U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

choice to not have children

Do you understand the word "over populated"?

That describes this world. We don't have the luxury of "choice" with some things, because we're killing the planet we live on.

I'm for not having 10 children while on welfare or poverty in areas of the world. They need education on birth control use and if desired sterilization for men or women if they choose. They need access to options. They need better care for the living. Better ecology management, jobs, soil management, water..............

Caring for a responsible manageable world begins with education, not slavery one way or the other
choice to not have children

Do you understand the word "over populated"?

That describes this world. We don't have the luxury of "choice" with some things, because we're killing the planet we live on.

I'm for not having 10 children while on welfare or poverty in areas of the world. They need education on birth control use and if desired sterilization for men or women if they choose. They need access to options. They need better care for the living. Better ecology management, jobs, soil management, water..............

Caring for a responsible manageable world begins with education, not slavery one way or the other

Well, generally richer people have lower birth rates anyway. Certain countries are trying to get people to have more children, which I just don't understand.


You can see that for some reason the US, France, Ireland and New Zealand have higher birth rates than most of the western world. Ireland maybe for religious reasons, the french no idea, and the US probably because of very conservative ideas in a large part of the country. Space could also be an issue, many European countries are very cramped, the US less so, there's a lot of space. Also the US has a lot of Mexicans who maybe still want children to make them money.

China is no worse than many other countries. People are happy with just one child. Often the choice of how many kids is based on what "society thinks", in the west it's 2.4 children. People expect to have a brother or sister. Now many people are choosing not to have kids.

This leads to the problem of older people having to work longer.

So you have three choices. Too many kids, immigrants or working longer. Neither are great.

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.

Yo, if you volunteer as the guinea pig? And if you survive? Than I`m all for it!

Millions of people every year would die if it wasn't for science...The human population wouldn't even be a billion on this whole fucking planet.
choice to not have children

Do you understand the word "over populated"?

That describes this world. We don't have the luxury of "choice" with some things, because we're killing the planet we live on.

I'm for not having 10 children while on welfare or poverty in areas of the world. They need education on birth control use and if desired sterilization for men or women if they choose. They need access to options. They need better care for the living. Better ecology management, jobs, soil management, water..............

Caring for a responsible manageable world begins with education, not slavery one way or the other

Well, generally richer people have lower birth rates anyway. Certain countries are trying to get people to have more children, which I just don't understand.


You can see that for some reason the US, France, Ireland and New Zealand have higher birth rates than most of the western world. Ireland maybe for religious reasons, the french no idea, and the US probably because of very conservative ideas in a large part of the country. Space could also be an issue, many European countries are very cramped, the US less so, there's a lot of space. Also the US has a lot of Mexicans who maybe still want children to make them money.

China is no worse than many other countries. People are happy with just one child. Often the choice of how many kids is based on what "society thinks", in the west it's 2.4 children. People expect to have a brother or sister. Now many people are choosing not to have kids.

This leads to the problem of older people having to work longer.

So you have three choices. Too many kids, immigrants or working longer. Neither are great.

and yet people also have a problem with refusal of treatment, hospice, right to death, DNR and doctor assisted suicide for the elderly, suffering and terminal. We put down our pets but not are suffering that don't have the will or energy to fight any more.

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.

Yo, if you volunteer as the guinea pig? And if you survive? Than I`m all for it!


paid clinical drug trials
some people are involved in many, at the same time, but it also messes with the accuracy and potential side effect
and yet people also have a problem with refusal of treatment, hospice, right to death, DNR and doctor assisted suicide for the elderly, suffering and terminal. We put down our pets but not are suffering that don't have the will or energy to fight any more.

The biggest problem is how many people see human life. For some reason they see it as sacred. Every other life is at our disposal, we don't care one bit. But human life....

Far too many people. We need a change in mentality.

Abortion helps to keep the population down.

The worst thing is that at this rate China, and India, will need a war in order to keep their populations down, and I mean a big war. And they're not going to fight each other, chances are any big war will be against the US.
Millions of people every year would die if it wasn't for science...The human population wouldn't even be a billion on this whole fucking planet.

Now you're giving good reasons to stop science.

Would you like to see half or more of your children die??? Why would you stop science when it stops you from going through this kind of pain?

Would I like to? No I would not. This is not the point I'm making however.

The point is that there are too many people on the planet. We've developed the ability to get most people through life, the biggest problems are often fuck ups, like drinking, killing, car crashes, human made problems, rather than body problems. Sure a lot of people still die of cancer and whatever, but we're working on that.

The more we develop medicine, the more we have to be selective about breeding. Abortion in the past meant that potential resources for growing crops or whatever were being thrown away. In the modern world this is just not so any more.
and yet people also have a problem with refusal of treatment, hospice, right to death, DNR and doctor assisted suicide for the elderly, suffering and terminal. We put down our pets but not are suffering that don't have the will or energy to fight any more.

The biggest problem is how many people see human life. For some reason they see it as sacred. Every other life is at our disposal, we don't care one bit. But human life....

Far too many people. We need a change in mentality.

Abortion helps to keep the population down.

The worst thing is that at this rate China, and India, will need a war in order to keep their populations down, and I mean a big war. And they're not going to fight each other, chances are any big war will be against the US.

they should pay more attention to their moral and religious books (ie bible). They might realize they are fighting the wrong cause and their belief in saving lives is really doing more harm than good

education, real facts, might be sobbering, but then jihadists believe they have a more obligation to kill in the name of a religion of peace and 72 virgins are waiting as their reward.
and yet people also have a problem with refusal of treatment, hospice, right to death, DNR and doctor assisted suicide for the elderly, suffering and terminal. We put down our pets but not are suffering that don't have the will or energy to fight any more.

The biggest problem is how many people see human life. For some reason they see it as sacred. Every other life is at our disposal, we don't care one bit. But human life....

Far too many people. We need a change in mentality.

Abortion helps to keep the population down.

The worst thing is that at this rate China, and India, will need a war in order to keep their populations down, and I mean a big war. And they're not going to fight each other, chances are any big war will be against the US.

they should pay more attention to their moral and religious books (ie bible). They might realize they are fighting the wrong cause and their belief in saving lives is really doing more harm than good

education, real facts, might be sobbering, but then jihadists believe they have a more obligation to kill in the name of a religion of peace and 72 virgins are waiting as their reward.

Moral of the story is.... many people use religion for bad things.

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.

The title should read:"Liberal Media Needs to Drum Up Support for Killing Babies."
"U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research"

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017: a return to the unwarranted, inane ban on stem cell research.
Link to what specific cure baby parts has cured.

ebola virus was built on fetal cells. It might be just one stain right now, but it is a fast fantastic start. It might have taken more years just to get the first trial.
I love the way they say baby cells has cured diseases, when they can't name one.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments
If that was true they would be bragging about specific things baby tissue has done. Especially now.
"U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research"

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017: a return to the unwarranted, inane ban on stem cell research.

There was never a "ban" on stem cell research you idiot.

Take your lies elsewhere.
life saving medical advances.
Well...who's life was saved?

Cells divide quicker.....whooptyshit
Joseph Mengela would be proud

you missed the parkinson and ebola?
disabled, als, vaccines...............
false hope

It has been used in the Neatherland for the last ten year for parkinsons. It take as least two years for the cells to learn the brain coding and begin working to reverse damage.

Ebola vaccine that is hoped help to eradicate the virus was created with the cells.

cells are used to grow skin to be grafted on burn victim

these has been in the news over the last decade

the als and spinal injuries is still rather new and limited use

I've posted links in previous posts as well as other research being developed

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