U.S. Supreme Court Trump Ruling Today at 10 AM....Live feeds up.....Update: Reversed 9-0

After a quick read of the ruling, thanks for the link, it's not a ruling in favor of President Trump, it is a ruling overturning the CO state decision.

No where does the court acquit FPOTUS#45, what the court did was find a way to overturn CO based on the lack of law by Congress. Which wasn't really a surprise given the questioning during oral arguments.

What does that mean? It is Congresses responsibility to establish a law as it pertains to federals office holders that would be the process that states have to follow. The court didn't rule here that only Congress can designate an individual as an insurrectionist, but that Congress must establish the process. Those are two different things.

When the two dumbass nitwits appointed by Gay Barry and the idiot low IQ DEI Negro appointed by Potatohead agree with the real Justices that is an indication the actions to remove Trump was always Illegal.

You know who are the real dumbass shitheads? The partisan Libtard idiots on the Colorado Supreme Court that said it was OK to take Trump off the ballot.
After a quick read of the ruling, thanks for the link, it's not a ruling in favor of President Trump, it is a ruling overturning the CO state decision.

No where does the court acquit FPOTUS#45, what the court did was find a way to overturn CO based on the lack of law by Congress. Which wasn't really a surprise given the questioning during oral arguments.

What does that mean? It is Congresses responsibility to establish a law as it pertains to federals office holders that would be the process that states have to follow. The court didn't rule here that only Congress can designate an individual as an insurrectionist, but that Congress must establish the process. Those are two different things.


This ruling was not about acquitting Trump. It was a ruling that Trump could not be removed from the ballot by any individual state. So that is a HUGE victory for him.
Its fair. Congress can pass legislation barring such in the future and states can pass legislation barring state officeholders similarly.
This ruling was not about acquitting Trump. It was a ruling that Trump could not be removed from the ballot by any individual state. So that is a HUGE victory for him.

Oh agreed. 100%.

But watch, FPOTUS#45 and MAGA's are going to mischaracterize the ruling as vindication that FPOTUS#45 had no part in an insurrection.

That isn't what the ruling did.

Big win for FPOTUS#45? Sure. Vindication? No.

After a quick read of the ruling, thanks for the link, it's not a ruling in favor of President Trump, it is a ruling overturning the CO state decision.

No where does the court acquit FPOTUS#45, what the court did was find a way to overturn CO based on the lack of law by Congress. Which wasn't really a surprise given the questioning during oral arguments.

What does that mean? It is Congresses responsibility to establish a law as it pertains to federals office holders that would be the process that states have to follow. The court didn't rule here that only Congress can designate an individual as an insurrectionist, but that Congress must establish the process. Those are two different things.


So SCOTUS isn't in Trumps pocket? Wow
Poor babies!

It’s official and unanimously so: Trump is no insurrectionist so he is fully eligible to be president again.

Polls show he’s the people’s choice so it’s just a matter of time.
The first of many bitchslappings the SC will hand Dimwingers.
After a quick read of the ruling, thanks for the link, it's not a ruling in favor of President Trump, it is a ruling overturning the CO state decision.
WTF? You loons tried to keep him off the ballot and lost. Of course its a ruling in his favor
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Supreme Court reverses Colorado Decision

In a 9 to 0 decision.
“This case raises the question whether the States, in addi- tion to Congress, may also enforce Section 3. We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal of- fices, especially the Presidency.”
Even Biden's appontee Ketanji Jackson voted against the Colorado decision.
This means that Maine and Illinois decisions are also struck down.
Democrats would rather destroy Democracy to stop Trump.
They are terrified of Trump and they realize Biden is really the dangerous one because he suffering from dementia or acting like he is mentally deficient to avoid being prosecuted for all the REAL CRIMES he has committed). For starters: He removed classified documents when he was ONLY A SENATOR and VP (both of which have not authority to do so). Unlike President Trump (WHO HAD THE AUTHORITY) and is being prosecuted PERSECUTED). People that don't see what Democrats are doing to Trump don't realize that yes, they can do the same to them.
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