U.S. Stealth Fighters Deployed to South Korea


Sep 14, 2004
Is this a message to NK?

U.S. Stealth Fighters Arrive in South Korea


Some of the 15 radar-evading stealth fighters that the United States is deploying to South Korea have arrived there, a U.S. military spokesman said on June 6.

North Korea has bitterly denounced the deployment of the F-117A Nighthawks in its official media, saying it is part of U.S. plans for an invasion of the reclusive country.

The U.S. Air Force has said the planes, from Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, are being deployed for training in the region for four months.

But it not clear whether the planes are in addition to the two dozen stealth fighters that the Air Force sent to Kunsan Air Base in South Korea last summer or are part of a regular rotation.

“The deployment has begun, but it has not been completed,” a U.S. Forces Korea spokesman said.

He did not say when the first batch of planes arrived or when the deployment would be completed.

The deployment comes as tensions are running high with North Korea, which said in February it had nuclear weapons and was boycotting six-party talks aimed at ending its nuclear program.

The Air Force has said there is no relation between the current turmoil over the North Korean nuclear issue and the deployment of the stealth fighters.
New radar to hunt Chinese stealth jets...

New radar to hunt Chinese stealth jets
Mon, May 14, 2018 - YEARS IN THE MAKING: The military envisions a defense system comprised of active means made up of F-16 jets and passive means involving an advanced radar system
As the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) deploys J-20 stealth fighters in increasing numbers, Taiwan is fielding mobile passive radar systems to defend its airspace against stealth aircraft, a senior Ministry of National Defense official said. Two radar units — developed by the ministry-affiliated Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology — would be deployed some time this year for operational testing, the officials said on condition of anonymity. The system would enter mass production in 2020 if the military decides that it meets its operational needs, he said.

The institute has been working for years to incorporate Western military technological trends in its mobile passive radar system, the official added. The military’s concept for counter-stealth air defense is comprised of active and passive systems, which would detect, track and lock on to stealth targets at long range, the official said. The active means would consist of upgraded F-16 warplanes, which have advanced radar systems capable of detecting stealth aircraft, he said, referring to F-16V aircraft and the APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar. The radar systems would comprise the passive end of the system, the official said.


A mobile passive radar system is pictured in an undated photograph​

The mobile units will be remotely linked to active phased array radar systems and “magnify” the radar cross-section of detected objects without emitting radiation, he said. They are less vulnerable to electronic warfare interference and anti-radiation missile attacks, a fact sheet published by the institute said. China claims that the J-20, its indigenous stealth strike fighter, performs on a par with the US’ F-22 Raptor, the official said, adding that the jet is likely capable of attacking targets at sea. The radar systems are a response to the threat posed by Chinese stealth fighters, including its modified Su-35 fighters, which the PLAAF has been coating with radiation-absorbing paint to give them a measure of stealth, he said.

While the J-20 is in limited service, there is no doubt that the PLAAF will increase the size of its stealth fighter fleet and supplement it with other warplanes, which would pose a significant threat to Taiwan’s air defense, he said. “These developments will erode the detection range of our advanced warning radar systems or even lead to the complete loss of advanced warning and quick reaction capabilities,” he said. “The military must plan for and deploy countermeasures to preempt them.” The PLAAF on Friday last week dispatched formations of Su-35 fighters and H-6K bombers to fly around Taiwan, the first time that the former was sent on such a patrol. The Chinese military claims that the J-20 has been deployed in air combat drills at sea.

New radar to hunt Chinese stealth jets - Taipei Times

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