UK: "We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Muscovite war machine to work!" Do our MAGA CREW AGREE?

Do our MAGA CREW AGREE WITH British Foreign Secretary Cameron?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Russia will not agree to any cease fire that puts NATO on its doorstep. Russia is quite prepared to do whatever is necessary to achieve that end.

Personally, I really don't care who wins. Although I do doubt your claims from time to time.
Russia will not agree to any cease fire that puts NATO on its doorstep.
Moscow empire is a paper tiger


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Sounds like a typical day in the world of socialism.
"Let us begin with this evident fact: 🇷🇺 Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501

In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "

Your history is unreal. For example, the war in the east makes up 90 % of the European war theater during WWII.
And while several wars were not successful, like Vietnam or Afghanistan for the USA, they do not include an American defeat.
That means you are completely out of touch with reality. We can see you driveling about a Russian capitulation these days.
I heard, the encircled 🇷🇺 🐷🇸🇦soldiers demanded Ukraine to transfer Kyiv to them as a pre-condition to negotiations about Moscow's retreat from Vovchansk. is this information correct ?

Violating sanctions is an international sport.

all Violators must pay the full price for it. do we agree on this ?

Bulgarian saying "no matter how much you turn around your ass always will be on your back side". The same applies to despotic tsar Putin. No matter how many changes he makes his system will never work.

Let's reach an understanding. I don't think you have an understanding of where I'm coming from. I have no interest in the war except as an amused observer.

I object to the billions of dollars we give Ukraine because it is used to Prop up the Ukrainian economy. It's become a form of international welfare.

Putin is a better and more effective leader than any democrat we have and a better person than many of them.

Putin will use nuclear weapons to keep NATO off his border. I don't blame him.

I hope this gives a better understanding.
UK: "We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Muscovite war machine to work!"

Yes. Seems to me there should be more explicit emphasis that US-UK-EU support for Ukraine is a national security issue, not a “foreign aid” issue.

STILL, QUESTION : Do our MAGA CREW AGREE WITH British Foreign Secretary Cameron?

The support for the Ukraine is not that they deserve the support so much as philosophical and sense of justice of a huge corrupt country attacking a much smaller and weaker one however corrupt the smaller country is. (At the time of the Russian invasion, Russia was rated the most corrupt country in Europe and the Ukraine was No. 2.)

National security is also a concern because if Russia can attack the Ukraine with impunity, will it stop there or continue to try to re-establish most or all of the former U.S.S.R.?

But. . .

Britain, the U.S., probably most if not all U.K. countries have staffed embassies in Moscow as we speak. Few, if any, have mutual protection treaties with the Ukraine. Is saving the Ukraine worth going to war against Russia with the probability that China and North Korea might throw in with Russia and voila! WW III is launched. Nobody, not even the U.S. has any stomach for that.

There may be no winning solution to be had here. The only glimmer of hope is if the Ukraine can hold on until Trump is back in the White House but that is more than a very long six months from now.
Let's reach an understanding. I don't think you have an understanding of where I'm coming from. I have no interest in the war except as an amused observer.

I object to the billions of dollars we give Ukraine because it is used to Prop up the Ukrainian economy. It's become a form of international welfare.

Putin is a better and more effective leader than any democrat we have and a better person than many of them.

Putin will use nuclear weapons to keep NATO off his border. I don't blame him.

I hope this gives a better understanding.
you are not complicated , a typical MAGA - commie- syndicalist- any other marginalized - radical voter vs. normal people

Russia with the probability that China and North Korea might throw in with Russia

commie Han-China’s claims to Moscow’s Far East (Outer Manchuria) are fact-based and indisputable. The thoughts of Chinese imperialists are focused on a particular Siberian city (Vladivostok) —one famous for its sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy.
with friends like these who needs enemies? China take advantage of Mongol- Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

The future Han- Muscovite wars will be around water resources and the reclaiming of Manchuria to settle an unequal treaty.
China has ALREADY declared part of Mongol - Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

commie Han-China’s claims to Moscow’s Far East (Outer Manchuria) are fact-based and indisputable. The thoughts of Chinese imperialists are focused on a particular Siberian city (Vladivostok) —one famous for its sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy.
with friends like these who needs enemies? China take advantage of Mongol- Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

The future Han- Muscovite wars will be around water resources and the reclaiming of Manchuria to settle an unequal treaty.
China has ALREADY declared part of Mongol - Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

Just another bargaining chip for Putin to use to entice China's military might to his side should it be needed.
Just another bargaining chip for Putin to use to entice China's military might to his side should it be needed.
in exchange for Outer Manchuria or the entire Siberia ?
The China-US relationship is “the most important bilateral relationship in the world,” Xi told Biden in an opening speech.




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