U2 has come out with abortion songs?

Ireland votes this month on abortion...he's just spewing the leftists\'s swill

Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?

I reckon its the exact same reason children can protest guns but never protest abortions.
Because the majority do not agree with making abortion illegal. That's why.

Before it was made legal, the majority consensus was that abortion was immoral.

Now after years of being made legal, the consensus was that that it is not ideal, but is OK.

The same happened with slavery, only in reverse.

Before slavery was made illegal, the consensus was that it was not ideal, but that it was OK.

Now years after being made illegal, the majority consensus is that it is not moral.

That is because people are sheep. They just adjust their morality to the perceived moral authority. And your point is exactly?

What you have done is called a logical fallacy by appealing to the people. The fact that a great majority of people either oppose of favor something in no way justifies whether it is moral or not.
The question of yours that I was responding to had nothing to do with "morals." You asked "Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?" I believe that directly involves how many in the electorate support a measure.
Your theory that people are sheep and that we all decided slavery was not okay once it was illegal is pretty skewed. I seem to remember a Civil War over that question and no one was being very sheep like.
But I do genuinely thank you for not wishing me dead, yet, which usually happens when I go to an abortion thread.

No, I remember not too long ago in the US when people were allowed to vote for or against gay marriage. It was voted down across the country, so the courts came in and made them see things differently.

Votes are only as good as they are "Progressive", otherwise they need to be stricken down or ignored.

Do you want another example? The Dims needed Ted Kennedy's vote for Obamacare, but he was diagnosed with brain cancer. They then scrambled to try and change the laws so that there would be no election to replace him, so they could appoint a stooge to vote for Obamcare. However, they failed and Scott Brown was elected, who ran on stopping Obamacare. So the voters voted to stop Obamacare, trouble is, they then used Reconciliation to get around his vote.

So please, spare me the democracy is respected by Progs speech.

I can assure you, they are more fascist than the inner most aspect of Hitler's rectum
It was voted down across the country,
Not in Maine, it wasn't. Live and let live is our motto.

I'm not exactly following all that stuff about Progressives, but considering that Republicans have been in charge in Congress for eight years now, are you sure what you're saying is based in reality?
Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?

I reckon its the exact same reason children can protest guns but never protest abortions.
Because the majority do not agree with making abortion illegal. That's why.

Before it was made legal, the majority consensus was that abortion was immoral.

Now after years of being made legal, the consensus was that that it is not ideal, but is OK.

The same happened with slavery, only in reverse.

Before slavery was made illegal, the consensus was that it was not ideal, but that it was OK.

Now years after being made illegal, the majority consensus is that it is not moral.

That is because people are sheep. They just adjust their morality to the perceived moral authority. And your point is exactly?

What you have done is called a logical fallacy by appealing to the people. The fact that a great majority of people either oppose of favor something in no way justifies whether it is moral or not.
The question of yours that I was responding to had nothing to do with "morals." You asked "Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?" I believe that directly involves how many in the electorate support a measure.
Your theory that people are sheep and that we all decided slavery was not okay once it was illegal is pretty skewed. I seem to remember a Civil War over that question and no one was being very sheep like.
But I do genuinely thank you for not wishing me dead, yet, which usually happens when I go to an abortion thread.

No, I remember not too long ago in the US when people were allowed to vote for or against gay marriage. It was voted down across the country, so the courts came in and made them see things differently.

Votes are only as good as they are "Progressive", otherwise they need to be stricken down or ignored.

Do you want another example? The Dims needed Ted Kennedy's vote for Obamacare, but he was diagnosed with brain cancer. They then scrambled to try and change the laws so that there would be no election to replace him, so they could appoint a stooge to vote for Obamcare. However, they failed and Scott Brown was elected, who ran on stopping Obamacare. So the voters voted to stop Obamacare, trouble is, they then used Reconciliation to get around his vote.

So please, spare me the democracy is respected by Progs speech.

I can assure you, they are more fascist than the inner most aspect of Hitler's rectum
It was voted down across the country,
Not in Maine, it wasn't. Live and let live is our motto.

But in most other states it was.

So why does Maine supersede all the other states?
Because the majority do not agree with making abortion illegal. That's why.

Before it was made legal, the majority consensus was that abortion was immoral.

Now after years of being made legal, the consensus was that that it is not ideal, but is OK.

The same happened with slavery, only in reverse.

Before slavery was made illegal, the consensus was that it was not ideal, but that it was OK.

Now years after being made illegal, the majority consensus is that it is not moral.

That is because people are sheep. They just adjust their morality to the perceived moral authority. And your point is exactly?

What you have done is called a logical fallacy by appealing to the people. The fact that a great majority of people either oppose of favor something in no way justifies whether it is moral or not.
The question of yours that I was responding to had nothing to do with "morals." You asked "Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?" I believe that directly involves how many in the electorate support a measure.
Your theory that people are sheep and that we all decided slavery was not okay once it was illegal is pretty skewed. I seem to remember a Civil War over that question and no one was being very sheep like.
But I do genuinely thank you for not wishing me dead, yet, which usually happens when I go to an abortion thread.

No, I remember not too long ago in the US when people were allowed to vote for or against gay marriage. It was voted down across the country, so the courts came in and made them see things differently.

Votes are only as good as they are "Progressive", otherwise they need to be stricken down or ignored.

Do you want another example? The Dims needed Ted Kennedy's vote for Obamacare, but he was diagnosed with brain cancer. They then scrambled to try and change the laws so that there would be no election to replace him, so they could appoint a stooge to vote for Obamcare. However, they failed and Scott Brown was elected, who ran on stopping Obamacare. So the voters voted to stop Obamacare, trouble is, they then used Reconciliation to get around his vote.

So please, spare me the democracy is respected by Progs speech.

I can assure you, they are more fascist than the inner most aspect of Hitler's rectum
It was voted down across the country,
Not in Maine, it wasn't. Live and let live is our motto.

But in most other states it was.

So why does Maine supersede all the other states?
You think voting on rights is a good idea? HAH!
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.
Because the majority do not agree with making abortion illegal. That's why.

Before it was made legal, the majority consensus was that abortion was immoral.

Now after years of being made legal, the consensus was that that it is not ideal, but is OK.

The same happened with slavery, only in reverse.

Before slavery was made illegal, the consensus was that it was not ideal, but that it was OK.

Now years after being made illegal, the majority consensus is that it is not moral.

That is because people are sheep. They just adjust their morality to the perceived moral authority. And your point is exactly?

What you have done is called a logical fallacy by appealing to the people. The fact that a great majority of people either oppose of favor something in no way justifies whether it is moral or not.
The question of yours that I was responding to had nothing to do with "morals." You asked "Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?" I believe that directly involves how many in the electorate support a measure.
Your theory that people are sheep and that we all decided slavery was not okay once it was illegal is pretty skewed. I seem to remember a Civil War over that question and no one was being very sheep like.
But I do genuinely thank you for not wishing me dead, yet, which usually happens when I go to an abortion thread.

No, I remember not too long ago in the US when people were allowed to vote for or against gay marriage. It was voted down across the country, so the courts came in and made them see things differently.

Votes are only as good as they are "Progressive", otherwise they need to be stricken down or ignored.

Do you want another example? The Dims needed Ted Kennedy's vote for Obamacare, but he was diagnosed with brain cancer. They then scrambled to try and change the laws so that there would be no election to replace him, so they could appoint a stooge to vote for Obamcare. However, they failed and Scott Brown was elected, who ran on stopping Obamacare. So the voters voted to stop Obamacare, trouble is, they then used Reconciliation to get around his vote.

So please, spare me the democracy is respected by Progs speech.

I can assure you, they are more fascist than the inner most aspect of Hitler's rectum
It was voted down across the country,
Not in Maine, it wasn't. Live and let live is our motto.

But in most other states it was.

So why does Maine supersede all the other states?
You're pretty difficult to talk to when you keep twisting what people say, Votto. I'm just pointing out that not ALL the states voted against it. As a matter of fact, Maine wasn't the only state that made it legal prior to the federal legislation, but YOU are the one who is apparently interested in that, so YOU can look it up.
I think it's perfect that the nurturing sex should be able to kill their children in the womb. Prior to legal abortions, that was the safest 9 months that person would have in her life.

And laying total responsibility (and thus, blame) for the killing on mommy is just brilliant.
I think it's perfect that the nurturing sex should be able to kill their children in the womb. Prior to legal abortions, that was the safest 9 months that person would have in her life.

And laying total responsibility (and thus, blame) for the killing on mommy is just brilliant.
Terminating the potential of a fetus is a sad thing; none I've ever known took it lightly. However, I do not see the positives of bringing to fruition a life when you as the parent(s) know you are not prepared--emotionally, financially or situationally--to nurture and raise that child. This world is sad enough without forcing unwanted children into the world.
In the "good old days" when women went into hiding for six months and gave the baby up for adoption, those orphans who weren't "perfect" were adopted by farmers as workers on their farms and servants in their homes as often as anything else. No one gave two shits about those kids. If you ask me, they still don't.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.

It's funny and odd how one unsubstantiated data point is posted as if it is something substantive. Given the source, it is clear the author is educationally challenged.
Before it was made legal, the majority consensus was that abortion was immoral.

Now after years of being made legal, the consensus was that that it is not ideal, but is OK.

The same happened with slavery, only in reverse.

Before slavery was made illegal, the consensus was that it was not ideal, but that it was OK.

Now years after being made illegal, the majority consensus is that it is not moral.

That is because people are sheep. They just adjust their morality to the perceived moral authority. And your point is exactly?

What you have done is called a logical fallacy by appealing to the people. The fact that a great majority of people either oppose of favor something in no way justifies whether it is moral or not.
The question of yours that I was responding to had nothing to do with "morals." You asked "Why is it we can vote for abortion, but never seem to be able to vote it down?" I believe that directly involves how many in the electorate support a measure.
Your theory that people are sheep and that we all decided slavery was not okay once it was illegal is pretty skewed. I seem to remember a Civil War over that question and no one was being very sheep like.
But I do genuinely thank you for not wishing me dead, yet, which usually happens when I go to an abortion thread.

No, I remember not too long ago in the US when people were allowed to vote for or against gay marriage. It was voted down across the country, so the courts came in and made them see things differently.

Votes are only as good as they are "Progressive", otherwise they need to be stricken down or ignored.

Do you want another example? The Dims needed Ted Kennedy's vote for Obamacare, but he was diagnosed with brain cancer. They then scrambled to try and change the laws so that there would be no election to replace him, so they could appoint a stooge to vote for Obamcare. However, they failed and Scott Brown was elected, who ran on stopping Obamacare. So the voters voted to stop Obamacare, trouble is, they then used Reconciliation to get around his vote.

So please, spare me the democracy is respected by Progs speech.

I can assure you, they are more fascist than the inner most aspect of Hitler's rectum
It was voted down across the country,
Not in Maine, it wasn't. Live and let live is our motto.

But in most other states it was.

So why does Maine supersede all the other states?
You're pretty difficult to talk to when you keep twisting what people say, Votto. I'm just pointing out that not ALL the states voted against it. As a matter of fact, Maine wasn't the only state that made it legal prior to the federal legislation, but YOU are the one who is apparently interested in that, so YOU can look it up.

Perspective is a wondrous thing, isn't it?

I look out on the ocean and see a bunch of Cubans floating on a tire risking their very lives to come to America and I think to myself, what a sh$thole country they must come from, as where the Lefty thinks, "Why do they want to come to a sh$thole country? I sure wish we were like Cuba"
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
Isnt posting the same thing over and over again against the rules?
You shit on the Constitution, you shit on this site.. Dont you live around SF Cali? I bet you shit in the streets too.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

Students are SUPPOSED to learn about this "crap" and other current events and how to exercise their rights appropriately as citizens active in their democracy. A planned, peaceful protest is one of the ways those rights can be expressed.
YOU may not agree with their platform, so that makes everything they're doing wrong, I realize.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
Isnt posting the same thing over and over again against the rules?
You shit on the Constitution, you shit on this site.. Dont you live around SF Cali? I bet you shit in the streets too.

I do, every time I shit on the street it is shaped just like your head.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.
Only one of those are constitutional
Why do you hate on that document so much? Is more individual freedom so bad?

I have supported and defended the Constitution and taken the oath to do so three times in my life. Your comment is comical and not unique or thoughtful,i.e., an idiot-gram, variety of a an echo chamber fool.
Isnt posting the same thing over and over again against the rules?
You shit on the Constitution, you shit on this site.. Dont you live around SF Cali? I bet you shit in the streets too.
In San Fran, I thought everyone did.
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

Students are SUPPOSED to learn about this "crap" and other current events and how to exercise their rights appropriately as citizens active in their democracy. A planned, peaceful protest is one of the ways those rights can be expressed.
YOU may not agree with their platform, so that makes everything they're doing wrong, I realize.

Of course, everyone is free to do what they wish but not during school time.

They are free to do it after, or maybe math or science is not as important to you.

So what's next, a toddler protest?

Speaking of me not agreeing with what they are doing, as a parent should I have rights about what my child does at school?

According to Left wing fascists, no. Children are allowed to get an abortion with the help of her school nurse without their parents knowing and have no recourse. One father lost his daughter after she died getting an abortion but has no legal recourse.

In the interim, kids are not allowed so much as an aspirin without their parents approval

That's just sick
The hypocrisy of those above reeks. Many of these attacked the high school students who have called for gun controls, many also object to age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensives health curriculum; many support the right to deny contraceptives for women freely or paid for by insurance, many too support leaving the women and children at our door step without food, shelter or medical care and vote for the Republican Party to protect their right for a gun, but not the rights of post natal children to have health care.

And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

Students are SUPPOSED to learn about this "crap" and other current events and how to exercise their rights appropriately as citizens active in their democracy. A planned, peaceful protest is one of the ways those rights can be expressed.
YOU may not agree with their platform, so that makes everything they're doing wrong, I realize.

Of course, everyone is free to do what they wish but not during school time.

They are free to do it after, or maybe math or science is not as important to you.

So what's next, a toddler protest?

Speaking of me not agreeing with what they are doing, as a parent should I have rights about what my child does at school?

According to Left wing fascists, no. Children are allowed to get an abortion with the help of her school nurse without their parents knowing and have no recourse. One father lost his daughter after she died getting an abortion but has no legal recourse.

In the interim, kids are not allowed so much as an aspirin without their parents approval

That's just sick
Well, since this thread of YOURS is supposed to be about abortion, I believe, perhaps you should get back to it. There are plenty of threads where you can bellyache about the big mean school systems.
And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

Students are SUPPOSED to learn about this "crap" and other current events and how to exercise their rights appropriately as citizens active in their democracy. A planned, peaceful protest is one of the ways those rights can be expressed.
YOU may not agree with their platform, so that makes everything they're doing wrong, I realize.

Of course, everyone is free to do what they wish but not during school time.

They are free to do it after, or maybe math or science is not as important to you.

So what's next, a toddler protest?

Speaking of me not agreeing with what they are doing, as a parent should I have rights about what my child does at school?

According to Left wing fascists, no. Children are allowed to get an abortion with the help of her school nurse without their parents knowing and have no recourse. One father lost his daughter after she died getting an abortion but has no legal recourse.

In the interim, kids are not allowed so much as an aspirin without their parents approval

That's just sick
Well, since this thread of YOURS is supposed to be about abortion, I believe, perhaps you should get back to it. There are plenty of threads where you can bellyache about the big mean school systems.

Why can't the children have protests at school, aided by teachers?

Why is this not happening?
And when it is all said and done, a Prog cabal will decide what is taught and what issues they will protest.

They could care less what you or I or the students think

One student did not want to take sides, so he decided just to stay in class. Trouble was, he was told he had to take a side. Either protest or go to study hall where those who disagreed with the protest. Instead, he just sat right in his seat where he was suppose to be, so they suspended him.
You can't leave kiddos unsupervised. It's a rule. He was being a pain in the ass. You shouldn't defend that.


So as taxpayers we are paying teachers to educate our children, so the one child that demands that education during, what should be class time, is suspended?

That is what is wrong with this country. The people who you should not defend are the educators who allow this sort of crap during school time and who coerce impressionable children to be a political stooge.

Students are SUPPOSED to learn about this "crap" and other current events and how to exercise their rights appropriately as citizens active in their democracy. A planned, peaceful protest is one of the ways those rights can be expressed.
YOU may not agree with their platform, so that makes everything they're doing wrong, I realize.

Of course, everyone is free to do what they wish but not during school time.

They are free to do it after, or maybe math or science is not as important to you.

So what's next, a toddler protest?

Speaking of me not agreeing with what they are doing, as a parent should I have rights about what my child does at school?

According to Left wing fascists, no. Children are allowed to get an abortion with the help of her school nurse without their parents knowing and have no recourse. One father lost his daughter after she died getting an abortion but has no legal recourse.

In the interim, kids are not allowed so much as an aspirin without their parents approval

That's just sick
Well, since this thread of YOURS is supposed to be about abortion, I believe, perhaps you should get back to it. There are plenty of threads where you can bellyache about the big mean school systems.

So as a hypothetical, let's say that there is a political issue the teachers are having the children protest that you adamantly oppose. Is that a violation of your parental rights?

What do you think should be done about a student in Florida who was let out of class to protest, only to be run over and killed by a car?

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