Uh-Oh, Eric Holder and Blogojevich caught in bed together

Speaking of Illinois 'climate', Kass strikes again:

A holiday classic to celebrate Fitzmas -- chicagotribune.com

It's hilarious, but the situation is depressing and has been going on forever.

BAC, did you see his column regarding Ryan's 'apology'?

Willises want to look into Ryan's eyes, heart -- chicagotribune.com

You up at this hour?

I did read his column .. but this is all beginning to read like a bad gangster movie.

I'm betting Blogo has some secrets nobody wants him to tell.
You up at this hour?

I did read his column .. but this is all beginning to read like a bad gangster movie.

I'm betting Blogo has some secrets nobody wants him to tell.

LOL! I keep weird hours, got up at 2:30. No one ever claimed I'm sane. I've got to get to school early to get books together, thought I'd be doing that tomorrow, but it really looks like we're in for nasty weather and today will be our last day until Jan 5th! I love many things about teaching, but snow days are my favorite! :cool:

Chicago pols and bad gangsters go together like horse & carriage. ;)
It is ALWAYS safe to assume that anyone who achives power in this society has made his peace with corruption loooooooooooooooog before any of us ever heard their names.

Republican or Democrat, that is ALWAYS safe to assume.
LOL! I keep weird hours, got up at 2:30. No one ever claimed I'm sane. I've got to get to school early to get books together, thought I'd be doing that tomorrow, but it really looks like we're in for nasty weather and today will be our last day until Jan 5th! I love many things about teaching, but snow days are my favorite! :cool:

Chicago pols and bad gangsters go together like horse & carriage. ;)

I grew up in Detroit, so I know the joy/pain of snowy weather. Somehow my snow days of my youth was much deeper than it gets today. The best thing I like about snow is watching my dog run around in it and bury himself in the snow.

No one seems to care about why the next president didn't know about the next attorney general's connections to casino gambling or why he tried to hide it.

So I guess it's not important ...



The koolade is just too strong.
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It is ALWAYS safe to assume that anyone who achives power in this society has made his peace with corruption loooooooooooooooog before any of us ever heard their names.

Republican or Democrat, that is ALWAYS safe to assume.

I don't entirely agree with you brother.

Cynthia McKinney is unelectable as president, but she never made peace with corruption, nor did she even put her own political career before speaking truth as she sees it.

Nader is a megla-egotist, but I'm not sure he ever made that peace either.

Kucinich may be unelectable as president .. and a bit kooky, but I don't believe he's corrupt.

Perhaps it's just indicative of more "successful" politicians.

Then again, Americans like our politicians to be actors and clowns and we make excuses for them when they're caught with their pants down.
You up at this hour?

I did read his column .. but this is all beginning to read like a bad gangster movie.

I'm betting Blogo has some secrets nobody wants him to tell.

As does Rezko, perhaps that is why they postponed his sentencing...is he singing?
I don't entirely agree with you brother.

Cynthia McKinney is unelectable as president, but she never made peace with corruption, nor did she even put her own political career before speaking truth as she sees it.

Nader is a megla-egotist, but I'm not sure he ever made that peace either.

Kucinich may be unelectable as president .. and a bit kooky, but I don't believe he's corrupt.

Perhaps it's just indicative of more "successful" politicians.

Then again, Americans like our politicians to be actors and clowns and we make excuses for them when they're caught with their pants down.

Cynthia McKinney is a crazy loon. But then I can understand why YOU would ignore that.
As does Rezko, perhaps that is why they postponed his sentencing...is he singing?

That's the other side of Chicago politics my brother .. when the warrants show up .. everybody sings.

The only question is how deep does the rabbit hole go.
Cynthia McKinney is a crazy loon. But then I can understand why YOU would ignore that.

Uh-huh, sure.

The crazy loon who fought against the government to ensure that Agent Orange contamination of US soldiers was properly addressed and they got the help they needed. She did the same thing for DU contamination .. and now that's being addressed as well.

Of course, had America listened to this "crazy loon" instead of the buffoons YOU supported, America would be looking a hell of a lot better today and the invasion of Iraq would have never happened.

By the way, this "loon" was way ahead of most on the collapse of the banking industry which she foretold way back in 2002.

You keep voting for buffoons .. and I'll keep voting for the "loons" :eusa_angel:
Uh-huh, sure.

The crazy loon who fought against the government to ensure that Agent Orange contamination of US soldiers was properly addressed and they got the help they needed. She did the same thing for DU contamination .. and now that's being addressed as well.

Of course, had America listened to this "crazy loon" instead of the buffoons YOU supported, America would be looking a hell of a lot better today and the invasion of Iraq would have never happened.

By the way, this "loon" was way ahead of most on the collapse of the banking industry which she foretold way back in 2002.

You keep voting for buffoons .. and I'll keep voting for the "loons" :eusa_angel:

Good cause that ensures you waste your vote. There is a reason she no longer is in the Government.
Good cause that ensures you waste your vote. There is a reason she no longer is in the Government.

Finally you got soemthing right. There indeed is a reason why she's no longer in government ..

Ever been in the buildings where the congressional offices are, in particular, Longworth?

I have many times. There is nowhere you can go in these buildings and not be on camera .. including the johns.

If the incident that led to McKinney's loss happened as said .. where's the video.

There is also a reason why she was never charged.

McKinney was targeted by AIPAC, the government .. and democrats .. specifically because of her willingness to tell the truth .. like this ..

Another Oil War
Rep. Cynthia McKinney Another Oil War

Sane, prophetic, and right on point.

As I said, had America listened to McKinney, we'd be a lot better off today.
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Finally you got soemthing right. There indeed is a reason why she's no longer in government ..

Ever been in the buildings where the congressional offices are, in particular, Longworth?

I have many times. There is nowhere you can go in these buildings and not be on camera .. including the johns.

If the incident that led to McKinney's loss happened as said .. where's the video.

There is also a reason why she was never charged.

McKinney was targeted by AIPAC, the government .. and democrats .. specifically because of her willingness to tell the truth .. like this ..

Another Oil War
Rep. Cynthia McKinney Another Oil War

Sane, prophetic, and right on point.

As I said, had America listened to McKinney, we'd be a lot better off today.
she was wrong on that too
please show me how we got oil from Iraq?

"WE" had nothing to do with it and was never in the equation .. however, the oil corporations have made more money since the beginning of the war than any corporations ever.

Additionally, one look at the Iraqi Oil Law demonstrates, as it clearly did to the Iraqis, that OIL was the motivation from the start.

Additionally, the plan was to control Iraqi oil resources long into the future .. that plan did not work .. but even a casual observer of events recognizes that was indeed the plan.

Additionally, even way back in 2002, BEFORE the invasion, McKinney correctly stated the consequences that would ensue from our actions .. AND she correctly pointed to the false rational for the invasion that we all know today to have been exactly as she stated it.

"This war, like all wars, will be brutal and will leave many American and Iraqi families mourning the loss of their children."

She spoke the truth, which was in sharp contrast to the "flowers and candy" scenario given by the administration.

"We're not allowed to publicly question the Bush Administration for fear of being called unpatriotic. Aren't we entitled to really know why we're being urged to go to war? Aren't we entitled to be confident that the Administration is telling the truth?"

Again .. the absolute truth, and had the American people had the wisdom to question the motivations of the Bush Administration .. in other words, follow her lead, this country would be a lot better off today AND there would be tens of thousands of American soldiers still alive and still with all their mental and physical capacities.

"We know that this Administration has some trouble with telling the truth."

Again, the absolute truth .. so much so I'm sure you don't even want to challenge that.

"You might recall that the White House had a kind of amnesia a few months ago and didn't tell the truth about September 11 until I asked some pretty straightforward questions. In so doing, it seems I helped them remember that they had in fact received a whole raft of reports warning of terrorist attacks against this country."

Again. the absolute truth .. and their is a historical record if you have doubts.

"However, just last Sunday, September 15, 2002, the Washington Post's lead story carried the banner headline "In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil is the Key Issue." The article then went on to describe how US oil companies were looking forward to taking advantage of the oil bonanza, which would follow Saddam Hussein's removal from office."

Again, the absolute truth .. proven by the events.

"And I find the current Bush fervor and alleged urgent justifications for attacking Iraq startling because I recall reading an article from the London Guardian on December 2, 2001 last year, which had a banner headline "Secret US Plan for Iraq War." The article, almost a year old now, is interesting because it reports that the President had already ordered the CIA and his senior military commanders to draw up detailed plans for a military operation against Iraq. The operational commander was General Tommy Franks working out of the US Central Command at McDill air force base in Florida. Apparently, other key players were, low and behold, the CIA Director James Woolsey and the Deputy Defense Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz."

Again, the absolute truth and that secret plan is know widely known .. in fact, this was widely known to many governments and their citizens .. which is why the so-called "Coalition of the Willing" was in fact a coalition of the billing .. as it was necessary to twist the arms and pay "coalition" nations to participate in the scheme .. which cost the leaders of countries like Spain, Poland, Italy, and even Great Britian their jobs for participating in what most of the world already knew was a fraud.

"The most adventurous ingredient in the anti- Iraqi proposal is the use of US ground troops . . . significant numbers of [US] troops could also be called on in the early stages of any rebellion to guard oil fields around the Shia port of Basra in southern Iraq."

Absolutely correct and that is EXACTLY what we did. How would she know that even before the invasion began?

"Isn't it amazing the London Times didn't refer to US troops guarding the new parliament, or the schools or hospitals full of ravaged civilians, or saving the men, women and children brutalized under years of Hussein's rule."

Again, EXACTLY what we did.

"And surely if we were really interested today in the truth about whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction wouldn't this Committee want to hear from Scott Ritter. I just cannot believe that he's not here today.

A truth that is known today .. but known to her even before the dying began. Ritter was right about every damn thing he said.

"Before we send our young men and women off to war, we need to really make sure that we're not sacrificing them so that rich and powerful men can prosecute a war for oil."

Too bad we did not heed that wise advice from a politician who dared speak the truth even at the cost of her own political career.

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