U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

bible has no regard for a fetus or infant under a month. they are not people.

What the Bible says about abortion

People should stuff the immoral un-majority where it hurts before locking their chastity belt on them

Stop complaining about killing fetuses and murdering children
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
Yeah, I'll use their logic.....

Treatment for heart attacks is imoral. If God wants to take those people, he should be allowed to.

The catholics are against contraception, for the same reason.

Righties are against abortion, for moral reasons.....THEIR morality

contraception is older than the bible. Shepherds have know how to prevent animal pregnancy so women back then did as well. Some birth control sounds grouse but there is good science behind them. The more simlple is using a smooth stone of piece of copper.

Biblical birth control The surprisingly contraception-friendly Old Testament - Salon.com

Why do bible thumpers believe women can't use birth control?
the only real reason for being against birth control was after the plague when most of the population was killed off.

Now we have an over population problem, not under
well then. they should recruit a bunch of you who feels like they to do. TO become broodmares and breed a bunch a clobs of cells so they can have it
Op you can be the very first volunteer. just think you can be hero
problem solved. or go with monkeys can't be much different than these scientist.
That's illegal...surely you know that!
Link to what specific cure baby parts has cured.

ebola virus was built on fetal cells. It might be just one stain right now, but it is a fast fantastic start. It might have taken more years just to get the first trial.
I love the way they say baby cells has cured diseases, when they can't name one.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
Yeah, I'll use their logic.....

Treatment for heart attacks is imoral. If God wants to take those people, he should be allowed to.

The catholics are against contraception, for the same reason.

Righties are against abortion, for moral reasons.....THEIR morality

contraception is older than the bible. Shepherds have know how to prevent animal pregnancy so women back then did as well. Some birth control sounds grouse but there is good science behind them. The more simlple is using a smooth stone of piece of copper.

Biblical birth control The surprisingly contraception-friendly Old Testament - Salon.com

Why do bible thumpers believe women can't use birth control?
Abortion on demand is NOT birth control. Birth control is exercised BEFORE the pregnancy as a means of preventing pregnancy.

I am no bible thumper, but it appears you are a bigot.
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
Yeah, I'll use their logic.....

Treatment for heart attacks is imoral. If God wants to take those people, he should be allowed to.

The catholics are against contraception, for the same reason.

Righties are against abortion, for moral reasons.....THEIR morality
So, you make up your own arguments and then shoot them down. You know there is a term for that.
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
The use of taxpayer money is NOT health insurance, and people DO have the right to determine how their money is spent.
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Now who is hysterical.

Any excuse, and reason, and atrocity to protect your right to kill......

There have been evil people in the past that used the same tactics as you and your ilk. Dehumanize at all costs...

I plan to support each and every measure to remove public funding from planned parenthood, and you're lies, half-truths, and propaganda won't change that.

I support morally driven tissue research. What this is has no moral basis at all.
Your morals are just prudish religious fluff, found nowhere in the bible
Actually, no they aren't. Mine are rooted in common decency.

Try getting some.

A moral person can be for planned parenthood and denounce what they are doing in the black market of baby limbs and tissue targeting.

It is ONE thing to donate tissue for science, quiet another to deliberately target that tissue and then profit from it.
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
Yeah, I'll use their logic.....

Treatment for heart attacks is imoral. If God wants to take those people, he should be allowed to.

The catholics are against contraception, for the same reason.

Righties are against abortion, for moral reasons.....THEIR morality

contraception is older than the bible. Shepherds have know how to prevent animal pregnancy so women back then did as well. Some birth control sounds grouse but there is good science behind them. The more simlple is using a smooth stone of piece of copper.

Biblical birth control The surprisingly contraception-friendly Old Testament - Salon.com

Why do bible thumpers believe women can't use birth control?
Abortion on demand is NOT birth control. Birth control is exercised BEFORE the pregnancy as a means of preventing pregnancy.

I am no bible thumper, but it appears you are a bigot.

Christian, jew, using biblical moralism............................

Bible is not against birth control or abortions. Infants under a month are not viewed as beings. Makes sense if you consider the death rate if infants.
Most people base their aversion of their church or bible. Others are simply uninformed.

it is not life till at least a month after birth.

that means abortions and birth control are not immoral, it is not killing, butchery or murder.

On what do you base your objection? A women not wanting to be a mother yet, or being told she should not be a mother yet for her health?

Why do you think you should have any say in her health at all?
We live in a country with a separation between church and state. The SC decided the women has a right to choose an abortion.
Morality and legality, legally you are trying to deny a women her rights. Morally not all people in the country follow the same faith and have the right to have no faith. Your morality has no place in a woman's or doctor's choice.
Taking action against a legal right means you are breaking the law and being immoral in our society.

No church has a legal right or moral right to force a women into anything. They can advise and guide but the final choice is her's and what is best for her health and welfare. Oh, that god given free will can be a bi*ch.

Parading pictures of supposed abortions might bring a yuck factor but that is manipulation and misinformation. A lie, but you see no problem with that morally? What of attacking clinics and works? Both criminal and immoral.

Oh, I'm doing this in the name of god............... that is what terrorist and suicide bombers tell themselves, but I doubt they will be getting any 72 virgins in heaven for their murderous actions
This is the biggest lie of them all.

Women do not have the right to have others pay for their healthcare, in addition to the fact that killing babies is NOT healthcare.

PP is free to operate as a private entity as they do have the legal right to their house of horrors.

They have no right to taxpayer monies.
God you're a moron

Your healthcare is paid for by others you dolt.

The very act of insurance is to pool money to cover the needs of all the people. Most people cannot pay the full fee cash out of pocket.

Health care should be only for the rich, and to hell with everyone else in the country?
The use of taxpayer money is NOT health insurance, and people DO have the right to determine how their money is spent.

from medicaid to obama care........... it is health care and should not be limited to women who want to give birth. What of rape? what the danger to the woman's health? What of her being unable to care for herself or an infant? What of her need to undergo chemo or some other surgery or treatment. First thing doctors want to is terminate the pregnancy so they can begin treatment. If there is a chance, women might want to have eggs preserved for when and if they are ready and able. If a women suffers body damage from an accident, the pregnancy could further limit or paralyze her while she recovers and under goes therapy.

It should not matter what the reason, unless it is your body, you should have no say in a woman having an abortion.
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
They're slauhtering fetuses that do not have cerebral cortexes.If I didn't have to explain the biological implications of a lack thereof, there might be hope to break through your hysteria.

Your emotional plea will not work on me, because I know that 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses do not have thoughts, physical sensations, or feelings. I want research to be done on fetal tissue if that helps save lives down the road.

Personhood at conception is the ridiculous oversimplification used by those who want to impose Christian law to supercede Rowe V Wade.

Take your drivel to someone stupid enough to cry along with you. While you're at it, why don't you cry for that sperm that never saw an egg, or my ficus tree that didn't get watered right
Now who is hysterical.

Any excuse, and reason, and atrocity to protect your right to kill......

There have been evil people in the past that used the same tactics as you and your ilk. Dehumanize at all costs...

I plan to support each and every measure to remove public funding from planned parenthood, and you're lies, half-truths, and propaganda won't change that.

I support morally driven tissue research. What this is has no moral basis at all.
Your morals are just prudish religious fluff, found nowhere in the bible
Actually, no they aren't. Mine are rooted in common decency.

Try getting some.

A moral person can be for planned parenthood and denounce what they are doing in the black market of baby limbs and tissue targeting.

It is ONE thing to donate tissue for science, quiet another to deliberately target that tissue and then profit from it.

Potato, potato

Treasury Rule Allows Taxpayer Subsidized Health Insurance For Illegal Immigrants

The State of the Union CA State Senate Passes Taxpayer-Funded Health Insurance for Illegal Aliens
Scientists NEED that fetal tissue (dead babies) for their "Research" on which baby parts bring the biggest bucks on the Free Market and maybe even which parts are tastier.
China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.

Not true at all.

The one child policy only effects about 30% of the population. Religious people are allowed more children, minorities are allowed more children, people in the countryside are allowed more children.

The weird thing is that most women only want one kid now anyway, it's the norm, especially in cities. In the countryside it's probably different due to economic reasons.

Sterilization happens, and sometimes it's forced, that depends on the region. Many regional governors (or whatever they're called) had quotas to meet. Mostly it's increasing growth, but maybe also in the number of children as so on. So, some governors will be heavy handed if people are trying to infringe on their ability to rise up through the party, others less so.
So it depends on the region how you get treated.
China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.

Not true at all.

The one child policy only effects about 30% of the population. Religious people are allowed more children, minorities are allowed more children, people in the countryside are allowed more children.

The weird thing is that most women only want one kid now anyway, it's the norm, especially in cities. In the countryside it's probably different due to economic reasons.

Sterilization happens, and sometimes it's forced, that depends on the region. Many regional governors (or whatever they're called) had quotas to meet. Mostly it's increasing growth, but maybe also in the number of children as so on. So, some governors will be heavy handed if people are trying to infringe on their ability to rise up through the party, others less so.
So it depends on the region how you get treated.

>>the most significant overhaul of China’s family planning rules in 30 years, married couples in which just one parent is an only child can also have a second baby. The previous rules allowed two children for couples in which both parents are only children. The old policy also made exceptions for China’s officially recognized ethnic minorities and rural couples whose first child was a girl or disabled.<<

two childen if parent an only children............... WOW

so much reproductive freedom they can choose not to have a second child if one parent is only children. Not because they don't want but because of income.

Did I miss the fireworks? So much free choice...............and now their income is tanking. Couple could choose not to have children at all.
China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.

Not true at all.

The one child policy only effects about 30% of the population. Religious people are allowed more children, minorities are allowed more children, people in the countryside are allowed more children.

The weird thing is that most women only want one kid now anyway, it's the norm, especially in cities. In the countryside it's probably different due to economic reasons.

Sterilization happens, and sometimes it's forced, that depends on the region. Many regional governors (or whatever they're called) had quotas to meet. Mostly it's increasing growth, but maybe also in the number of children as so on. So, some governors will be heavy handed if people are trying to infringe on their ability to rise up through the party, others less so.
So it depends on the region how you get treated.

>>the most significant overhaul of China’s family planning rules in 30 years, married couples in which just one parent is an only child can also have a second baby. The previous rules allowed two children for couples in which both parents are only children. The old policy also made exceptions for China’s officially recognized ethnic minorities and rural couples whose first child was a girl or disabled.<<

two childen if parent an only children............... WOW

so much reproductive freedom they can choose not to have a second child if one parent is only children. Not because they don't want but because of income.

Did I miss the fireworks? So much free choice...............and now their income is tanking. Couple could choose not to have children at all.

Free choice? Have you been to China lately? Cities are polluted to hell, there are too many people, even with the one child policy their population is rising to levels they can't cope with.

Also, you're talking freedom of choice. Come off it, this is China, the CCP is in power. The people can do whatever they like, however the people are the CCP.
China, women are only allowed to have two pregnancies, with permission, before being sterilized.

Not true at all.

The one child policy only effects about 30% of the population. Religious people are allowed more children, minorities are allowed more children, people in the countryside are allowed more children.

The weird thing is that most women only want one kid now anyway, it's the norm, especially in cities. In the countryside it's probably different due to economic reasons.

Sterilization happens, and sometimes it's forced, that depends on the region. Many regional governors (or whatever they're called) had quotas to meet. Mostly it's increasing growth, but maybe also in the number of children as so on. So, some governors will be heavy handed if people are trying to infringe on their ability to rise up through the party, others less so.
So it depends on the region how you get treated.

>>the most significant overhaul of China’s family planning rules in 30 years, married couples in which just one parent is an only child can also have a second baby. The previous rules allowed two children for couples in which both parents are only children. The old policy also made exceptions for China’s officially recognized ethnic minorities and rural couples whose first child was a girl or disabled.<<

two childen if parent an only children............... WOW

so much reproductive freedom they can choose not to have a second child if one parent is only children. Not because they don't want but because of income.

Did I miss the fireworks? So much free choice...............and now their income is tanking. Couple could choose not to have children at all.

Free choice? Have you been to China lately? Cities are polluted to hell, there are too many people, even with the one child policy their population is rising to levels they can't cope with.

Also, you're talking freedom of choice. Come off it, this is China, the CCP is in power. The people can do whatever they like, however the people are the CCP.

choice to not have children
I don't understand Lakota's rational
Her race was massacred, etc
and then has little regard for human life.
Doesn't make much sense to me
but hey....whadda I know

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