U.S. Senate - POLITICS Senate Republicans Seek to Block Unconfirmed Appointments to L


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
s a year marred with fights and stalemates within the federal government comes to a close, Republican lawmakers and President Obama are embroiled in yet another battle of wills.
Republican lawmakers are refusing to officially adjourn for the year in hopes of deterring Obama from making any unconfirmed appointments to controversial boards while Congress is on vacation.

Senate Republicans and the president can’t agree on new National Labor Relations Board members, leaving only two chairs on the board filled going into the new year.
This will cause the board to shut down, as a quorum cannot occur with two chairs filled. Obama will then be forced to make recess appointments in order to keep the board running.
However, under the Constitution the president can simply appoint someone to fill any of these slots on his own if the Senate is not in session.

Read more: Senate Republicans Seek To Block Unconfirmed Appointments To Labor Board | Fox News
Obama will then be forced to make recess appointments in order to keep the board running. However, under the Constitution the president can simply appoint someone to fill any of these slots on his own if the Senate is not in session.

Dear Mr. President,

Please do what you gotta do to stop the obstructionist pubs.

And, then, come election day, we'll rub their noses in it.
Obama will then be forced to make recess appointments in order to keep the board running. However, under the Constitution the president can simply appoint someone to fill any of these slots on his own if the Senate is not in session.

Dear Mr. President,

Please do what you gotta do to stop the obstructionist pubs.

And, then, come election day, we'll rub their noses in it.

Hate to break it to you but he can only appoint people if Congress recesses. And that requires both Houses to agree. If the House of Representatives refuses to call a recess, he has no power to appoint anyone. The Democrats did that to Bush.

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