Uh-Oh, Joe! Senate Homeland Security Committee approves subpoena for Burisma-linked consulting firm in Biden investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm.

The committee voted on party lines, 8-6, to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, the consulting firm linked to Biden and Burisma.

Now, WHY wouldn't Democrats want to investigate Joe, his son Hunter, and their 'relationship' with Burisma?

After all, it was D-Adam Schiff's own State Department 'witness' testifying under oath during Schiff's House Intel Committee Impeachment hearings who declared Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their dealings with Burisma should be investigated and that the Bidens should have to testify under oath.

(When your plan backfires and bites you in the ass it's really got to sting...right Adam? :p )


"The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm.

The committee voted on party lines, 8-6, to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, the consulting firm linked to Biden and Burisma.

Now, WHY wouldn't Democrats want to investigate Joe, his son Hunter, and their 'relationship' with Burisma?

After all, it was D-Adam Schiff's own State Department 'witness' testifying under oath during Schiff's House Intel Committee Impeachment hearings who declared Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their dealings with Burisma should be investigated and that the Bidens should have to testify under oath.

(When your plan backfires and bites you in the ass it's really got to sting...right Adam? :p )

So they can shut him up!! When one arrest/bust happens people begin to talk even against Obama.

The unsung heroes are going to bring those bastards down sooner or later.

I mean look the media is busting these losers on ever turn.
Larry C. Johnson: How Can Susan Rice Know What Obama and Comey Said if Sally Yates Says She Was Not Present?


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they dont want to investigate because they know something damaging is probably going to be revealed [they know the bidens better than anyone] ... if they truely believe nothing wrong was done they would encourage the investigation so in the end Trump and the republicans would be left with egg on their faces ...
Was that Schiff’s magical invisible 17th witness or whatever?

This is going to sting, Dimms.

Then again, if you’ve got nothing to hide, why would you care if there is an investigation?

Isn’t that what Dimms always said about Trump and Russia?
Can we vote for Biden so we can impeach him?

This investigation and any republican investigations into the Flynn case will go nowhere. Sure they will huff and make it sound like they are serious about holding those responsible accountable, but the problem they will face is much of the stuff that will come out has been know and they will have to answer why they did noting for 3 years. So in order to skirt their own accountability they will resort to things like "mistakes were made", and the solution will be more "training/reform".
Republicans loss when it comes to investigations mainly because they play nice with the MSM. Just like Barr commenting on the DOJ is not looking to investigate Biden/Obama, when we all know as soon as TRUMP 2nd term is up democrats will continue to go after TRUMP.
John Bolton set a precedent of not appearing for subpoenas. Sorry wingnuts! :lol:
Hillary set a precedence for Liberals being allowed to appear before Congress and lie their assess off...


I would say I am still waiting for the same armored / armed SWAT Team that raided Trump's lawyer's home and acquaintances' homes to homes....but you and I know that will never happen....

Instead the FBI asked her to please turn over what SHE thought was appropriate. Gee, I don't remember that technique being used with Roger Stone...
Was that Schiff’s magical invisible 17th witness or whatever?

This is going to sting, Dimms.

Then again, if you’ve got nothing to hide, why would you care if there is an investigation? <------ Because that cann also be put in place as a " set up" . You know make the innocent still look guilty. This chit is so deep the Sup. Court is just as paid off that's why they don't want that old bat dying yet Ginsberg..........

Isn’t that what Dimms always said about Trump and Russia?

"The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm.

The committee voted on party lines, 8-6, to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, the consulting firm linked to Biden and Burisma.

Now, WHY wouldn't Democrats want to investigate Joe, his son Hunter, and their 'relationship' with Burisma?

After all, it was D-Adam Schiff's own State Department 'witness' testifying under oath during Schiff's House Intel Committee Impeachment hearings who declared Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their dealings with Burisma should be investigated and that the Bidens should have to testify under oath.

(When your plan backfires and bites you in the ass it's really got to sting...right Adam? :p )

There's no end to what Trump's cocksuckers will do to help their boss's plunging approval ratings in almost every poll except those taken in Texas and Tennessee.

I think Jared Kushner receiving top security clearance in spite of White House security specialists is much more of a concern than what Hunter Biden did seven years ago in a country you couldn't find on a map even if I put a dart in the middle of it.

As I predicted.

It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week, Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.

John Bolton set a precedent of not appearing for subpoenas. Sorry wingnuts! :lol:
And Obama set a precedent for ignoring laws, the Constitution, God, and the American people.

So what is your point?

"""And Obama set a precedent for ignoring laws, the Constitution, God, and the American people."""

So Trump is better because he breaks laws, doesn't understand the Constitution, doesn't believe in God and is letting 2500 American people die every day.

"The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm.

The committee voted on party lines, 8-6, to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, the consulting firm linked to Biden and Burisma.

Now, WHY wouldn't Democrats want to investigate Joe, his son Hunter, and their 'relationship' with Burisma?

After all, it was D-Adam Schiff's own State Department 'witness' testifying under oath during Schiff's House Intel Committee Impeachment hearings who declared Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their dealings with Burisma should be investigated and that the Bidens should have to testify under oath.

(When your plan backfires and bites you in the ass it's really got to sting...right Adam? :p )

There's no end to what Trump's cocksuckers will do to help their boss's plunging approval ratings in almost every poll except those taken in Texas and Tennessee.

I think Jared Kushner receiving top security clearance in spite of White House security specialists is much more of a concern than what Hunter Biden did seven years ago in a country you couldn't find on a map even if I put a dart in the middle of it.
Not a Trump thread, Pumpkinhead.
There's no end to what Trump's cocksuckers will do....

Yeah, HOW DARE Republicans actually take the advice of D-Adam Schiff's own State Department Witness and open an investigation up on the Bidens regarding Burisma?! The F*ing NERVE of those guys.....

You squeal like a little bitch when the tables are turned, snowflake.

John Bolton set a precedent of not appearing for subpoenas. Sorry wingnuts! :lol:
And Obama set a precedent for ignoring laws, the Constitution, God, and the American people.

So what is your point?

"""And Obama set a precedent for ignoring laws, the Constitution, God, and the American people."""

So Trump is better because he breaks laws, doesn't understand the Constitution, doesn't believe in God and is letting 2500 American people die every day.
Not a Trump thread, Potatohead.

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