UH-OH: Witness saw Trayvon stradlling Zman, assaulting him "MMA style"

Regarding Joe Horn; that cocksucker should be in prison and the circumstances were a LOT DIFFERENT than this case. "Joe Horn, 61, spotted two burglars breaking into his next-door neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 9-1-1 to summon police to the scene. While on the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to defend property, referring to a law (Texas Penal Code §§ 9.41, 9.42, and 9.43) which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his home with his shotgun, while the 9-1-1 operator tried to dissuade him from that action. On the 9-1-1 tape, he is heard confronting the suspects, saying, "Move, and you're dead",[3] immediately followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, followed by two more.[4] Following the shootings Mr. Horn told the 9-1-1 operator, "They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice!"
"A plain clothes police detective responding to the 9-1-1 call arrived at the scene before the shooting, and witnessed the escalation and shootings while remaining in his car.[3] His report on the incident indicated that the men who were killed "received gunfire from the rear" (fucking coward).
Joe Horn shooting controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would love a neighbor like Zimmeran or Mr. Horn, good men who'll put themselves on the line to defend a neighbor's property. Mr. Horn was cleared by the police and by the grand jury. But, both these men need to be a lot smarter when calling 911, so that they can avoid a lot of the grief they both got for shooting shit. Indeed, I've learned not to call 911. Just shoot the shit and flush the turds down the toilet, and tell no one.

Not only did these two men end the careers of career criminals, but they've put other would-be criminals on notice, come into my home and I'll have to hire carpet cleaners to get your shit out of my carpet.


Little Trayvon, 20 minutes from death. Rot in Hell, f-ing cold.
Regarding Joe Horn; that cocksucker should be in prison and the circumstances were a LOT DIFFERENT than this case. "Joe Horn, 61, spotted two burglars breaking into his next-door neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 9-1-1 to summon police to the scene. While on the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to defend property, referring to a law (Texas Penal Code §§ 9.41, 9.42, and 9.43) which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his home with his shotgun, while the 9-1-1 operator tried to dissuade him from that action. On the 9-1-1 tape, he is heard confronting the suspects, saying, "Move, and you're dead",[3] immediately followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, followed by two more.[4] Following the shootings Mr. Horn told the 9-1-1 operator, "They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice!"
"A plain clothes police detective responding to the 9-1-1 call arrived at the scene before the shooting, and witnessed the escalation and shootings while remaining in his car.[3] His report on the incident indicated that the men who were killed "received gunfire from the rear" (fucking coward).
Joe Horn shooting controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would love a neighbor like Zimmeran or Mr. Horn, good men who'll put themselves on the line to defend a neighbor's property. Mr. Horn was cleared by the police and by the grand jury. But, both these men need to be a lot smarter when calling 911, so that they can avoid a lot of the grief they both got for shooting shit. Indeed, I've learned not to call 911. Just shoot the shit and flush the turds down the toilet, and tell no one.

Not only did these two men end the careers of career criminals, but they've put other would-be criminals on notice, come into my home and I'll have to hire carpet cleaners to get your shit out of my carpet.


Little Trayvon, 20 minutes from death. Rot in Hell, f-ing cold.

Nobody is scared of you. Hahahaha
Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style" | The Smoking Gun

In the Sanford Police report, released yesterday, the witness said he saw a black male straddling a white or hispanic man yelling for "help". Hmmmm. Maybe, just like the Mr. Gates incident, Obama should've waited FOR ALL EVIDENCE TO COME OUT. This also includes photos showing blood on Zman's skull, and an obviously damaged nose.

Two Sanford PD officers noted in their reports the initial observations of Zimmerman having blood on the back of his head, swelling and possibly a broken nose.

This case is cut and dry.

George Zimmerman was 'mounted', getting his head smashed into concrete by a raging Trayvon. His head was hitting the concrete. The UFC stops fights when this happens, on a padded MAT, because it can kill a fighter. This was on concrete, with no referee, and no sportsmanship. The pure medical elements show that George Zimmerman WAS CLEARLY IN DANGER OF SERIOUSLY BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. His right to use lethal force in self defense was present.

Put it this way: If Zimmerman was a cop, on the ground, mounted, being bashed in the face and his head hitting the concrete, a cop would have been 100% justified in using a gun. Cops are held to HIGHER standards.

Zimmerman will be found not guilty, and it wont even be close. Hell, it may not even go to trial.

Riots from the left and black activists will erupt. Obama, Sharpton and MSNBC will use this as a rally cry to fire up hatred before the election.


Witness 6

This witness lived a few feet from where Trayvon and Zimmerman had their fight. On the night of the shooting, he told Serino he saw a black man on top of a lighter-skinned man "just throwing down blows on the guy, MMA-style," a reference to mixed martial arts.

He also said the one calling for help was "the one being beat up," a reference to Zimmerman.

But three weeks later, when he was interviewed by an FDLE agent, the man said he was no longer sure which one called for help.

"I truly can't tell who, after thinking about it, was yelling for help just because it was so dark out on that sidewalk," he said.

He also said he was no longer sure Trayvon was throwing punches. The teenager may have simply been keeping Zimmerman pinned to the ground, he said.

He did not equivocate, though, about who was on top.

"The black guy was on top," he said.

George Zimmerman witnesses: Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts in Trayvon Martin case - Orlando Sentinel

I wonder how much the media has influenced the thinking of these witnesses, by nearly always presenting Trayvon as a sweet, little boy and Zimmerman as a racist. Or, also the fear of these witnesses if they don't move away from condemning the Afro.

Trayvon the night of the incident:

Not little. Not sweet. Big and deliberately menacing.

I wonder how much the media has influenced the thinking of these witnesses, by nearly always presenting Trayvon as a sweet, little boy and Zimmerman as a racist. Or, also the fear of these witnesses if they don't move away from condemning the Afro.

Trayvon the night of the incident:

Not little. Not sweet. Big and deliberately menacing.

Excuses. Prove what you claim. And these witnesses are out.
Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style" | The Smoking Gun

In the Sanford Police report, released yesterday, the witness said he saw a black male straddling a white or hispanic man yelling for "help". Hmmmm. Maybe, just like the Mr. Gates incident, Obama should've waited FOR ALL EVIDENCE TO COME OUT. This also includes photos showing blood on Zman's skull, and an obviously damaged nose.

Two Sanford PD officers noted in their reports the initial observations of Zimmerman having blood on the back of his head, swelling and possibly a broken nose.

This case is cut and dry.

George Zimmerman was 'mounted', getting his head smashed into concrete by a raging Trayvon. His head was hitting the concrete. The UFC stops fights when this happens, on a padded MAT, because it can kill a fighter. This was on concrete, with no referee, and no sportsmanship. The pure medical elements show that George Zimmerman WAS CLEARLY IN DANGER OF SERIOUSLY BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. His right to use lethal force in self defense was present.

Put it this way: If Zimmerman was a cop, on the ground, mounted, being bashed in the face and his head hitting the concrete, a cop would have been 100% justified in using a gun. Cops are held to HIGHER standards.

Zimmerman will be found not guilty, and it wont even be close. Hell, it may not even go to trial.

Riots from the left and black activists will erupt. Obama, Sharpton and MSNBC will use this as a rally cry to fire up hatred before the election.


Witness 6

This witness lived a few feet from where Trayvon and Zimmerman had their fight. On the night of the shooting, he told Serino he saw a black man on top of a lighter-skinned man "just throwing down blows on the guy, MMA-style," a reference to mixed martial arts.

He also said the one calling for help was "the one being beat up," a reference to Zimmerman.

But three weeks later, when he was interviewed by an FDLE agent, the man said he was no longer sure which one called for help.

"I truly can't tell who, after thinking about it, was yelling for help just because it was so dark out on that sidewalk," he said.

He also said he was no longer sure Trayvon was throwing punches. The teenager may have simply been keeping Zimmerman pinned to the ground, he said.

He did not equivocate, though, about who was on top.

"The black guy was on top," he said.

George Zimmerman witnesses: Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts in Trayvon Martin case - Orlando Sentinel
I hadn't seen that. Keeping him pinned to the ground to keep him from using his gun, perhaps? Yelling for help before Zimmerman could use his gun, perhaps?

There is another witness that puts Zimmerman on top. Sounds probable that at one time or another they switched places.
Well if one is licensed to CCW I would think that he was lawfully carrying a weapon. Where did I say that he was unlawfully carrying a weapon? I stated that he went against the guidelines of the Neighborhood Watch. The kid was simply walking down the street minding his own business. Zimmerman should have called the police and then backed off and let the police do their job. There was no reason for him to exit his truck and follow the kid any further than he already was following him.

So he went against the guidelines but he didn't break any laws.

You don't know that the kid was simply minding his own business or scoping out a place to rob or looking for someone to buy weed from. You weren't there.

And yes he (Zimmerman) did have a reason to exit his truck, he has property in the area and there have been numerous robberies and he did his due diligence to watch out for his and his neighbors property.

On a side...ever hear of Joe Horn?

He certainly did go against the guidelines, you don't know if he broke a law or not a jury will figure that out.

You don't know what the kid was doing wither, what did Zimmerman state that the kid was doing? Did Zimmerman state that the kid was looking trough windows? Did he state that the kid was looking into cars and trying the door handles? Did Zimmerman state that the kid was making a drug deal?

That's a crock of shit. Where was Zimmerman's house in contrast to the area the altercation happened? Zimmerman was the Neighborhood Watch Captain and he should have known the guidelines, Zimmerman was carrying a deadly weapon and he should have realized the potential consequences if there was contact and an altercation.

Regarding Joe Horn; that cocksucker should be in prison and the circumstances were a LOT DIFFERENT than this case. "Joe Horn, 61, spotted two burglars breaking into his next-door neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 9-1-1 to summon police to the scene. While on the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to defend property, referring to a law (Texas Penal Code §§ 9.41, 9.42, and 9.43) which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his home with his shotgun, while the 9-1-1 operator tried to dissuade him from that action. On the 9-1-1 tape, he is heard confronting the suspects, saying, "Move, and you're dead",[3] immediately followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, followed by two more.[4] Following the shootings Mr. Horn told the 9-1-1 operator, "They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice!"
"A plain clothes police detective responding to the 9-1-1 call arrived at the scene before the shooting, and witnessed the escalation and shootings while remaining in his car.[3] His report on the incident indicated that the men who were killed "received gunfire from the rear" (fucking coward).
Joe Horn shooting controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He will not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Joe Horn did what he had to do and was justified in doing it. Why that aggravates you is beyond me.
Well if one is licensed to CCW I would think that he was lawfully carrying a weapon. Where did I say that he was unlawfully carrying a weapon? I stated that he went against the guidelines of the Neighborhood Watch. The kid was simply walking down the street minding his own business. Zimmerman should have called the police and then backed off and let the police do their job. There was no reason for him to exit his truck and follow the kid any further than he already was following him.

So he went against the guidelines but he didn't break any laws.

You don't know that the kid was simply minding his own business or scoping out a place to rob or looking for someone to buy weed from. You weren't there.

And yes he (Zimmerman) did have a reason to exit his truck, he has property in the area and there have been numerous robberies and he did his due diligence to watch out for his and his neighbors property.

On a side...ever hear of Joe Horn?
What do you think should have happened to the guy who shot the kid in this case?

20/20 Exclusive: 'I Never Meant to Shoot That Young Man' - ABC News

Gov. David Paterson on Thursday commuted the sentence of a black Long Island man whose slaying of a white teenager exposed racial fault lines and provoked a debate over the line between self-defense and murder.

With just more than a week left in his governorship, Mr. Paterson freed John White, who was convicted in 2007 of second-degree manslaughter for shooting 17-year-old Daniel "Dano" Cicciaro in front of Mr. White's home in Miller Place in 2006. Mr. White was released after serving about six and a half months in prison.

Tragic accident and manslaughter was the appropriate charge.
That's a CROCK OF SHIT. He acted like an overzealous and irresponsible idiot. There's nothing "suspicious" about someone walking down the fucking street in a neighborhood, unless one wants to make it that way.

Just because he said "ok" doesn't mean that he complied or followed that suggestion.

What part of "the untrained asshole with a loaded firearm shouldn't be following, harassing, and making contact with a person who was minding their own FUCKING BUSINESS" do YOU NOT UNDERFUCKINGSTAND?

So when was it that Zimmerman "started the altercation"? I take it that you think the Captain of the Neighborhood Watch has no business asking a stranger what it is they are doing inside of a gated community?

What part of "Trayvon Martin made a decision to confront his questioner physically and was in the process of kicking his ass when he was shot" do YOU not understand?

Zimmerman broke the rules for his own neighborhood watch and HOA:
"A manual published by the association for its "USAonWatch" program makes that very clear.

"It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers and they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles," the manual states. "Members should never confront suspicious persons who could be armed and dangerous.""

"You will add your “eyes and ears” to those of the Police Department which
cannot be everywhere, all the time, by keeping a watchful eye and open ear to
what is happening in your neighborhood. You will extend their ability to provide security by reporting anything unusual or suspicious, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so they can follow up on your leads. What you will not do is get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law enforcement agency.

"10. Remember always that your responsibility is to report crime. Do not take any risks to prevent a crime or try to make an arrest. The responsibility for apprehending criminals belongs to the police department.

The rules are very explicity. The citizen neighborhood watch is to report crime or suspicious activity, and not get physically involved with any activity or apprehension of any suspicious person."

No matter which way you want to cut it, Zimmerman is and was in the wrong. He should be charged with manslaughter and or negligent homicide.

What "rule" is it that Zimmerman broke? He was was attempting to follow Martin and observe him. It's quite obvious to anyone with just a dollop of common sense who's looked at a map of the gated community and listened to the recording of Zimmerman talking to the police dispatcher that the ONLY way that a confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman takes place is if Trayvon goes back to initiate it. If he continues on to his father's girlfriend's townhouse once he's gone out of Zimmerman's sight from inside of his SUV then he's a hundred yards away by the time that Zimmerman starts back from the rear gate of the complex to meet police near where his truck was parked. Zimmerman guessed wrong about which way Martin went. HE'D LOST HIM! Zimmerman went straight...going to the back gate...Martin turned right and went down the sidewalk towards where he was staying. Zimmerman is walking BACK to his SUV when he says that Martin approaches him from behind and to the left...coming BACK up the sidewalk that leads to the townhouse he was staying in.
Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style" | The Smoking Gun

In the Sanford Police report, released yesterday, the witness said he saw a black male straddling a white or hispanic man yelling for "help". Hmmmm. Maybe, just like the Mr. Gates incident, Obama should've waited FOR ALL EVIDENCE TO COME OUT. This also includes photos showing blood on Zman's skull, and an obviously damaged nose.

Two Sanford PD officers noted in their reports the initial observations of Zimmerman having blood on the back of his head, swelling and possibly a broken nose.

This case is cut and dry.

George Zimmerman was 'mounted', getting his head smashed into concrete by a raging Trayvon. His head was hitting the concrete. The UFC stops fights when this happens, on a padded MAT, because it can kill a fighter. This was on concrete, with no referee, and no sportsmanship. The pure medical elements show that George Zimmerman WAS CLEARLY IN DANGER OF SERIOUSLY BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. His right to use lethal force in self defense was present.

Put it this way: If Zimmerman was a cop, on the ground, mounted, being bashed in the face and his head hitting the concrete, a cop would have been 100% justified in using a gun. Cops are held to HIGHER standards.

Zimmerman will be found not guilty, and it wont even be close. Hell, it may not even go to trial.

Riots from the left and black activists will erupt. Obama, Sharpton and MSNBC will use this as a rally cry to fire up hatred before the election.


Witness 6

This witness lived a few feet from where Trayvon and Zimmerman had their fight. On the night of the shooting, he told Serino he saw a black man on top of a lighter-skinned man "just throwing down blows on the guy, MMA-style," a reference to mixed martial arts.

He also said the one calling for help was "the one being beat up," a reference to Zimmerman.

But three weeks later, when he was interviewed by an FDLE agent, the man said he was no longer sure which one called for help.

"I truly can't tell who, after thinking about it, was yelling for help just because it was so dark out on that sidewalk," he said.

He also said he was no longer sure Trayvon was throwing punches. The teenager may have simply been keeping Zimmerman pinned to the ground, he said.

He did not equivocate, though, about who was on top.

"The black guy was on top," he said.

George Zimmerman witnesses: Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts in Trayvon Martin case - Orlando Sentinel
I hadn't seen that. Keeping him pinned to the ground to keep him from using his gun, perhaps? Yelling for help before Zimmerman could use his gun, perhaps?

There is another witness that puts Zimmerman on top. Sounds probable that at one time or another they switched places.

Gee, a witness in a racially charged case like this suddenly gets a case of "fuzzy memory"? Color me shocked!!! This is a person who is going to have to live in a community that has now been divided along racial lines by outside forces. Whoever it is obviously is intelligent enough to realize that being the person who's testimony gets George Zimmerman off on murder charges is going to draw some SERIOUS heat.
So he went against the guidelines but he didn't break any laws.

You don't know that the kid was simply minding his own business or scoping out a place to rob or looking for someone to buy weed from. You weren't there.

And yes he (Zimmerman) did have a reason to exit his truck, he has property in the area and there have been numerous robberies and he did his due diligence to watch out for his and his neighbors property.

On a side...ever hear of Joe Horn?
What do you think should have happened to the guy who shot the kid in this case?

20/20 Exclusive: 'I Never Meant to Shoot That Young Man' - ABC News

Gov. David Paterson on Thursday commuted the sentence of a black Long Island man whose slaying of a white teenager exposed racial fault lines and provoked a debate over the line between self-defense and murder.

With just more than a week left in his governorship, Mr. Paterson freed John White, who was convicted in 2007 of second-degree manslaughter for shooting 17-year-old Daniel "Dano" Cicciaro in front of Mr. White's home in Miller Place in 2006. Mr. White was released after serving about six and a half months in prison.

Tragic accident and manslaughter was the appropriate charge.
Thanks for proving my point in many different ways. Why did you cheer on that Horn guy and state that he was "in the right", yet you think that this guy who was defending his son and himself on HIS OWN property should be convicted of manslaughter? Then you seem to support Zimmerman who wasn't even on his own property when he shot Martin, yet you support Mr. White getting a manslaughter charge. :)

"At 11:10 p.m., a neighbor's security camera captured two cars moving toward the White's home. The Whites says they saw bright lights shining up their driveway and several angry young men shouting outside."I was paralyzed with fear," Sonia White said. "I never felt like that in my life before."

John White says he thought he and his family were in danger. "When someone wakes you up in the middle of the night you go into a defensive mode; that's what I did."

There would be many disagreements about what happened that night. What is undisputed is that John White made a fateful decision: He picked up a loaded .32-caliber pistol that had been handed down to him by his grandfather. White says he never planned on using the gun. "I wanted to repel them. I wanted them to go away."

As he exited his garage, White was followed closely by Aaron, who'd picked up one of his father's loaded shotguns. The two then walked down their driveway into what they say was a torrent of abuse and racial slurs. Dano's friends deny using racial slurs and they say their headlights faced away from the house.

The argument escalated quickly and Thomas Maloney says he got loud. "I got pissed off. Mr. White pointed the gun directly at my head and started screaming, 'Get outta here, get outta here.' And I'm looking at Aaron with my hands like, up to my side, like,''What is going on?'''

White says he argued back. "And I told them, you're not taking my son, you're not touching my family, and I turned to go back in the house."

That is when White says a horrible accident happened. He claims Dano reached for his firearm and it went off. " never meant to shoot that young man," he said.

But Dano's friends saw things differently. They say that Dano didn't reach for the gun, but slapped it away
, and that White then raised the gun again and fired at the unarmed teen. The shot — fired from just a few inches away"
What do you think should have happened to the guy who shot the kid in this case?

20/20 Exclusive: 'I Never Meant to Shoot That Young Man' - ABC News

Gov. David Paterson on Thursday commuted the sentence of a black Long Island man whose slaying of a white teenager exposed racial fault lines and provoked a debate over the line between self-defense and murder.

With just more than a week left in his governorship, Mr. Paterson freed John White, who was convicted in 2007 of second-degree manslaughter for shooting 17-year-old Daniel "Dano" Cicciaro in front of Mr. White's home in Miller Place in 2006. Mr. White was released after serving about six and a half months in prison.

Tragic accident and manslaughter was the appropriate charge.
Thanks for proving my point in many different ways. Why did you cheer on that Horn guy and state that he was "in the right", yet you think that this guy who was defending his son and himself on HIS OWN property should be convicted of manslaughter? Then you seem to support Zimmerman who wasn't even on his own property when he shot Martin, yet you support Mr. White getting a manslaughter charge. :)

"At 11:10 p.m., a neighbor's security camera captured two cars moving toward the White's home. The Whites says they saw bright lights shining up their driveway and several angry young men shouting outside."I was paralyzed with fear," Sonia White said. "I never felt like that in my life before."

John White says he thought he and his family were in danger. "When someone wakes you up in the middle of the night you go into a defensive mode; that's what I did."

There would be many disagreements about what happened that night. What is undisputed is that John White made a fateful decision: He picked up a loaded .32-caliber pistol that had been handed down to him by his grandfather. White says he never planned on using the gun. "I wanted to repel them. I wanted them to go away."

As he exited his garage, White was followed closely by Aaron, who'd picked up one of his father's loaded shotguns. The two then walked down their driveway into what they say was a torrent of abuse and racial slurs. Dano's friends deny using racial slurs and they say their headlights faced away from the house.

The argument escalated quickly and Thomas Maloney says he got loud. "I got pissed off. Mr. White pointed the gun directly at my head and started screaming, 'Get outta here, get outta here.' And I'm looking at Aaron with my hands like, up to my side, like,''What is going on?'''

White says he argued back. "And I told them, you're not taking my son, you're not touching my family, and I turned to go back in the house."

That is when White says a horrible accident happened. He claims Dano reached for his firearm and it went off. " never meant to shoot that young man," he said.

But Dano's friends saw things differently. They say that Dano didn't reach for the gun, but slapped it away
, and that White then raised the gun again and fired at the unarmed teen. The shot — fired from just a few inches away"

Horn was protecting property from thieves. White was not.

Two entirely different encounters.

I'm not supporting Zimmerman, I'm just stating the fact that he will not be prosecuted for 2nd degree murder. They should have charged him with manslaughter and they would have had a better chance at prosecuting him.
So when was it that Zimmerman "started the altercation"? I take it that you think the Captain of the Neighborhood Watch has no business asking a stranger what it is they are doing inside of a gated community?

What part of "Trayvon Martin made a decision to confront his questioner physically and was in the process of kicking his ass when he was shot" do YOU not understand?

Zimmerman broke the rules for his own neighborhood watch and HOA:
"A manual published by the association for its "USAonWatch" program makes that very clear.

"It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers and they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles," the manual states. "Members should never confront suspicious persons who could be armed and dangerous.""

"You will add your “eyes and ears” to those of the Police Department which
cannot be everywhere, all the time, by keeping a watchful eye and open ear to
what is happening in your neighborhood. You will extend their ability to provide security by reporting anything unusual or suspicious, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so they can follow up on your leads. What you will not do is get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law enforcement agency.

"10. Remember always that your responsibility is to report crime. Do not take any risks to prevent a crime or try to make an arrest. The responsibility for apprehending criminals belongs to the police department.

The rules are very explicity. The citizen neighborhood watch is to report crime or suspicious activity, and not get physically involved with any activity or apprehension of any suspicious person."

No matter which way you want to cut it, Zimmerman is and was in the wrong. He should be charged with manslaughter and or negligent homicide.

What "rule" is it that Zimmerman broke? He was was attempting to follow Martin and observe him. It's quite obvious to anyone with just a dollop of common sense who's looked at a map of the gated community and listened to the recording of Zimmerman talking to the police dispatcher that the ONLY way that a confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman takes place is if Trayvon goes back to initiate it. If he continues on to his father's girlfriend's townhouse once he's gone out of Zimmerman's sight from inside of his SUV then he's a hundred yards away by the time that Zimmerman starts back from the rear gate of the complex to meet police near where his truck was parked. Zimmerman guessed wrong about which way Martin went. HE'D LOST HIM! Zimmerman went straight...going to the back gate...Martin turned right and went down the sidewalk towards where he was staying. Zimmerman is walking BACK to his SUV when he says that Martin approaches him from behind and to the left...coming BACK up the sidewalk that leads to the townhouse he was staying in.

Zimmerman should not have exited his vehicle to pursue or follow Martin. Zimmerman, having the responsibility of owning a deadly weapon should have done his best to mitigate and chance that he could wind up in a potentially deadly or violent situation. It's "funny" that you want to try to pin the responsibility for this on Martin who was simply WALKING back to his father's girlfriend's house. How is walking suddenly "suspicious activity"???

"What you will not do is get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law enforcement agency.""
Tragic accident and manslaughter was the appropriate charge.
Thanks for proving my point in many different ways. Why did you cheer on that Horn guy and state that he was "in the right", yet you think that this guy who was defending his son and himself on HIS OWN property should be convicted of manslaughter? Then you seem to support Zimmerman who wasn't even on his own property when he shot Martin, yet you support Mr. White getting a manslaughter charge. :)

"At 11:10 p.m., a neighbor's security camera captured two cars moving toward the White's home. The Whites says they saw bright lights shining up their driveway and several angry young men shouting outside."I was paralyzed with fear," Sonia White said. "I never felt like that in my life before."

John White says he thought he and his family were in danger. "When someone wakes you up in the middle of the night you go into a defensive mode; that's what I did."

There would be many disagreements about what happened that night. What is undisputed is that John White made a fateful decision: He picked up a loaded .32-caliber pistol that had been handed down to him by his grandfather. White says he never planned on using the gun. "I wanted to repel them. I wanted them to go away."

As he exited his garage, White was followed closely by Aaron, who'd picked up one of his father's loaded shotguns. The two then walked down their driveway into what they say was a torrent of abuse and racial slurs. Dano's friends deny using racial slurs and they say their headlights faced away from the house.

The argument escalated quickly and Thomas Maloney says he got loud. "I got pissed off. Mr. White pointed the gun directly at my head and started screaming, 'Get outta here, get outta here.' And I'm looking at Aaron with my hands like, up to my side, like,''What is going on?'''

White says he argued back. "And I told them, you're not taking my son, you're not touching my family, and I turned to go back in the house."

That is when White says a horrible accident happened. He claims Dano reached for his firearm and it went off. " never meant to shoot that young man," he said.

But Dano's friends saw things differently. They say that Dano didn't reach for the gun, but slapped it away
, and that White then raised the gun again and fired at the unarmed teen. The shot — fired from just a few inches away"

Horn was protecting property from thieves. White was not.

Two entirely different encounters.

I'm not supporting Zimmerman, I'm just stating the fact that he will not be prosecuted for 2nd degree murder. They should have charged him with manslaughter and they would have had a better chance at prosecuting him.

White was protecting the physical safety of his family, the physical safety of one's family is more important than protecting "property".
As far as Zimmerman is concerned, I think that he should be charged with negligent homicide and or manslaughter and should spend a good amount of time (8 years out in 4) behind bars. No federal time or indictment, just state time.
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What "rule" is it that Zimmerman broke? He was was attempting to follow Martin and observe him. It's quite obvious to anyone with just a dollop of common sense who's looked at a map of the gated community and listened to the recording of Zimmerman talking to the police dispatcher that the ONLY way that a confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman takes place is if Trayvon goes back to initiate it. If he continues on to his father's girlfriend's townhouse once he's gone out of Zimmerman's sight from inside of his SUV then he's a hundred yards away by the time that Zimmerman starts back from the rear gate of the complex to meet police near where his truck was parked. Zimmerman guessed wrong about which way Martin went. HE'D LOST HIM! Zimmerman went straight...going to the back gate...Martin turned right and went down the sidewalk towards where he was staying. Zimmerman is walking BACK to his SUV when he says that Martin approaches him from behind and to the left...coming BACK up the sidewalk that leads to the townhouse he was staying in.

Zimmerman should not have exited his vehicle to pursue or follow Martin. Zimmerman, having the responsibility of owning a deadly weapon should have done his best to mitigate and chance that he could wind up in a potentially deadly or violent situation. It's "funny" that you want to try to pin the responsibility for this on Martin who was simply WALKING back to his father's girlfriend's house. How is walking suddenly "suspicious activity"???

"What you will not do is get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law enforcement agency.""

Why should Zimmerman not exit his vehicle?

Why should Zimmerman not follow what he believes to be a suspicious person?

Zimmerman only used the weapon as a last resort.

If your neighborhood has been burglarized a few times then any unfamilier person becomes suspect. Try to use a little common sense here.
Bottom line is that everything that happened that night was because of Zimmerman's actions. Reports say that Trayvon even tried running from the guy at some point. Who's to say that Trayvon wasn't fearing for his life? I just think that after reading what I have read, Zimmerman was going to kill someone. My personal opinion is that he should have never have gotten out of his car and he should have just followed while on the phone with 911. Cops come investigate and see it was all a big misunderstanding like all the other times he has called 911.

On April 22, 2011, Zimmerman called to report a black male about “7-9” years old, four feet tall, with a “skinny build” and short black hair. There is no indication in the police report of the reason for Zimmerman’s suspicion of the boy.

Thanks for proving my point in many different ways. Why did you cheer on that Horn guy and state that he was "in the right", yet you think that this guy who was defending his son and himself on HIS OWN property should be convicted of manslaughter? Then you seem to support Zimmerman who wasn't even on his own property when he shot Martin, yet you support Mr. White getting a manslaughter charge. :)

"At 11:10 p.m., a neighbor's security camera captured two cars moving toward the White's home. The Whites says they saw bright lights shining up their driveway and several angry young men shouting outside."I was paralyzed with fear," Sonia White said. "I never felt like that in my life before."

John White says he thought he and his family were in danger. "When someone wakes you up in the middle of the night you go into a defensive mode; that's what I did."

There would be many disagreements about what happened that night. What is undisputed is that John White made a fateful decision: He picked up a loaded .32-caliber pistol that had been handed down to him by his grandfather. White says he never planned on using the gun. "I wanted to repel them. I wanted them to go away."

As he exited his garage, White was followed closely by Aaron, who'd picked up one of his father's loaded shotguns. The two then walked down their driveway into what they say was a torrent of abuse and racial slurs. Dano's friends deny using racial slurs and they say their headlights faced away from the house.

The argument escalated quickly and Thomas Maloney says he got loud. "I got pissed off. Mr. White pointed the gun directly at my head and started screaming, 'Get outta here, get outta here.' And I'm looking at Aaron with my hands like, up to my side, like,''What is going on?'''

White says he argued back. "And I told them, you're not taking my son, you're not touching my family, and I turned to go back in the house."

That is when White says a horrible accident happened. He claims Dano reached for his firearm and it went off. " never meant to shoot that young man," he said.

But Dano's friends saw things differently. They say that Dano didn't reach for the gun, but slapped it away
, and that White then raised the gun again and fired at the unarmed teen. The shot — fired from just a few inches away"

Horn was protecting property from thieves. White was not.

Two entirely different encounters.

I'm not supporting Zimmerman, I'm just stating the fact that he will not be prosecuted for 2nd degree murder. They should have charged him with manslaughter and they would have had a better chance at prosecuting him.

White was protecting the physical safety of his family, the physical safety of one's family is more important than protecting "property".
As far as Zimmerman is concerned, I think that he should be charged with negligent homicide and or manslaughter and should spend a good amount of time (8 years out in 4) behind bars. No federal time or indictment, just state time.

White went outside with a loaded handgun when he should have called the police and then waited inside. He nor his family was in any danger until he opened the door and confronted the guys. If the men breached his door he had the right to use deadly force.

Horn was stopping two men from getting away with stolen property, the guys he shot had already broken the law. No laws were broken in White's case until he fired the fatal shot.

Under Texas law... "the Castle Doctrine" ... your home extends beyond your physical residence.

It's my opinion that Zimmerman should and mostly likely will be aquitted.
If I may cut in... This is the very reason that neighborhood watch people are encouraged NOT to carry weapons and to ONLY call police and to NEVER intervene unless absolutely necessary. None of it was needed. Why has he never followed anyone else?
If I may cut in... This is the very reason that neighborhood watch people are encouraged NOT to carry weapons and to ONLY call police and to NEVER intervene unless absolutely necessary. None of it was needed. Why has he never followed anyone else?

You don't know that he hadn't followed anyone else. He may very well have followed lots of individuals.

Why have a CCW if you don't use it?

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