UK govt loses court case. Decides to pass a law stating "a cat is a dog"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
The govt want to ship all immigrants to rwanda.

Their nonsense was challenged in the courts by immigrant charities.
It went like tis.
Lower court they won. The court accepted that rwanda was a safe country.
However the court of appeal demurred and found that it wasnt.
The govt then took it to the supreme court who agreed with the appeal court.

They stated that rwanda was not a safe country. mainly for reasons like the govt kills political opponents and the UK itself is host to many rwandan refugees fleeing Mr Kigames brutal regime.

So here we are. Tje govt is now proposing to pass a law that states rwanda is a safe country in order to by pass the courts and our whole legal system.
They are asking the law to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and conclude that a dog is a cat.
It is quite the most astonishing piece of legislation that has ever been introduced and brings the govt into great disrepute.
It is a toss up if it passes. It has split the tory party in two.
One half thinks that a tory party that ignores the law is not a tory party anyore.
The other half of the party doesnt think the law is tough enough and will give refugees room to appeal this in court.
it is unclear at this stage if the act will go through. Sunak is depending on it as his reputation is on the line,
It is the most disgraceful act of a dying party run ragged by brexit nut cases.
Why is the right so focussed on punishing people who have already suffered ?
Who can say but it means that nothing else is happening in govt while people starve and freeze to death.
It doesnt even sort out their immigration numbers. The people targetted are a tiny fraction of the overall immigration numbers. its just for show.

The govt want to ship all immigrants to rwanda.

Their nonsense was challenged in the courts by immigrant charities.
It went like tis.
Lower court they won. The court accepted that rwanda was a safe country.
However the court of appeal demurred and found that it wasnt.
The govt then took it to the supreme court who agreed with the appeal court.

They stated that rwanda was not a safe country. mainly for reasons like the govt kills political opponents and the UK itself is host to many rwandan refugees fleeing Mr Kigames brutal regime.

So here we are. Tje govt is now proposing to pass a law that states rwanda is a safe country in order to by pass the courts and our whole legal system.
They are asking the law to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and conclude that a dog is a cat.
It is quite the most astonishing piece of legislation that has ever been introduced and brings the govt into great disrepute.
It is a toss up if it passes. It has split the tory party in two.
One half thinks that a tory party that ignores the law is not a tory party anyore.
The other half of the party doesnt think the law is tough enough and will give refugees room to appeal this in court.
it is unclear at this stage if the act will go through. Sunak is depending on it as his reputation is on the line,
It is the most disgraceful act of a dying party run ragged by brexit nut cases.
Why is the right so focussed on punishing people who have already suffered ?
Who can say but it means that nothing else is happening in govt while people starve and freeze to death.
It doesnt even sort out their immigration numbers. The people targetted are a tiny fraction of the overall immigration numbers. its just for show.

If Rwanda is not a safe country than no business or.government agency should be trading or rewarding such a country. If one does, they sould face a penalty, no? We have decided to follow Chinas lead in which morality doesn't matter but then we speak from two sides of our mouths when we state it does.
If Rwanda is not a safe country than no business or.government agency should be trading or rewarding such a country. If one does, they sould face a penalty, no? We have decided to follow Chinas lead in which morality doesn't matter but then we speak from two sides of our mouths when we state it does.
The world doesnt work like that.
The govt want to ship all immigrants to rwanda.

Their nonsense was challenged in the courts by immigrant charities.
It went like tis.
Lower court they won. The court accepted that rwanda was a safe country.
However the court of appeal demurred and found that it wasnt.
The govt then took it to the supreme court who agreed with the appeal court.

They stated that rwanda was not a safe country. mainly for reasons like the govt kills political opponents and the UK itself is host to many rwandan refugees fleeing Mr Kigames brutal regime.

So here we are. Tje govt is now proposing to pass a law that states rwanda is a safe country in order to by pass the courts and our whole legal system.
They are asking the law to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and conclude that a dog is a cat.
It is quite the most astonishing piece of legislation that has ever been introduced and brings the govt into great disrepute.
It is a toss up if it passes. It has split the tory party in two.
One half thinks that a tory party that ignores the law is not a tory party anyore.
The other half of the party doesnt think the law is tough enough and will give refugees room to appeal this in court.
it is unclear at this stage if the act will go through. Sunak is depending on it as his reputation is on the line,
It is the most disgraceful act of a dying party run ragged by brexit nut cases.
Why is the right so focussed on punishing people who have already suffered ?
Who can say but it means that nothing else is happening in govt while people starve and freeze to death.
It doesnt even sort out their immigration numbers. The people targetted are a tiny fraction of the overall immigration numbers. its just for show.

Only two choices Tommy, transportation or the gallows.
The world doesnt work like that.
Right. Here is how it works then: "we want cheap labour (unless you are importing Phds and entrepreneurs) that we can import to drive down wages and break unions, using the excuse that the are in danger while at the same.time happily funding and profiting from the same human right abusers and overlords". Notice that the ONLY people who arrive out of danger are the poor laboirer and never the nuclear scieintist or mathematician? Don't their best talent experience this same risk and persecution? I am as kind hearted as anyone, but we have to support policy from a place of honesty and transparency. I'm not a union guy, but I understand what is truly going on and it isn't going to help in the competition against China.
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Only two choices Tommy, transportation or the gallows.
They have probably looked into that solution.

But they would need to repeal a host of legislation and that takes time.

Meanwhile they have given rwanda 290m and not one immigrant has landed there.

What a loss Australia and the US is to british justice.
Right. Here is how it works then: "we want cheap labour (unless you are importing Phds and entrepreneurs) that we can import to drive down wages and break unions, using the excuse that the are in danger the same.time happily funding and profiting from the same.human riht abusers and overlords". Notice that the ONLY people who arrive out of danger are the poor.laboirer and never the nuclear scieintist or mathemarician? Don't their best talent experience.this same risk and persecution? I am as kind hearted as anyone, but we have to support policy from a place of honesty and transparency. I'm not a union guy, but I understand what is truly going on and it isn't going to help in the competition against China.
You assume that our govt is in control. That is not the case.
Your government is in control. Like too many, it can be for sale.
No, seriously. Brexit was about stopping us being invaded by darkies.
Taking back control.
Since then immigration has gone up.
Their nonsense doesnt work in the real world.Iimmmigration is a necessary part of any economy.
Especially one that has been wrecked by conservative policies.
No, seriously. Brexit was about stopping us being invaded by darkies.
Taking back control.
Since then immigration has gone up.
Their nonsense doesnt work in the real world.Iimmmigration is a necessary part of any economy.
Especially one that has been wrecked by conservative policies.
Immigration of what kind though and to fullfill what jobs? An unskilled labourer has far less value in the U.K when you don't manufacture anything. Outside of London transferring money around, Englands economy is in deep trouble. In the early 1900s, America had hardworking skilled labourers from Italy, Ireland and the like who came and fullfilled jobs that were in demand. England used to do the same but using primarily local labour. Now, unskilled labour, as so many experts told us when they advised such people to learn to code since machines were taking these jobs: is not of great value, it is often a burden on populations today while housing prices skyrocket due to lack
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No, seriously. Brexit was about stopping us being invaded by darkies.
Taking back control.
Since then immigration has gone up.
Their nonsense doesnt work in the real world.Iimmmigration is a necessary part of any economy.
Especially one that has been wrecked by conservative policies.
Its your country so do whatever you want

But be careful what you wish for

More Darkies in need of welfare may not be in the UK’s best interests
Immigration of what kind though and to fullfill what jobs? An unskilled labourer has far less value in the U.K when you don't manufacture anything. Outside of London tranferring money around, Englands economy is in deep trouble. In the early 1900s, America had hard.working skilled labourers from Italy, Ireland and the like who came and fullfilled jobs that were in demand. Sngland used to do the same but using primarily local labour. Now, unskilled labour, as so many experts told us when they advised such people to learn to code since machines were taking these jobs: is not of great value, it is often a burden on populations today while housing prices skyrocket due to lack
it doesnt matter what job.britain doesnt pay enough to get people to do the jobs.
But it is attractive to folk from the Phillipines or Zimbabwe,
Its a conservative failure.
it doesnt matter what job.britain doesnt pay enough to get people to do the jobs.
But it is attractive to folk from the Phillipines or Zimbabwe,
Its a conservative failure.
You see, this is where so many fail in their understanding. "Don't pay enough" is all relative. The value is only based on its purchasing power and with housing eating up so much it makes it difficult. The irony is that adding millions of new citizens makes housing a very scarce commodity and thus prices go up significantly. Allow less people in, increase the supply, decrease costs and people can live comfortably on the EXACT same wage.
Its your country so do whatever you want

But be careful what you wish for

More Darkies in need of welfare may not be in the UK’s best interests
We have had 14 years of conservative govt doing what they want and our economy is in the shitter.
It goes like this.
Cut funding for healthcare,
Lower wages and less staff.
Run it down to create a national emergency.
Try and recruit staff on low wages.
Recruit from overseas.
Find that tory voters dont like so many darkies.
Send them to rwanda.
Leave the health service in a mess for socialists to recover.
As it ever was.
You see, this is where so many fail in their understanding. "Don't pay enough" is all relative. The value is only based on its purchasing power and with housing eating up so much it makes it difficult. The irony is that adding millions of new citizens makes housing a very scarce commodity and thus prices go up significantly. Allow less people in, increase the supply, decrease costs and people can live comfortably on the EXACT same wage.
Housing is another tory failure. It isnt the only thing that is expensive. Everything is broken in tory britain.
We have had 14 years of conservative govt doing what they want and our economy is in the shitter.
It goes like this.
Cut funding for healthcare,
Lower wages and less staff.
Run it down to create a national emergency.
Try and recruit staff on low wages.
Recruit from overseas.
Find that tory voters dont like so many darkies.
Send them to rwanda.
Leave the health service in a mess for socialists to recover.
As it ever was.
As a reformed lifelong anglophile I can only shake my head and remind myself that its your country not mine

The sun has definitely set on the British Empire and its not a pretty sight
The people in question have no legal right to park their lazy asses in England, under international law, or under English law (I suspect). The only question is where (the hell) to send them. Under international law, the first non-dangerous country that they entered after leaving their home shit-hole country was required to accept them and give them sanctuary. But those people didn't want to stay in Turkey or Italy, or Croatia; they wanted to avail themselves of England's generous Safety Net. So they crossed into England illegally.

If you are a Leftist, you probably pay little or nothing in taxes, so you say, "What the hell, let them stay in England. No sweat off my ass." But if you are an English taxpayer, or a responsible English politician, you seek a solution to the problem that was created for you. Rwanda? Maybe. But that's not important. Just SOMEPLACE ELSE!

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