Ubuntu 12.04


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
My personal experience...it sucks.
The biggest problem I have is that everything has a hesitation to it...just herky-jerky. Even something as little as moving the mouse across the screen is shaky. Applications are sloooooooow. The Unity "start" button at the top to see your applications is unforgivably slow. WFT? Seriously...4-5 seconds for it to launch up??
Looking at the memory - I see no problems, the system is clearly not taxed.

Oh well...thought I would try it...back to Mint..
My experience is that the hardware and more importantly, the drivers for that hardware are all important. I been running Ubuntu on my last three laptops and about a month ago upgraded to 12.04. The upgrade has proven to offer a smooth, quick and responsive experience on my Asus K73S series laptop. The difference may be that I now purchase a laptop on the basis of its compatibility with Ubuntu. For what its worth, I haven't had Microsoft on any of my computers for the past five years and don't miss it. I have thought about trying Mint as I've heard some good things about the OS.
My experience is that the hardware and more importantly, the drivers for that hardware are all important. I been running Ubuntu on my last three laptops and about a month ago upgraded to 12.04. The upgrade has proven to offer a smooth, quick and responsive experience on my Asus K73S series laptop. The difference may be that I now purchase a laptop on the basis of its compatibility with Ubuntu. For what its worth, I haven't had Microsoft on any of my computers for the past five years and don't miss it. I have thought about trying Mint as I've heard some good things about the OS.

My system is made by Zareason out of California...specifically designed to be ran on ubuntu. And it has ran ubuntu lightning-fast until 12.
I have dual boot - ubuntu 12.04 and Mint 11.
Mint 11 is perfectly fine.
I didn't care for it either. I will run a flavor of 12.04 when the guys at Bohdi release the 2.0 stable.
I like the Enlightenment17 and XFCE desktops.Gnome died and KDE is for gameboys.
Cinnamon isn't bad but it isn't for me.
I looked at Zareason but had to settle for Asus. Although I don't have any issues with 12.04, based on what I've been told I've got to try Mint. The dual boot is also something I hadn't considered with another Linux based OS.
I looked at Zareason but had to settle for Asus. Although I don't have any issues with 12.04, based on what I've been told I've got to try Mint. The dual boot is also something I hadn't considered with another Linux based OS.

Mint is cleaner, and has not switched to the unity desktop.
It also boots faster than ubuntu...although I am not quite sure why as it is of course the same platform
I didn't care for it either. I will run a flavor of 12.04 when the guys at Bohdi release the 2.0 stable.
I like the Enlightenment17 and XFCE desktops.Gnome died and KDE is for gameboys.
Cinnamon isn't bad but it isn't for me.

I like Bodhi...my wife hated it. I still have it on one laptop.
So tell me about Unity Pros/cons?
I'm running Kubuntu here, mostly because I want a mature, easily configurable desktop and have hated gnome since I got into Linux in about '96. Yeah I dual booted RedHat and Windows 95.
So tell me about Unity Pros/cons?
I'm running Kubuntu here, mostly because I want a mature, easily configurable desktop and have hated gnome since I got into Linux in about '96. Yeah I dual booted RedHat and Windows 95.

I dual booted Redhat/95 myself back in the day.
I thought RPMS was going to be a windows killer...but I underestimated the business savvy of Gates and company
So tell me about Unity Pros/cons?
I'm running Kubuntu here, mostly because I want a mature, easily configurable desktop and have hated gnome since I got into Linux in about '96. Yeah I dual booted RedHat and Windows 95.

My personal experience when Unity was brought into Ubuntu was outright frustration. It was impossible to customize and depending on what program I was running, the navigation bar would at times block part of the left-hand side of a program's control panel. In 12.04 you have some options allowing limited customization. I've pretty much accepted its limitations because it performs many other functions so well. That and this latest version offers hope that October's release will continue to improve on these areas.
When Ubuntu came out with Unity I switched over to Mint full time, had used it off and on for a few years. Mint uses Gnome Shell which I find easier to use and more elegant than Unity. I use Mint on my newer systems but on my old systems I use Bodhi, besides, I really like the Enlightenment interface. I still use Windows 7 because there are aspects of Windows I prefer over Linux, just a personal choice.
When Ubuntu came out with Unity I switched over to Mint full time, had used it off and on for a few years. Mint uses Gnome Shell which I find easier to use and more elegant than Unity. I use Mint on my newer systems but on my old systems I use Bodhi, besides, I really like the Enlightenment interface. I still use Windows 7 because there are aspects of Windows I prefer over Linux, just a personal choice.

Aye - there is an elegance and simplicity about Enlightment. I have barely toyed with the gui options...but you can customize it quite a bit.
Ubuntu may be a good idea if you wonder around the web on a browser and hope to avoid viruses and other miscellaneous crap. I have a dual load and occasionally use it to see what's new. But all the updates are as bad as Windows, and if you happen to be on a slow connection a real problem. I stick to Windows because all the photography software is written for it and the stuff today for digital photography is amazing.
My main usage for Ubuntu is running Libre Office and my email client. Playing movies in VLC and surfing the web. I don't play games or have a need for other Microsoft dependent software so my needs are met. When I think of all the money I pissed away over the years on Microsoft, anti-virus, anti-malware, utility software, just to keep the shit running decently. Upgrading to a newer version of Microsoft also often meant having to buy upgrades for other programs in order to keep them working. I also can't think of one other company who has managed to remain a market leader using an approach which allows them to ship a crap product and then fix it later. Most who do go the route of American Motors Corporation - you might remember them as the makers of such fine automobiles as the AMC Gremlin.
My main usage for Ubuntu is running Libre Office and my email client. Playing movies in VLC and surfing the web. I don't play games or have a need for other Microsoft dependent software so my needs are met. When I think of all the money I pissed away over the years on Microsoft, anti-virus, anti-malware, utility software, just to keep the shit running decently. Upgrading to a newer version of Microsoft also often meant having to buy upgrades for other programs in order to keep them working. I also can't think of one other company who has managed to remain a market leader using an approach which allows them to ship a crap product and then fix it later. Most who do go the route of American Motors Corporation - you might remember them as the makers of such fine automobiles as the AMC Gremlin.

Ah yes, another fanatical acolyte. All the pro-Linux, anti-M$ sound bytes are there. *sigh*
I decided to test out the Ubuntu 12.04LTS, ran like a champ, fast and it appears they've done a lot of work tweaking Unity. I'm seriously considering dualbooting it on my desktop.

I decided to test out the Ubuntu 12.04LTS, ran like a champ, fast and it appears they've done a lot of work tweaking Unity. I'm seriously considering dualbooting it on my desktop.


I love Nixie's vids. Very informative, I have done several customizations to the gui from what I have learned from her channel.
And not to mention she is very easy on the eyes. She has that Pam Beesly thing going on, not "model beauty" but a straight up simple beauty about her. Hot.
Had Mint 11 dualbooted on the machine and couldn't figure out how to replace it with Ubuntu. Someone at the Ubuntu forums showed me via screenshots. Loaded fine and now I'm bouncing between my laptop (to post here) and my desktop to configure Ubuntu.
iamwhatiseem, when you first tried 12.04 were you using 64 bit or 32 bit? I tried 64 bit a couple of times in the past and found it to be problamatic at best so I'm using 32 bit distros.

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