U2 has come out with abortion songs?

I wouldn't know what songs U2 is doing. As soon as I hear them? Click.
I used to really like U2, but now that I live in the middle of nowhere, we don't exactly have cutting edge radio stations. So I haven't heard a "new" song in about 20 years.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
Isnt posting the same thing over and over again against the rules?
You shit on the Constitution, you shit on this site.. Dont you live around SF Cali? I bet you shit in the streets too.

I do, every time I shit on the street it is shaped just like your head.
Nice. You would be even luckier if it smelt like me, too. So would your neighbors.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
Isnt posting the same thing over and over again against the rules?
You shit on the Constitution, you shit on this site.. Dont you live around SF Cali? I bet you shit in the streets too.
In San Fran, I thought everyone did.

Nope. We hold ours until we fly back east, and use the facilities when we are over Kansas.
So U2 can't be pro-choice? Why not? There is nothing wrong with being pro-choice. Not all women are members of groups, religious or otherwise, that oppose abortion. Why should they be forced to obey somebody else's clergy?

Incidentally, this article, which I note comes from The Blaze, wrongly stated that Ireland's Eighth Amendment has "protected the lives of mothers and their unborn babies since 1983." Wrong. Remember that a woman died as a result of the government's refusal to let her have an abortion, and it also included among "babies," fertilized eggs, zygotes, undeveloped fetuses, etc. No amount of cutsey "mothers" and "babies" florid language can hide what women have gone through because of this misguided and disgustingly patriarchal law. There are thousands of women from both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic who have paid and continue to pay lots of money to go to England to have an abortion. And these nations have opposed birth control instead of setting up clinics readily available to women, which would have prevented so many unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

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