This PhD did a scientific analysis of all bullet audio signatures from the Trump assassination footage CONCLUSION: Raw Audio evidence proves ...

1. I don't want it moved
2. My argument is that some "conspiracy theories" are based on evidence
3. No, I missed Brandon, but I saw that the professor proved two guns via acoustic analysis, (this thread)

So please keep viable assassination theories here where they get the most discussion.
They are already being discussed in Conspiracy theory, far more than here. I have never understood, why people like you look down on that forum. Theories are theories, until proven or disproven. Not all conspiracy theories, voiced there, are disproven, by any means. It cannot be promised to keep trump shooting theories in "Current Events Forum" and it is unlikely. I guess it depends on your definition of "Current". It has now been a week and a day. On the other hand, conspiracy theories are just warming up and will remain, just like the Kennedy Assassination. Sorting out, will be your problem, but at least you have a guaranteed place to look.

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