does,certainly you are not using any. If a person can feel pain or not is no excuse ,or thoughts,how many thoughts do you think a day old child has? Everyone of those excuses,and thats all they are absurdly twisted. just as you yourself were once,small innocent and human as they day is long from the moment of your conception,you were unique.
Blabbering on about your house plants and sperm is well retarded,and totally a dodge.
At what point in your mind did you become human?
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?

What on earth does that have to do with this?
Think! read ! decide for yourself,its rather easy
Maybe we should legislate against ED treatments like viagra. Tell people who can and cannot have sex. What they can and cannot do with their bodies????

Date rape drugs are not legal but women suffer the consequences for their use, but they should not be allowed to have an abortion?

Religious moralists/RtL might want to advise women but they can't force women what to do to their bodies, nor should that right be legislated away. Women are not slaves.

The (free) choice of abortion should be between the woman and her doctor/clinic. It should be based on what is best for her, her health and her life.

Patients have a right to refuse medical treatment and women have a right to refuse to carry a fetus and give birth if that is what is best for her. You and you kind have to right to decide her medical treatment or what is best for the patient/woman.

As for tax payer money, you have to right to decide what will and will not be done for the patient. Only the doctor can do that. You can't hold her hostage to your morals rather than her health with public money. You private money is yours. Tax money is for the government's to disperse where needed to operate and care for all people.

You don't like the laws and medical treatment that other people get, go live in afrca or asia where there is no or very limited medicine at all. Go live in a country where women are slaves and not allowed to even see a doctor. A country where women are hid under body tents under penalty of her death, so she will not tempt any man to look or touch her. Go live in a country where women are put to death for speaking to a man other than immediate family. Where women are stoned in public for having sex.

.........and you are concerned about an abortion that has been deemed constitutional under US law?

China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.
We don't live in china,no relevance at all
Pp counselors are trained to persuade women to have an abortion.

Now they have ultrasound guided abortions to protect the fetus, preferably having it expelled alive.

The health of the woman is a secondary concern to preserving the profit.

There might be a few poorly trained workers and volunteers at some clinics, but the vast majority of medical personnel are good people trying to help the women who go to the clinic. There are a handful of workers in any medical field, and others, that might seem pushy, harsh, arrogant, inconsiderate, etc. Maybe they are just having a really hard day?

Really? This is your excuse to denying all women and doctors the right to choose how to care for the woman, some clinic workers are bad?
It's trafficking in stolen human organs.

not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?

Parent of three and grandparent of two.
No, when I was pregnant, we decided my life was more important than children. We could always adopt if we wanted to. My carrying a child to term was not worth the risk. I did what had to be done during pregnancy because I wanted by children, but I was not forced to have children and I also lost one in the first trimester. It hurt but would have been so much worse if I had lost it much later. My husband throught he was going to loose me after/during the birth of my second. Couples choose each other for, hopefully, life. Children are just bonuses, if they are wanted.

As a parent we also have to realize after we choose to give birth we must also let them go. We cannot live through them, they have to make their own choices, even those we might not agree with.

Not all women are designed or should be a parent. Forcing a women to carry and give birth does not mean she will have healthy baby or want to keep it.

No women should be forced to be a mother.
No child should be killed for convenience?!!

This are people,not goldfish,or a kitten,human,with unique DNA,how can grown adults be so obtuse??!!
not stolen, donated
Just donated without actually getting the donation.

Patients sign consent forms at the time of the abortion or medical treatment. SOP

Women sit and have the options, choices and procedures explained before signing.
Women are not being paid for an abortion or dragged off the streets and forced to have an abortion. Women that need to have an abortion for health reason have to consent as well, except in emergencies where the woman is unable and there is no proxy or directive by family.

Woman's life is always considered first and foremost.
Are you a parent? If you are would you trade the life of one of your kids for your own?

Parent of three and grandparent of two.
No, when I was pregnant, we decided my life was more important than children. We could always adopt if we wanted to. My carrying a child to term was not worth the risk. I did what had to be done during pregnancy because I wanted by children, but I was not forced to have children and I also lost one in the first trimester. It hurt but would have been so much worse if I had lost it much later. My husband throught he was going to loose me after/during the birth of my second. Couples choose each other for, hopefully, life. Children are just bonuses, if they are wanted.

As a parent we also have to realize after we choose to give birth we must also let them go. We cannot live through them, they have to make their own choices, even those we might not agree with.

Not all women are designed or should be a parent. Forcing a women to carry and give birth does not mean she will have healthy baby or want to keep it.

No women should be forced to be a mother.
No child should be killed for convenience?!!

This are people,not goldfish,or a kitten,human,with unique DNA,how can grown adults be so obtuse??!!

What makes and embryo valuable than the mother? Than a dolphin?
Maybe we should legislate against ED treatments like viagra. Tell people who can and cannot have sex. What they can and cannot do with their bodies????

Date rape drugs are not legal but women suffer the consequences for their use, but they should not be allowed to have an abortion?

Religious moralists/RtL might want to advise women but they can't force women what to do to their bodies, nor should that right be legislated away. Women are not slaves.

The (free) choice of abortion should be between the woman and her doctor/clinic. It should be based on what is best for her, her health and her life.

Patients have a right to refuse medical treatment and women have a right to refuse to carry a fetus and give birth if that is what is best for her. You and you kind have to right to decide her medical treatment or what is best for the patient/woman.

As for tax payer money, you have to right to decide what will and will not be done for the patient. Only the doctor can do that. You can't hold her hostage to your morals rather than her health with public money. You private money is yours. Tax money is for the government's to disperse where needed to operate and care for all people.

You don't like the laws and medical treatment that other people get, go live in afrca or asia where there is no or very limited medicine at all. Go live in a country where women are slaves and not allowed to even see a doctor. A country where women are hid under body tents under penalty of her death, so she will not tempt any man to look or touch her. Go live in a country where women are put to death for speaking to a man other than immediate family. Where women are stoned in public for having sex.

.........and you are concerned about an abortion that has been deemed constitutional under US law?

China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.
We don't live in china,no relevance at all

You're imposing morality in your community, your town, your state, your country..........where does it end?

Must women go overseas to get medical treatment, even necessary abortions? If you don't want an abortion, that is your choice. You do not have the right to tell other women or doctors "no more abortions at all". Why should you decide what is and is not valid or moral for other people? You are not a slave master and other women are not your slaves.

Why should you decide for anyone, anywhere, other than yourself????? Across town or across the world, same difference, not your decision
Cass Sunstein had a plan to increase the number of organs available for transplant. Just designate the act of dying to be deemed consent for harvesting.

This is the same thing.

Fetal tissue is not used for organ transplants. Try to stick to reality.

fetal tissue is of use because it can be 'programed' to be almost any type of cell. It is no using fetal organs for transplant. Oh, I'll order a liver and two hearts at 2 to 16 weeks....... You are making up or minimally misunderstanding the facts.

The benefit of a complete fetus is to run the same test and make sure the results are the same for any part of the cells. There might be some benefit for a brain over an arm, but they won't know unless they have both to test first. There is advantage for younger cells than those beginning formation to specified organ cells. Again, they need to compare to be sure. That is what research is about.

Abortions are not butchers, despite what you might want to believe. They are there to serve the women in whatever way she chooses or needs. Doctors are there to save lives, the women's life, first and foremost. If the woman wants the child then they begin prenatal care for both woman and child.

If there is an accident or emergency, doctors save the woman first, always first if they can. If there is chance to save the child when there is little or no chance for the women, then they try to save the child. The woman is always first. Of course they try for both, but when a choice is necessary, woman first.

For a father to see a child that was the cause of his wife's death is a terrible thing. It is not unusual in the beginning to blame the child and think of it as a murderer, a monster. Life and emotions are never simple or the same. Every person and patient needs to be treated as unique and to find what is best for everyone.

A couple can always try again or adopt. A single parent is harder on society and the parent is so many ways. The life living is always priority over a potential but not yet individual life. It makes the most sense.
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Wow there is some really screwed up logic,Christian law has nothing to do with it common sense does,certainly you are not using any. If a person can feel pain or not is no excuse ,or thoughts,how many thoughts do you think a day old child has? Everyone of those excuses,and thats all they are absurdly twisted. just as you yourself were once,small innocent and human as they day is long from the moment of your conception,you were unique.
Blabbering on about your house plants and sperm is well retarded,and totally a dodge.
At what point in your mind did you become human?
I'm not dodging anything except your attempts to demonize me, and a rational process with your emotionally abusive language

Take your hysteria to someone who it works on.

We all know that the biggest push behind the personhood movement come from evangelical Conservatives. So common sense has nothing to do with your prudish hang ups.

Fetuses are not innocent, because they're not capable of guilt. If anyone is twisting the definitions of words, it's your kind.

The thing that irks me the most, is how pro lifers tend to be sexually repressed, or too old to get laid, or have some kind of baggage that makes them hate the idea that people have sex. Beside the point as that may be...they're the same type of busy bodies that look for crap to cry about, and get melodramatic.
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Now who is hysterical.

Any excuse, and reason, and atrocity to protect your right to kill......

There have been evil people in the past that used the same tactics as you and your ilk. Dehumanize at all costs...

I plan to support each and every measure to remove public funding from planned parenthood, and you're lies, half-truths, and propaganda won't change that.

I support morally driven tissue research. What this is has no moral basis at all.
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Now who is hysterical.

Any excuse, and reason, and atrocity to protect your right to kill......

There have been evil people in the past that used the same tactics as you and your ilk. Dehumanize at all costs...

I plan to support each and every measure to remove public funding from planned parenthood, and you're lies, half-truths, and propaganda won't change that.

I support morally driven tissue research. What this is has no moral basis at all.
Your morals are just prudish religious fluff, found nowhere in the bible
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Now who is hysterical.

Any excuse, and reason, and atrocity to protect your right to kill......

There have been evil people in the past that used the same tactics as you and your ilk. Dehumanize at all costs...

I plan to support each and every measure to remove public funding from planned parenthood, and you're lies, half-truths, and propaganda won't change that.

I support morally driven tissue research. What this is has no moral basis at all.
Your morals are just prudish religious fluff, found nowhere in the bible

bible numbers 5:24, bitter water to induce an abortion.

When will people stop using the bible against abortion?
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
Yeah, I'll use their logic.....

Treatment for heart attacks is imoral. If God wants to take those people, he should be allowed to.

The catholics are against contraception, for the same reason.

Righties are against abortion, for moral reasons.....THEIR morality

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