Uh-Oh, Eric Holder and Blogojevich caught in bed together


Gold Member
Oct 13, 2008
Holder holding out on Blagojevich connections

Up to now, the only member of the incoming Obama administration worried about ties to Rod Blagojevich was Rahm Emanuel. Today, the Chicago Sun-Times reports that another key appointment by Barack Obama hasn’t told the complete truth about his work for the disgraced governor of Illinois. Eric Holder, who already will face questions about his role in the controversial Marc Rich pardon and the deportation of Elian Gonzales, left off a key role on his resumé:

Before Eric Holder was President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be attorney general, he was Gov. Blagojevich’s pick to sort out a mess involving Illinois’ long-dormant casino license.

Blagojevich and Holder appeared together at a March 24, 2004, news conference to announce Holder’s role as “special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board” — a post that was to pay Holder and his Washington, D.C. law firm up to $300,000.

Holder, however, omitted that event from his 47-page response to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire made public this week — an oversight he plans to correct after a Chicago Sun-Times inquiry, Obama’s transition team indicated late Tuesday.

Team Obama claims that Holder merely forgot about this part of his work experience, but that doesn’t wash. Holder completed the questionnaire after Blagojevich’s arrest on December 9th. With all of the attendant publicity, how likely was it that Holder forgot his work with Blagojevich — especially on casino investigations, where one might expect to find a cesspool of corruption?

Not bloody likely. It looks a lot more like Holder wanted to minimize his connections to Blagojevich and hoped people would forget about it. Reading the Sun-Times report, it’s easy to see why, too. Blagojevich had named crony and fundraiser Christopher Kelly to the Gaming Board, who would later face charges of corruption. Kelly’s business partner was Tony Rezko. Remember him? He’s the man singing to the feds about corruption in Illinois after being convicted on multiple counts of corruption himself. Kelly and Rezko had interests connected to the Rosemount casino; they had options on land next to the site to build a hotel.

The Gaming Board refused to hire Holder, concerned about his connections to Blagojevich and his apparent mandate to make sure that Kelly and Rezko got their casino. That’s the verdict from retired FBI agent and Gaming Board commissioner Jim Wagner, who said that they viewed Holder’s appointment as a means to secure the interests of Rezko, Kelly, and Blagojevich. Wagner wants the Senate Judiciary Committee to probe Holder’s relationship to Blagojevich in this manner — and that gives a clear explanation of Holder’s omission on his questionnaire.

Remember that cesspool of corruption I mentioned? Looks like it existed after all — and the corruptocrat Blagojevich felt comfortable in appointing Holder to look after his interests, and Kelly’s, and Rezko’s. Maybe we should find out why.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Holder holding out on Blagojevich connections

Chicago-Sun Times article ..
Holder omitted Blagojevich link from questionnaire :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Holder was vetted by Obama .. AND Obama knows Chicago/Illinois politics.

Why didn't Obama know this?
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It is a safe assumption that a politician coming out of one of the most politically corrupt states is corrupt.
Holder holding out on Blagojevich connections

Up to now, the only member of the incoming Obama administration worried about ties to Rod Blagojevich was Rahm Emanuel. Today, the Chicago Sun-Times reports that another key appointment by Barack Obama hasn’t told the complete truth about his work for the disgraced governor of Illinois. Eric Holder, who already will face questions about his role in the controversial Marc Rich pardon and the deportation of Elian Gonzales, left off a key role on his resumé:

Before Eric Holder was President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be attorney general, he was Gov. Blagojevich’s pick to sort out a mess involving Illinois’ long-dormant casino license.

Blagojevich and Holder appeared together at a March 24, 2004, news conference to announce Holder’s role as “special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board” — a post that was to pay Holder and his Washington, D.C. law firm up to $300,000.

Holder, however, omitted that event from his 47-page response to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire made public this week — an oversight he plans to correct after a Chicago Sun-Times inquiry, Obama’s transition team indicated late Tuesday.


Hot Air » Blog Archive » Holder holding out on Blagojevich connections

Chicago-Sun Times article ..
Holder omitted Blagojevich link from questionnaire :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Holder was vetted by Obama .. AND Obama knows Chicago/Illinois politics.

Why didn't Obama know this?
There's no doubt in my mind that Obama would certainly have been aware of Holder's presence in such a capacity. Like anyone who would consider running for Senate, much less presidency, ambition is characteristic of the man. Nothing wrong with that, but in politics, by definition one always is aware of where the power is, in this country it's at the national level. Holder is and was there, well before Barack.
Once again we find Tony Rezko in the middle of the soup. How is it a guy could be in so much soup and be next door neighbors with a conveniently politically powerful Obama, and Obama's not in the soup, he's never see the soup, if there was soup, and he can't confirm that there ever was any soup, because he didn't know about it, didn't hear about and didn't know anybody who'd even had soup. Well, he knew somebody who had soup, but he didn't know that he'd had. Well really, he was deep in the soup, but he didn't know he was in any soup, after all he never came to his house with soup.

Geezz! Is anyone buying this? :confused:

This is like a meeting I was in this week. The mayor's schedule was thrown off because they couldn't build in the rain, but everyone kept insisting that construction would be done by 12/31, "weather permitting." Like they didn't know 5 days of rain were predicted over the next 5 days.
Once again we find Tony Rezko in the middle of the soup. How is it a guy could be in so much soup and be next door neighbors with a conveniently politically powerful Obama, and Obama's not in the soup, he's never see the soup, if there was soup, and he can't confirm that there ever was any soup, because he didn't know about it, didn't hear about and didn't know anybody who'd even had soup. Well, he knew somebody who had soup, but he didn't know that he'd had. Well really, he was deep in the soup, but he didn't know he was in any soup, after all he never came to his house with soup.

Geezz! Is anyone buying this? :confused:

This is like a meeting I was in this week. The mayor's schedule was thrown off because they couldn't build in the rain, but everyone kept insisting that construction would be done by 12/31, "weather permitting." Like they didn't know 5 days of rain were predicted over the next 5 days.

Obama lied, hope died
It's a safe assumption you can't think for yourself and believe everything you're told

Nice response.

I am not fond of Holder, but Obama is about as clean as a politician gets.

All this guilt by association stuff gets old after a while.
I'm not saying Obama is guilty of anything, but it's one thing if you know some guy that turns out to be a bad guy somehow. OK, whatever.

But, when damned near everyone you know and have been close to for ten to twenty years is a bad guy, I think it is fair for people to start looking into these guys. Not Obama per se, as you say, no evidence he is guilty of anything. But, it's fair to investigate Rezko, Obama real estate partner, Blago, the guy Obama helped strategize into office and the guy Obama campaigned for on many occasions. The troubling thing is these relationships are not tangential, they are central. Maybe he's not guilty of anything, but he's far from clean. You can't get that close to mud and be clean.
Nice response.

I am not fond of Holder, but Obama is about as clean as a politician gets.

All this guilt by association stuff gets old after a while.

it's all they have Chris so you might want to get used to it.
it's all they have Chris so you might want to get used to it.

I haven't associated anyone with Obama.

I just said it is a reasonable assumption that a politician who heralds from the most corrupt political machine in the country is corrupt. To what degree is to be discovered but i am confident that it will be.

We already have implications of corruption and of course BHO will come out clean. it just remains to be sen who the fall guy will be.

Are you so naive to think that BHO or one of his lackeys had no discussion with blago about BHO's senate seat?
I'm not saying Obama is guilty of anything, but it's one thing if you know some guy that turns out to be a bad guy somehow. OK, whatever.

But, when damned near everyone you know and have been close to for ten to twenty years is a bad guy, I think it is fair for people to start looking into these guys. Not Obama per se, as you say, no evidence he is guilty of anything. But, it's fair to investigate Rezko, Obama real estate partner, Blago, the guy Obama helped strategize into office and the guy Obama campaigned for on many occasions. The troubling thing is these relationships are not tangential, they are central. Maybe he's not guilty of anything, but he's far from clean. You can't get that close to mud and be clean.
Yep. That's why I believe every male Republican senator sexually abuses Capital Hill pages.
Yep. That's why I believe every male Republican senator sexually abuses Capital Hill pages.

Cuz one guy sent inappropriate messages to one? That's really the opposite of what I said.

I didn't say a bunch of people are guilty because of what one guy did, I said one guy MIGHT be bad because of what a bunch of guys he was connected with did.
Cuz one guy sent inappropriate messages to one? That's really the opposite of what I said.

I didn't say a bunch of people are guilty because of what one guy did, I said one guy MIGHT be bad because of what a bunch of guys he was connected with did.

dont sweat it, dude. Ravir HATES men like a redhead hates sun exposure.
Nice response.

I am not fond of Holder, but Obama is about as clean as a politician gets.

All this guilt by association stuff gets old after a while.

I'm not claiming guilt by association .. I'm asking how could he not know tese facts about Holder?

Obama knows the Illinois political climate and he vetted Holder.

How could he not know?
Speaking of Illinois 'climate', Kass strikes again:

A holiday classic to celebrate Fitzmas -- chicagotribune.com

A holiday classic to celebrate Fitzmas

John Kass

December 18, 2008

U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald has put the heat on Gov. Rod Blagojevich, charged on pay-to-play schemes.

Chris Walker/Tribune
Today, let's celebrate the spirit of the season with a dramatic reading by Illinois Gov. Dead Meat of a timeless holiday classic.

So think of this column as you would an old episode of "Masterpiece Theatre," in which I'm some cultured fellow with an English accent, introducing the governor, who recites the famous poem eagerly anticipated by young and olde:

" 'Twas the Night Before Fitzmas."


Edward Genson, officially the lawyer for Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and close friend of Blagojevich's shadow governor state Sen. Jimmy DeLeo (D-How You Doin?), made headlines. Genson demanded three legislators be yanked off the impeachment committee for making comments critical of the governor. Is Genson funny, like a clown?

He didn't demand that another impeachment panel member, state Rep. John Fritchey (D-Pastries) be removed, even though Fritchey has been an ostentatious reformer of late, busy in the news media expressing his righteousness.

But in real life, Fritchey is the son-in-law of powerful 36th Ward boss Sam "Pastries" Banks. Fritchey's brother-in-law, Jimmy Banks, Pastries' son, makes a fortune as a zoning lawyer, getting zoning changes through the city committee chaired by his uncle and Pastries' brother, Ald. William "Now seems like a good time to retire" Banks. DeLeo is part of that no-neck 36th Ward empire.

TV legal analysts breathlessly ran with the story, "Genson demands ouster of critical lawmakers!" and didn't once question why Fritchey was not singled out. This tells me that politicians aren't the only dancing monkeys in Illinois.

The TV guys were dancing too, eagerly gobbling Genson's treats as ravenous monkeys are wont to do. They haven't yet figured out what you readers already know from Tuesday's column, about the DeLeo-Genson connection.

Dance, monkeys, dance.


Our story opens at Cafe Bionda, a Chicago hangout for politicians and wise guys. There, Gov. Dead Meat sits alone at the back table, weeping, guzzling flagons of hot mulled wine. He stands, and begins to lament:

'Twas the night before Fitzmas and all through the house

The federals were listening for the sound of a mouse.

The wiretaps were hung by the chimneys with care

With sugarplum visions of the rats they would snare.

And I in my tracksuit with Patti in bed

With visions of "bleepin' gold" running through our heads,

When out on the lawn, there arose such a herald,

I knew in an instant it must be Fitzgerald.

For a second, I thought this must be in jest,

Then the telephone said, "You're under arrest."

I rushed to the window and what did appear?

A sled full of subpoenas pulled by eight tiny reindeer.

More rapid than Outfit bookies, the coursers they came

And Patrick did whistle, and call them by name.

"Now Rezko! Now Kelly! Now Amrish and Stu!

On Wyma! On Harris! On Rahm and Ata too!"


It's hilarious, but the situation is depressing and has been going on forever.

BAC, did you see his column regarding Ryan's 'apology'?

Willises want to look into Ryan's eyes, heart -- chicagotribune.com

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