Uh Oh Windmills create global warming locally!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Wind farms may warm the nearby climate, said a new study released Sunday.

Researchers have shown that large wind farms in Texas affect local temperatures, particularly at night, by pulling in hot air and pushing them into the ground.

The BBC reported that researchers used data obtained from satellites to measure ground temperatures near on the wind farm sites in the last decade and found that they had indeed risen.

Wind farms warming the climate, says new study
LOL. So silly. Windmills may redistribute temperatures, they do not create heat as does burning fossil fuels. In fact, the fossil fuels create heat through the burning of the fuel, then the CO2 created increases the amount of heat retained in the atmosphere.
"Scientists" are no doubt aware of the negative effects of those monstrous humming hunks of junk but the liberal media isn't curious enough or they are too politically biased to research the subject. PITA and animal rights people don't want to know if migratory birds are effected and government funded medical researchers sure ain't going to jeopardize funding by investigating possible harm to humans from the low speed frequencies. The energy "benefit" is a joke that nobody wants to talk about and the maintenance costs are skyrocketing.
LOL. So silly. Windmills may redistribute temperatures, they do not create heat as does burning fossil fuels. In fact, the fossil fuels create heat through the burning of the fuel, then the CO2 created increases the amount of heat retained in the atmosphere.

Uhhhh, correct sort of. The windmills keep the warm air low thus maintaining the elevated temperatures of daytime into the nightime when they would normally cool down.

Care to bet where Hanson is going to placing his new weather stations!:lol::lol:
Any discussions about windmills are moot, one way or the other. Its fringe energy and always will be. Fossil fuels will continue to DOMINATE the energy landscape for decades and decades. Level of certainty? 100% s0ns!!:fu:

I do welcome thinking to the contrary............let me make that very clear!! Provides me with an awesome entertainment outlet. For some reason, my whole life, Ive always gotten a kick out of making fun of these people who possess this arrogant fringe mentaility and care not to get involved in the frivolous back and forth bullshit of the science debate. I just highlight things for the curious who stumble into this forum.......the fantasy world the true believers peddle. And Im always winning............what do they say, winning is contageous.?

So to all those out there in Radioland with their feet not quite on the ground...............keep bringing it s0ns!!! I'll always be here to bring it back to Realville!!!

Like Jimmie Johnson says..................."winning is the greatest feeling in the world!!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kedOQhty8gc]Sunoco "City of Victory w/Jimmie Johnson" Big Science Music - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe a fringe energy in the States but wind turbines can and do supply up to 60% of all electricity in Ireland, so much is produced that an undersea cable has been laid to G.B to sell them the excess.
Maybe a fringe energy in the States but wind turbines can and do supply up to 60% of all electricity in Ireland, so much is produced that an undersea cable has been laid to G.B to sell them the excess.

It appears your numbers are not factual. Ireland's peak energy useage is around 5,000 megawatts. They currently have less than 2,000 megawatts installed. They don't ever even PLAN on having 60% of its power generated from wind power.

So who are you shilling for? You live up to your name there mawlarky, or is it blarney?

"The blustery situation has created a rush toward wind in the nation. The Republic of Ireland already has installed about 800 megawatts worth of wind turbines, and wind park developers have or are expected to file applications to put an additional 3,700 megawatts worth of wind onto the grid. The government will likely surpass its goal of having 1,200 megawatts of wind by 2010. (Ireland's ultimate goal is to get 33 percent to 42 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, a fairly high figure for an industrialized nation.)"

Ireland: Where wind power is king | Green Tech - CNET News
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Maybe a fringe energy in the States but wind turbines can and do supply up to 60% of all electricity in Ireland, so much is produced that an undersea cable has been laid to G.B to sell them the excess.

Once again...........that 60% looks impressive until its compared to something. Ireland has a population of about 179 people............of course, you can power it with wind.:D
Saw pieces of a giant windmill being transported this weekend. The thing was huge.
I also dont get why the right feels the need to point out the negative side if wind power all the time. I don't think anyone is suggesting we go to only wind power. The only reason why the right had a problem with it is because they think it is a liberal idea.
I have no problem with wind power as long as it's efficient. Global warming isn't caused by humans.
I have no problem with wind power as long as it's efficient. Global warming isn't caused by humans.

I am guessing fossil fuels and other such pollution has more to do with global warming than windmills. Just sayin.
Saw pieces of a giant windmill being transported this weekend. The thing was huge.
I also dont get why the right feels the need to point out the negative side if wind power all the time. I don't think anyone is suggesting we go to only wind power. The only reason why the right had a problem with it is because they think it is a liberal idea.

No, the reason why people like me (I am very liberal in most things) have a problem with wind power is it doesn't work as advertised. It requires enormous expenditure of public monies that could be used far better to educate our children or provide health care for those who can't afford it etc.

Wind power has never, and probably will never, work as the proponents claim it will. Solar has a chance, other green energy systems have a chance, wind power is a boondoggle that only benefits it's executives. And the politicians who have invested in them of course. They make good money from the kickbacks they get.
I have no problem with wind power as long as it's efficient. Global warming isn't caused by humans.

I am guessing fossil fuels and other such pollution has more to do with global warming than windmills. Just sayin.

To date there has been no empirical data to support that idea.
Maybe a fringe energy in the States but wind turbines can and do supply up to 60% of all electricity in Ireland, so much is produced that an undersea cable has been laid to G.B to sell them the excess.

It appears your numbers are not factual. Ireland's peak energy useage is around 5,000 megawatts. They currently have less than 2,000 megawatts installed. They don't ever even PLAN on having 60% of its power generated from wind power.

So who are you shilling for? You live up to your name there mawlarky, or is it blarney?

"The blustery situation has created a rush toward wind in the nation. The Republic of Ireland already has installed about 800 megawatts worth of wind turbines, and wind park developers have or are expected to file applications to put an additional 3,700 megawatts worth of wind onto the grid. The government will likely surpass its goal of having 1,200 megawatts of wind by 2010. (Ireland's ultimate goal is to get 33 percent to 42 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, a fairly high figure for an industrialized nation.)"

Ireland: Where wind power is king | Green Tech - CNET News

Dont know where you are getting your fiqures from but they are rubbish, Ireland currently has a wind turbine output of 121, 000 megawatts not 2,000, hardly a fringe energy scource even by your own fiqures. I now know how the SR71 pilots felt when they looked up and saw RAF Lightnings flying above the worlds so called highest altitude aircraft lol.
Ireland Wind Power
Maybe a fringe energy in the States but wind turbines can and do supply up to 60% of all electricity in Ireland, so much is produced that an undersea cable has been laid to G.B to sell them the excess.

It appears your numbers are not factual. Ireland's peak energy useage is around 5,000 megawatts. They currently have less than 2,000 megawatts installed. They don't ever even PLAN on having 60% of its power generated from wind power.

So who are you shilling for? You live up to your name there mawlarky, or is it blarney?

"The blustery situation has created a rush toward wind in the nation. The Republic of Ireland already has installed about 800 megawatts worth of wind turbines, and wind park developers have or are expected to file applications to put an additional 3,700 megawatts worth of wind onto the grid. The government will likely surpass its goal of having 1,200 megawatts of wind by 2010. (Ireland's ultimate goal is to get 33 percent to 42 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, a fairly high figure for an industrialized nation.)"

Ireland: Where wind power is king | Green Tech - CNET News

Dont know where you are getting your fiqures from but they are rubbish, Ireland currently has a wind turbine output of 121, 000 megawatts not 2,000, hardly a fringe energy scource even by your own fiqures. I now know how the SR71 pilots felt when they looked up and saw RAF Lightnings flying above the worlds so called highest altitude aircraft lol.
Ireland Wind Power

Wind energy is so fringe its not even real!!!

The k00ks always post up wind data from Ireland............but never mention that the fucking country only has a population of about 386 people!!!! Fucking dolts!!!:gay::gay::gay::2up:


Also.....the k00ks never tell you Ireland is far more windy than most places on earth.


Behind any post propped up by the AGW k00ks, one must ask themselves, "What is the level of phoney?"
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