U.S. To Blame For al-Shabab Terrorist Attack On Kenyan Mall...Says Pro-ISIS D-Omar


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So let me get this straight....

Terrorist Group al-Shabab - a terrorist group that was founded, is based in Kismayo, Somalia, who in 2006 and pledged its allegiance to Al Qaeda in 2012 - attacked a mall in Kenya, which is in Africa....

...and the Freshman Muslim D-Rep Ilhan Omar, who pled for leniency for individuals caught trying to join ISIS to kill Americans, says the United States is to blame for al-Shabab's attack on the Kenyan Mall?!


"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar once described acts of terrorism as a reaction to “our involvement in other people’s affairs,” in the wake of the brutal al-Shabab attack on a Kenyan shopping mall in 2013.

Omar made the comments during an obscure local television appearance just weeks after four armed al-Shabab
jihadists stormed the Westgate mall in Nairobi in 2013, killing nearly 70 people and wounding 200."

“We’ve heard variations of this argument for decades now. We hear it on 9/11, we heard it when suicide bombs go off on train stations in London or Madrid,” Robin Simcox, a national security and terrorism expert at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

“The problem the people who make that argument have is that you / THEY can’t possibly logically explain then why attacks take place in, for example, Cameroon or the Philippines, or Thailand, or China,” Simcox continued. “This isn’t something dictated by facts or logic, it’s something that is an ideological position that Omar is obviously determined to take regardless of the facts.”

Ilhan Omar once blamed 'our involvement in other people’s affairs' after al-Shabab attack on Kenyan mall
So let me get this straight....

Terrorist Group al-Shabab - a terrorist group that was founded, is based in Kismayo, Somalia, who in 2006 and pledged its allegiance to Al Qaeda in 2012 - attacked a mall in Kenya, which is in Africa....

...and the Freshman Muslim D-Rep Ilhan Omar, who pled for leniency for individuals caught trying to join ISIS to kill Americans, says the United States is to blame for al-Shabab's attack on the Kenyan Mall?!


"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar once described acts of terrorism as a reaction to “our involvement in other people’s affairs,” in the wake of the brutal al-Shabab attack on a Kenyan shopping mall in 2013.

Omar made the comments during an obscure local television appearance just weeks after four armed al-Shabab
jihadists stormed the Westgate mall in Nairobi in 2013, killing nearly 70 people and wounding 200."

“We’ve heard variations of this argument for decades now. We hear it on 9/11, we heard it when suicide bombs go off on train stations in London or Madrid,” Robin Simcox, a national security and terrorism expert at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

“The problem the people who make that argument have is that you / THEY can’t possibly logically explain then why attacks take place in, for example, Cameroon or the Philippines, or Thailand, or China,” Simcox continued. “This isn’t something dictated by facts or logic, it’s something that is an ideological position that Omar is obviously determined to take regardless of the facts.”

Ilhan Omar once blamed 'our involvement in other people’s affairs' after al-Shabab attack on Kenyan mall
I hear Global warming had something to do with it. That and a lack of jobs.
Of course Faux takes her comment out of context. The Cato Institute said it many years ago. Just better.

"As the United States finds itself in the aftermath of another crisis in the Middle East, it is worth the risk of opprobrium to ask why there should be hostility toward America in that region. Some insight can be gained by surveying official U.S. conduct in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Acknowledged herein is a fundamental, yet deplorably overlooked, distinction between understanding and excusing. The purpose of this survey is not to pardon acts of violence against innocent people but to understand the reasons that drive people to violent political acts.[2] The stubborn and often self-serving notion that the historical record is irrelevant because political violence is inexcusable ensures that Americans will be caught in crises in the Middle East and elsewhere for many years to come."

'out of context'


She seeks to justify terrorist attacks by blaming her own country.

"The problem the people who make that argument have is that you / THEY can’t possibly logically explain then why attacks take place in, for example, Cameroon or the Philippines, or Thailand, or China,” Simcox continued. “This isn’t something dictated by facts or logic, it’s something that is an ideological position that Omar is obviously determined to take regardless of the facts.”

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