Uh oh… polls pointing towards blue wave in ‘22

Good luck with all that....You are going to get beat so bad your KKK ancestors are going to have bruises.

Who knows. Whatever happens, we can be confident of one thing: That any GQP losses will be blamed on a conspiracy, challenged, and perhaps even overturned by GQP legislators where possible.

The template is set, as our system crumbles from within.

I was going to complement you on not using "cult", but then I saw the new divisive... term? you are pushing.

Cute. And divisive. Well, I guess you are at least focused. On tearing this country apart.
While you guys have been counting down to November the tide suddenly turned. Started with the leak of the Roe decision and has remained steady since.

Also helps that Hershel Walker and Dr Oz are horrible candidates in what could have been winnable contests.

The House will end up red but likely the senate becomes even more blue. Generally will be close but sorry folks. No red wave to usher in your theocracy.

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Blue wave…red wave…only duopoly dupes think it matters.
It's the economy stupid. When 4 oz's of cream cheese, 1 gallon of milk, and 1 gallon gas cost the same, you've gotta f...ing problem. There's no way in hell the lower and middle classes vote for for this shit.

Liberals seem to think free flights to abort your baby is going to win over voters. Interesting how none of the woke corporations offered to help parents struggling to find formula, but in less than 24 hours of SCOTUS ruling were announcing programs to help parents get abortions.
Who knows. Whatever happens, we can be confident of one thing: That any GQP losses will be blamed on a conspiracy, challenged, and perhaps even overturned by GQP legislators where possible.

The template is set, as our system crumbles from within.
Who knows. Whatever happens, we can be confident of one thing: That any GQP losses will be blamed on a conspiracy, challenged, and perhaps even overturned by GQP legislators where possible.

The template is set, as our system crumbles from within.
Many of the Prog politicians in D.C. are not very good. And many of the same have been in office for a long time. Repubs lose good people much quicker because after a few terms in office as Reps they get exasperated by the non-action of their fellow elected officials. Hence why people are gravitating towards more Trump backed candidates. Even that is not perfect. Repub elected men and women need to get of their duffs. It is not easy being a Repub in a nation and world where the money and the influence is for left leaning views.
Liberals seem to think free flights to abort your baby is going to win over voters. Interesting how none of the woke corporations offered to help parents struggling to find formula, but in less than 24 hours of SCOTUS ruling were announcing programs to help parents get abortions.
I'm pro-life. The Supreme Court ruling did swing things back for the Democrats. How far? I don't know but there is no question it did.

But as also pointed out, election day is just Groundhog Day anyway.
Even if the democrats hold the senate by a seat or two, democrats will still have Manchin and Sinema to contend with. So its not a clear
"majority". Manchin should switch parties based on his constituency.

There is no fucking way the democrats keep the House.

Democrats will lose the House in 2022. Celebrate if you want.

First, no way Manchin every switches parties. Right now he is maybe the most powerful man in the country, he becomes a Repub and he is just a nobody again.

2nd, a spilt Congress is always best for the country.
The House will end up red but likely the senate becomes even more blue.
If the Senate 'goes more blue'......that will kinda sorta devalue the Manchin coin. IMHO
Even if the democrats hold the senate by a seat or two, democrats will still have Manchin and Sinema to contend with. So its not a clear "majority". Manchin should switch parties based on his constituency.
Poster 'kyzr' offers a valid point. Manchin's 'constituency'. As an elected Senator he must....if he want to be re-elected....keep a weather-eye out for what his voters think. And, if memory serves, West Virginia voted red more than any other state. So, if Joe loses his pivot-point position as a Dem I wouldn't be surprised that he could switch teams.
That any GQP losses will be blamed on a conspiracy, challenged, and perhaps even overturned by GQP legislators where possible.
Poster Mac offers a valid point too. A template has been established. In fact, I saw a story yesterday where some relatively minor local political candidates who lost their elections are refusing to concede and are claiming fraud. They were Republicans.
the party that spiked gas prices, inflation, their rent,
Well, Sue, the ball is in your court now. Why do you think that it was just Democrats....and then, just since Biden's 2021 inauguration.....who juiced inflation, etc.?
Do you think there could have been other forces at work?

It's the economy stupid. When 4 oz's of cream cheese, 1 gallon of milk, and 1 gallon gas cost the same, you've gotta f...ing problem. There's no way in hell the lower and middle classes vote for for this shit.

And too, poster ALib offers a cogent point: "It's the economy".
True that. It is a Sisyphian dilemma for the Dems. That rock keeps getting bigger and the hill steeper.


Bill Clinton, or one of his writers, famously the provided that line against George Sr. -----"It's the economy, Stupid!"

So, the Dems have a tough slog against the inflation reality. But then, the GOP has offered them ---- the repeal of RvW, and the sacrifice of our children to the GOP's protection of America's Gun Jackassery. The 2nd Amendment is being written in the blood of kids.* The GOP is keeping the Dems in the game, despite that rock & hill dynamic. IMHO

(*Fifty-two buses would normally be filled with more than 4,000 laughing and joking children on their way to school. On Thursday, every single one of those seats was empty – representing the 4,368 children who have died from gun violence in the past two years – as the mile-long procession made its way to the downtown office of Texas Senator Ted Cruz. )
Guy a few up just said polls are flawed. Now you are quoting Biden approval polls. Which is it guys? I’m so confused as to whether polls count or not.. sounds like just the favorable ones count.
Any poll that says democrats are going to win, is the correct poll. Everyone LOVES the Biden administration. :laugh:
Well, thank goodness the polls are finally trending on President Hillary's side; she'll be able to pass a lot more Dem legislation than she has already if she controls the House and Senate like this poll promises.
Liberals seem to think free flights to abort your baby is going to win over voters. Interesting how none of the woke corporations offered to help parents struggling to find formula, but in less than 24 hours of SCOTUS ruling were announcing programs to help parents get abortions.
Amazing, you are right, I didn't pick that up.

Corporations of course don't like people to have babies: they lose employees that way. Still, seems a little cold to offer free abortion travel for that reason.
While you guys have been counting down to November the tide suddenly turned. Started with the leak of the Roe decision and has remained steady since.

Also helps that Hershel Walker and Dr Oz are horrible candidates in what could have been winnable contests.

The House will end up red but likely the senate becomes even more blue. Generally will be close but sorry folks. No red wave to usher in your theocracy.

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This is current from 538:
Who knows. Whatever happens, we can be confident of one thing: That any GQP losses will be blamed on a conspiracy, challenged, and perhaps even overturned by GQP legislators where possible.

The template is set, as our system crumbles from within.
as long as no mysterious ballots show up after the doors are closed, we're all good. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen in Florida. They love them election judges that go that extra mile for a demofk candidate.

or this dude from Philly

While you guys have been counting down to November the tide suddenly turned. Started with the leak of the Roe decision and has remained steady since.

Also helps that Hershel Walker and Dr Oz are horrible candidates in what could have been winnable contests.

The House will end up red but likely the senate becomes even more blue. Generally will be close but sorry folks. No red wave to usher in your theocracy.

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LOL. Yeah, go with that.
Guy a few up just said polls are flawed. Now you are quoting Biden approval polls. Which is it guys? I’m so confused as to whether polls count or not.. sounds like just the favorable ones count.
You believe in polls when you choose to. That’s ok. You’re allowed. 🤣😂
First, no way Manchin every switches parties. Right now he is maybe the most powerful man in the country, he becomes a Repub and he is just a nobody again.

2nd, a spilt Congress is always best for the country.

As long as he keeps voting against your fellow crazies, I don't care what party he belongs to.
You believe in polls when you choose to. That’s ok. You’re allowed. 🤣😂
I believe no poll. it's all a manipulation of elections. scare tactics and intentional pitting people against each other. so fking stupid.

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